There were many generals under Yuan Shu's command, and Ji Ling was ranked first.

Ji Ling was an Darkya and had joined the army at the age of fifteen. When he was in his twenties, he went to Mt. Tai and became the instructor of the archers of Mt.

During the time when the yellow cloth was in a mess, Ji Ling had managed to put Yuan Shu under his control. In one of the big battles, Yuan Shu was heavily surrounded by the yellow-robed army, and just as Yuan Shu was about to commit suicide, Ji Ling brought over a hundred cavalrymen with him, and swept all the defenders, successfully saving Yuan Shu. After that, Yuan Shu had a lot of respect for Ji Ling, and would try to rope him in as much as possible. Ji Ling deeply felt that it was a good idea, and so he led his men to join Yuan Shu, loyal to him for many years.

Lv Bu was still hoping for a fluke, but when he saw Ji Ling rushing over, he anxiously shouted: "General Ji Ling, is there any misunderstanding?"

Ji Ling laughed: "There's no misunderstanding! I am here today specifically to take Wen Hou's head! "

Lv Bu sighed secretly, and shouted angrily: "Yuetao is so treacherous, aren't you afraid of the world laughing at you?"

Ji Ling's smile froze and his expression turned slightly awkward. His clan lord had brazenly reneged on the alliance with the Youzhou because of the empty promise Liu Xuande had made, and had even led a huge army to prepare to go to the Qinghe County to battle with the Gongsun Xu father and son. This kind of behavior was extremely illogical. As a loyal person, he disagreed with Yuan Shu's decision. Therefore, when faced with Lv Bu's question, he could not even open his mouth to refute.

Seeing Ji Ling's change in expression, Lv Bu immediately continued to shout, "Ji Ling, Road Yuan is short-sighted, and has listened to Liu Xuande's flowery words, willing to be a disloyal and petty person. As his subordinate, you don't have to painstakingly advise, but instead help the evil to oppress them, don't you feel ashamed?"

"I will only obey orders, as for the other matters, they are not for my consideration! Lv Bu, don't even think of putting on a show, take this! " Ji Ling did not want to argue with Lv Bu, so he raised his blade and rushed over.

Zhang Liao said in a low voice: "Feng Xian, I will fight against Ji Ling, quickly lead the troops and break out of the encirclement!"

Lv Bu shook his head, and said solemnly: "You and I are brothers, how can I abandon Wen Yuan and flee on my own? Moreover, the enemy is hundreds of times stronger than us, it would be easier to break out of the encirclement, so it would be better to just kill them on the spot and wait for Gong Tai's rescue! Wen Yuan, you go deal with Ringeye Man, I'll take care of Ji Ling! "

Zhang Liao laughed bitterly, it was just as Lv Bu said, even if he could stop Ji Ling, it would be difficult for Lv Bu to rush out of the encirclement of tens of thousands of people! If that was the case, then it would be better to just fight to their heart's content. If they could kill Zhang Fei or Ji Ling, the enemies would definitely fall into chaos, and at that time, they might even have a chance to escape. Thus, he agreed and turned his horse to face Zhang Fei.

Lv Bu raised the reins lightly and urged the red rabbit horse to run forward.

In the blink of an eye, Ji Ling had already rushed in front of him.

Lv Bu wanted to test Ji Ling's strength, so he did not dodge and raised his halberd to block. Bang!

The three-pointed, two-edged blade in Ji Ling's hand was made entirely out of Damascus Steel and weighed sixty-five kilograms. Lv Bu's ancient halberd was made of fine iron and weighed over ninety kilograms. As the two heavy weapons clashed together, the sound of metal clashing rang out throughout the arena, causing the ears of the people nearby to buzz incessantly.

"Good strength!" When he passed by her, Lv Bu praised her.

Ji Ling solemnly did not answer. Although the blow just now seemed to have been evenly matched, he knew very well that his strength was actually inferior to Lv Bu's. He had chopped down with all his strength, yet Lv Bu had casually blocked. He was secretly surprised, no wonder Lv Bu was known as the number one valiant general in the world, in terms of strength, it was extremely rare for anyone to win against Lv Bu in this world.

The two of them dashed a dozen steps before turning their horses around and charging at each other.

Lv Bu had already figured out Ji Ling's strength, and no longer tried to test him out, but once the two sides got close, he attacked first, thrusting his halberd straight towards Ji Ling's chest.

Ji Ling did not dare to be negligent, and quickly brandished his blade to block this move.

Lv Bu retracted his hand, and thrusted the small halberd of the ancient halberd towards Ji Ling's throat. The small halberd's sharpness was comparable to a blade, if it was struck by it, Ji Ling would definitely die on the spot.

This move was extremely hidden and sudden. Fortunately, Ji Ling was fully focused, and with a flash, the small halberd brushed past the helmet on the back of his head and almost knocked it off the ground. Ji Ling was so frightened that he broke out in cold sweat. Just as he sat up, he saw that the heavenly halberd was flying towards his chest again.

As Lv Bu and Ji Ling were fighting, Lv Bu gained the upper hand. However, he was unable to defeat his opponent in just three moves and two moves, so he could only look for a chance to kill his opponent.

On the other side, Zhang Liao and Zhang Fei also rushed towards each other. The two of them had fought yesterday, and Zhang Fei had suffered a huge loss, but now that his enemies had met again, and the situation was reversed from last night, Zhang Fei's morale was boosted, and he reported his confidence in winning so he quickly attacked Zhang Liao.

Liu Bei watched the battle from the back on his horse with a relaxed expression, feeling extremely proud of himself. In fact, when he found out that Cao Cao Cao was miserably defeated by Henei County, he sent people to secretly interact with Yuan Shu, not only did he promise to make huge profits, he also repeatedly announced Gongsun Zan's threat to him, saying that if the Jizhou were to fall into Gongsun Zan's hands, the Xuzhou would be disgraced, and once Gongsun Zan was free, he would definitely send troops to the Huainan, not taking into account the alliance cloud.

Furthermore, he was indeed extremely afraid of Gongsun Zan, as he was afraid that what Liu Bei had said would become reality. Thus, ignoring his advisor Yan Xiang's persuasion, he secretly made a pact with Liu Bei and agreed to lead the army to the north at the right time, together with the Xuzhou Army to rescue his brother Yuan Shao, who he hated the most.

When Liu Bei found out that Gongsun Xu had arrived at Xiao Pei, he felt that the time was ripe, so he sent people to discuss the situation with Yuan Shu and set a 'kill Lv Fengxian first, then capture Gongsun Xu' plan. Now that the situation had settled down, Liu Bei's tensed heart was finally at ease. After was killed, the huge army of tens of thousands would rush to Xiao Pei, and even if Guan Yu lost, he would not be able to escape.

Chen Deng spurred his horse to follow behind Liu Bei, and watched the battle that was about to end, but he did not have much joy in it. He kept calculating in his heart how he would express it to Liu Bei when he returned to the Xuzhou, in order to regain his lost trust.

Liu Bei suddenly asked: "Yuanlong, you and Chen Gongtai have some friendship, do you think it's possible to persuade him to join us?"

Chen Gong was very famous, was extremely talented, and was a top tier strategist. Liu Bei lacked this kind of person, so he wanted to persuade Chen Gong to surrender.

Chen Deng said in a deep voice, "Reporting to my lord, this subordinate does indeed have some friendship with Chen Gongtai, but I also thought that would be the case, this subordinate will probably not be able to persuade him to come and seek refuge with my lord," after saying this, Chen Deng's expression became slightly ugly, and hurriedly tried to defend himself: "It's not that this subordinate does not want to help my lord relieve his worries, but I believe my lord has also heard about the matters regarding Chen Gongtai and Chen Gongtai, right?"

Chen Deng was talking about the matter of Cao Cao Cao and Chen Gong accidentally killing Lu Bo Hao's family when they were escaping. With the rise of Cao Cao, this matter had spread far and wide. Even many people from the Xuzhou had heard of this matter.

Liu Bei frowned, he was a loyal man, he admired these kinds of people, but unfortunately, once this kind of person defends themselves to someone, unless it was something like Cao Cao Cao that he cannot tolerate, it was impossible to turn back and leave. However, Liu Bei still held onto a glimmer of hope, and decided to personally persuade Chen Gong after capturing him. After all, his reputation was pretty good after taking control of the Xuzhou, and he could use this point to try and move Chen Gong.

Chen Gong, who was being thought of by Liu Bei, was extremely anxious at the moment. He continuously urged Bingzhou Army to move faster, and he had just received news that Lv Bu was surrounded by a large group of people. Just a short rest just now, he had only recovered less than 30% of his strength. At this moment, he felt that he didn't have enough strength left, and was unable to run at all.

Cao Xing was also extremely anxious. He looked at the exhausted soldiers around him and cupped his fists towards Chen Gong: "Mr. Gong Tai, there are still more than two hundred cavalrymen here. I want to lead them first.

What could two hundred people do? Chen Gong was about to reject them, but he quickly changed his mind. Cao Xing might not be able to bring these people along, but it was a huge comfort to Lv Bu and the others, letting them know that reinforcements would arrive soon. He nodded and said, "That's good! General Cao, bring these two hundred cavalrymen to reinforce them as soon as possible. "

Cao Xing happily agreed, then led the remaining two hundred and thirty odd riders to leave the large group and rushed forward.

Chen Gong urged everyone on as they travelled, and at the same time, sighed to himself: "Yuan Shu, oh Yuan Shu, have you lost your mind? You actually abandoned the alliance with the Youzhou, and Liu Bei became your ally? Don't you know that this is a game? Furthermore, even if our master is defeated, how can you all defeat Ji Houfuzi? "

"Kill!" "Kill!" A sudden shout from behind interrupted Chen Gong's train of thought. He raised his head and his expression immediately changed as he saw the black mass of Huainan Army swarming over, and the one leading the charge with the word "Yuan" was Yuan Shu.

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