How could it be Yuan Shu? How could it be Yuan Shu? Chen Gong stared dumbstruck at the figure dressed in a black embroidered robe under the big group. The shock in his heart was incomparable, to the point that he had actually forgotten to give the order to meet the enemy. Only when Yuan Shu's men were within two hundred steps did he give the order to form a formation to defend against the enemy.

Just then, Yuan Shu raised his hand to stop the procession, and under the escort of a large group of people, he walked a hundred steps behind Chen Gong, and made a gesture to the people beside him.

Noticing that no one was responding, the guard raised his voice and shouted again.

Chen Gong reached out and grabbed onto the sword hilt. Yuan Shu's men were many times stronger than theirs, and they were also very tired. They would drag it out for a while if they could, in order to help the soldiers recover a bit more. Thinking about it, he turned his horse and walked back, preparing to fight with Yuan Shu like a snake.

Seeing that no one replied, Yuan Shu's hand that was stroking his beard trembled, his expression immediately became displeased. He had always been proud of himself and believed that the other party had already been surrounded. As long as he declared his name, it was very likely that he would be able to persuade them to surrender.

'An idiot who doesn't know how to appreciate favors! ' He cursed in his heart as he pulled out his sword to give the order to attack. At this moment, a person on a horse leapt out of the crowd. Following which, a familiar voice could be heard.

"Gong Luxiong, how have you been?"

Yuan Shu was Lv Bu's number one strategist, so Lv Bu should already be lured into the ambush, so it was natural for Chen Gong to command the rest of the Bingzhou Army. Previously, when they were in Luoyang, Chen Gong and Yuan Shu had a bit of a friendship, but after Chen Gong followed Cao Cao Cao to escape, the two of them had never met again.

"Not bad!" In response to Chen Gong's greetings, Yuan Shu casually said, and said in a clear voice: "Brother Gong Tai, you and I are already old friends, I will tell you the truth. This time, I have brought seventy percent of my troops, and Ji Ling has already brought thirty thousand of his elite soldiers to surround and kill Lv Fengxian. Gong Tai should understand very clearly that if you want to break out of the encirclement and rescue Lv Fengxian, you have to first defeat this twenty thousand man team. As the saying goes, a wise man knows his place, Brother Gong Tai will take the lead and come over, I guarantee that I will not treat you unfairly! "

Chen Gong patiently listened to what Yuan Shu had said and immediately became shocked. According to Yuan Shu's temperament, the words he just said should not be a lie, which meant that there were more than 40,000 people surrounding Lv Bu and the more than 500 riders leading him! Not to mention whether or not he could lead his people and break through Yuan Shu's encirclement, even if he could kill his way out, saving Lv Bu from the encirclement of forty to fifty thousand people was easier said than done!

Yuan Shu saw Chen Gong lowering his head and muttering, and thought that he was pondering over his suggestion, and immediately laughed: "Brother Gong Tai, I will give you a hundred breaths of time to consider it carefully! After a hundred breaths, if Gong Tai persists in doing so, I will give the order to attack! "

Chen Gong sighed: "Why is Gong Luxiong being so overbearing? I have some trusted aides in the army, and I want to discuss this before making a decision with them. Could it be that Gong Luxiong can't even afford to waste this little bit of time? "

Yuan Shu laughed: "Since Brother Gong Tai has spoken, how can I not agree? Brother Gong Tai, I will give you the time of an incense stick to persuade the others! Men, light the incense! " He was confident in his victory, and never expected that Chen Gong would lie to him.

Immediately, one of the guards retrieved an incense stick from his backpack, lit it up, and held it in his hand.

Chen Gong cupped his hands towards Yuan Shu, turned his horse, and walked back into the crowd.

Yuan Shu laughed proudly, he turned and said to Chen Lan: "General Chen, if Chen Gongtai gives the order to surrender later, you bring people to take their weapons, don't leave them with one blade and one sword!"

"Here!" Chen Lan happily cupped his fists and responded, his expression a little eager, he obviously wanted to retrieve his weapons and gold and silver items, this was a good job.

Yuan Shu thought to himself: "Although Chen Gongtai is outstanding in terms of strategy, he is too serious and honest. It is said that Lv Bu, who is always under pressure, will definitely make me angry if he stays by my side.

Just as Yuan Shu thought that, intense sounds of fighting suddenly came from in front of him. He hastily raised his head to look, only to see that Bingzhou Army was already breaking out of the encirclement, his own men were doing their utmost to resist. He immediately felt his face heating up, as if Chen Gong had ruthlessly slapped him.

Chen Lan opened his eyes wide as he looked at Chen Gong who was trying to break out of the encirclement. He was not worried about Chen Gong's life or death, he was only secretly regretting that his chance of making a huge fortune was gone just like that.

"Chen Lan!" Yuan Shu had already reacted and called out to Chen Lan.

Chen Lan cupped his fists: "I am here!"

Yuan Shu pointed forward with a dark face and said angrily: "Bringing a thousand cavalrymen and bringing Chen Gongtai back alive, I want to let him know one thing, the people who are messing with me will not have a good ending!"

Chen Lan nodded in agreement before charging towards Chen Gong with his thousand cavalrymen.

At this moment, Chen Gong and more than ten thousand Bingzhou Army soldiers were surrounded in the middle. There were enemy troops blocking the way from the front and back, and unfortunately, the Bingzhou Army s were somewhat lacking in stamina, so Chen Gong knew it was impossible to break out completely. He left a group of people behind to block Yuan Shu, while he himself led his men to rush forward to kill, in an attempt to escape from this place before Yuan Shu could surround and attack him.

Chen Gong was famous for his stratagem, but his techniques were not bad. Although he could not compare to people like Gongsun Xu and Guan Yu, but he could still be considered a third rate expert. Under his lead, the Bingzhou Army disciples who were charging at the front quickly tore a hole in the encirclement.

Seeing that, Yuan Shu snorted, the veins on his right hand that was holding onto the sword bulged, he wished that he could personally go and capture Chen Gong alive.

After Chen Gong rushed out, he did not immediately leave, but brought his men to fight back and forth near the gap. This caused the gap in the encirclement to become larger and larger, and the large group of Bingzhou Army soldiers easily killed their way out.

Chen Gong raised his head to look, only to see that Chen Lan had already led a group of cavalry soldiers to a hundred steps away, and did not dare to delay any further, leaving a thousand people behind, and brought the rest to rush forward.

Seeing that Chen Gong had broken through the encirclement, he became anxious, and could not deal with the people left behind, instead, he brought his group to avoid them, and rushed towards Chen Gong who was in front.

Seeing Chen Lan leading his troops to chase them, the guards of Chen Gong immediately reported loudly: "Mr. Gong Tai, the enemy troops are chasing us!"

Chen Gong turned around and looked, and shook his head in disappointment. He had originally hoped that the thousand men would be able to block the pursuers, but he never expected that the other party would actually come around from the back. If they were being chased by the enemy, it would not be that easy to escape. He gritted his teeth and sent another seven to eight hundred people to stop Chen Lan as he continued to rush forward without stopping.

Chen Lan quickly caught up. Seeing that Chen Gong was already 300 to 400 steps away, he couldn't help but become anxious, and took the lead as he rushed towards the Bingzhou Army soldiers behind him. This group of people that cut off the rear was too few, and facing the cavalry army once again, they were quickly defeated by Chen Lan and his men. The four to five hundred survivors turned around and chased after the large group.

"Lv Bu's men are nothing more than that!" Chen Lan laughed proudly, raised his spear and shouted loudly: "Brothers, follow me, I, the general, will rush over and capture Chen Gong, the lord will heavily reward you!"

The Huainan Army's cavalry shouted in unison as they lined up in a wedge shaped formation and followed Chen Lan. Yuan Shu's horses were more than 80% from Gongsun Zan, and most of the cavalry was trained by Gongsun Zan's men, although it was not as good as White Horse Camp, but the difference was not too big. The thousand man cavalry following Chen Lan straight into the crowd of Bingzhou Army, like a sharp blade rushing forward, the soldiers of Bingzhou Army fought back with all their might, but with little effect, they were pushed down by Chen Lan and his men.

When Chen Gong heard the sounds of battle coming from behind him, he hurriedly turned his head to look and was immediately shocked. He originally thought that Yuan Shu's cavalry troops were nothing more than trash, but he never thought that they were actually so strong.

"Mr. Gong Tai, what should we do?" a guard beside him asked anxiously.

"We can only continue to split up and defend!" Another thousand will be sent to block the enemy! " Chen Gong helplessly shook his head, if he had a cavalry army as strong as the White Horse Camp, why would he need to fear a mere Chen Lan? He clearly knew that splitting up the troops to resist the enemy was akin to drinking poison to quench his thirst, but he had no other choice for now. He only hoped that the troops behind him would be able to resist for a while longer, and give him enough time to catch up to Lv Bu who was in front.

Chen Lan's troops were in high spirits, after being cut off for the third time, they were still the same as before, having already defeated their opponents after two Charge, and continued to chase after Chen Gong.

Chen Gong's face sank. If he was not in a rush to rescue Lv Bu, he would have calmed down and arranged the troops in formation so that he could have a good fight with the Chen Lan who had chased him over.

"Mr. Gong Tai, the enemy has caught up!" At this time, the guards on the side reported back anxiously for the second time.

Chen Gong looked around, only to see that everyone's faces were filled with exhaustion and fear, if they were to continue splitting up the troops, they would probably die for nothing. He gritted his teeth and decided to personally lead the team to cut off the rear guard. This way, he could quickly boost the morale and give the others enough time.

Just as Chen Gong was about to give his order, the sound of galloping horses came from ahead. Soon after, they saw Cao Xing leading more than a hundred cavalrymen, rushing back, and upon seeing Chen Gong, they shouted loudly: "Don't panic, Mr. Gong Tai!

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