At noon, Gao Shun rushed into Gongsun Xu's residence. When he entered the backyard, he was blocked by Hou Yong.

"My family's general is in the living room, I invite General Gao over to meet him."

Gao Shun followed Hou Yong across the courtyard and arrived at the entrance of the small living room. The door was opened, and Gongsun Xu was deep in thought while looking at a map on the wall.

"Reporting to General, General Gao is here." Hou Yong walked to the door and bowed as he reported.

"The General Gao is here? "Please come in!" Gongsun Xu turned his head and waved Gao Shun over.

Gao Shun replied as he walked in quickly and cupped his fists as he bowed to Gongsun Xu.

"General Gao, no need to be so courteous!" Gongsun Xu waved his hand and asked: "Is there an emergency?"

"That's right!" Gao Shun nodded his head, and said respectfully: "Guan Yu has sent many people to cut down the trees on the spot, they seem to be preparing to use them as siege equipment."

"Could it be that Guan Yu is preparing to attack? This is impossible! " Gongsun Xu's forces were not strong enough to attack the city, and he had led the White Horse Camp's cavalry army to attack the city, causing the morale of the Xuzhou Army to be extremely low. Logically speaking, under these circumstances, Guan Yu's best option would be to continue besieging the city gates, waiting for the final result of Liu Bei and his side, before making further plans. How could Guan Yu do the opposite?

Gao Shun agreed: "This general thinks so too, but the Xuzhou Army outside the city is indeed cutting down the trees, other than making siege equipment, I can't think of any other reason!"

"This matter is a little strange. I'll go up to the city and take a look later." Gongsun Xu changed the topic, pointed to a certain point on the map, and said: "General Gao, come look here!"

"Isn't this the lower zero?" "What is the general thinking?" Gao Shun looked at the place Gongsun Xu pointed to, and was extremely confused.

"When I came to the Xiao Pei, I passed by there while pointing southeast on the map, and it fell on a black dot," Gongsun Xu said as he pointed at the map, "There was an abandoned castle here called the Eagle's Castle. It was said that the Overlord's Xiang Yu had built it back then, and when I curiously looked inside, although the outside was dilapidated, it was mostly intact inside, and the city wall was also very sturdy, making it easy to defend and hard to attack. That castle is now less than fifty kilometers away from the Xiao Pei, so there is no news of Feng Xianxiong at all. To be safe, I want to send Ling'er and my wife over there first.

When Gao Shun heard this, his face greatly changed. He asked with a trembling voice, "Could it be that General has determined that Master has met with an accident?"

"That's not the case!" Gongsun Xu shook his head, and said respectfully: "This one is only preparing for a rainy day! Feng Xianxiong was incomparably brave and fierce, with General Zhang Liao and Mr. Chen Gong assisting from the side, even if he fell into Liu Xuande's trap, it shouldn't be a problem for him to break out of the encirclement! If Feng Xianxiong truly returns after being defeated, we will definitely abandon the city and escape from the encirclement. If we do not send Feng Xianxiong's family members away in advance, wouldn't it be painful of us if something were to happen to them? "

Gao Shun slowly nodded his head, accepting Gongsun Xu's explanation. In fact, he thought that even if Lv Bu fell into the trap, he would definitely be able to kill his way back, but he did not think that he, xianzhen camp and Gongsun Xu, together with their one thousand riders, would not even have the ability to fight their way out of the encirclement.

Gongsun Xu bent his finger, and knocked on the map on the position of the Eagle's Castle, and said in a low voice: "If there is still no news of Feng Xianxiong at dusk, I will lead my subordinate cavalry to escort Feng Xianxiong's family members to the Eagle's Castle, and then I will rush back overnight. What is General Gao's opinion? "

Gao Shun cupped his fists and said solemnly: "I will rely on General to make the decision!" No matter what, Gongsun Xu was doing this for the safety of Lv Bu's family. Although he did not agree with it, he had no reason to oppose it.

Gongsun Xu secretly heaved a sigh of relief. He originally thought that he would need to talk a lot to convince Gao Shun, he did not expect the other party to be so reasonable and understanding, and smiled: "Since that's the case, then this matter is settled. General Gao, please go and patrol the city walls first.

"Here!" Gao Shun cupped his fists, and turned to walk out the door.

"Hold on!" Gongsun Xu suddenly called out to Gao Shun, and laughed: "General Gao doesn't need to mind the Xuzhou Army outside the city too much, I judge that they are just bluffing! If the general can't stay idle, he might as well go and prepare for the retreat. "

"We obey the general's orders!" Gao Shun nodded in agreement. Seeing that Gongsun Xu had no other orders, he walked out of the room with big steps.

"Someone, come!" Gongsun Xu shouted towards the outside.

"What is the general's command?" A guard walked to the door, bowed and asked.

"Go inform Feng Xianxiong's family, tell them that I want to pay them a visit."


A moment later, Gongsun Xu who was wearing a helmet and armor appeared in the back garden of Xiao Pei's magistrate court. Yan Shi did not know why he did not appear, but Lv Linger still followed behind him. However, when they saw Gongsun Xu again, they became a lot more intimate, and grabbed onto Gongsun Xu's hands as they begged to take her to play. However, scolded her a few times, and with teary eyes, she accompanied the maid to play by the side, but her intelligent eyes continued to stare at.

"General, please take a seat. I will have someone to serve you tea!" Diao Chan glared at Lv Linger and pointed to the stone bench, inviting Gongsun Xu to sit.

"No need!" Gongsun Xu smiled and shook his head, "I have something that I need to talk to my wife about, after I finish speaking, I will leave."

Diao Chan nodded, and no longer forced Gongsun Xu to take a seat, and softly said: "General, please speak."

Gongsun Xu lowered his voice and repeated what he had just said to Gao Shun.

Diao Chan listened quietly without interrupting. After she finished listening, she bowed and greeted, "When Husband left, he had instructed Big Sister (he was referring to Lv Bu, the husband of Lv Bu) and me to not interfere in any things in the city. If anything happens, we will just listen to the general's arrangements! So the General just let it go, and we don't have the slightest dissatisfaction. "

"Sister-in-law is reasonable and understanding, I am extremely impressed!" Gongsun Xu praised sincerely, and said in a deep voice: "Since that's the case, I hope that Sister-in-law can secretly pack up the things that I need to take with me. If there is no news of Feng Xianxiong at dusk, I will send the two Sister-in-Law and Ling'er to Eagle's Castle."

Diao Chan nodded: "Alright! "The general will only do his own thing, I will explain this matter to my sister."

"Thank you, sister-in-law!" Gongsun Xu cupped his fist and bowed, walking in front of Lv Linger, laughing and teasing him, then promising that he would definitely bring her out to play. Only then did he turn around and leave Xiao Pei County.

After Gongsun Xu left, Yan Shi came out from the back of the crescent gate. He walked in front of Diao Chan and asked anxiously, "Little sister, did something happen to Husband?"

Diao Chan endured the anxiety in his heart, smiled and advised: "Elder sister is overthinking, my husband is brave and invincible, how can anything happen to him? He only wanted to prepare for a rainy day. If anything really happened to his husband, the General Gao would definitely come to report! "Therefore, big sister need not worry, Darling will definitely return!"

Even though Lv Linger didn't know what had happened, seeing that his mother and aunt were both serious, and no longer joking around, he walked over and pulled at the corner of Yan Shi's clothes.

"I hope so." Yan Shi patted Lv Linger's head and sighed softly.

"It will definitely be like this!" Diao Chan forced out a smile and said softly: "Elder sister, take Ling'er to play in the garden, I'll go make some preparations."

"Thank you, little sister!" Yan Shi gratefully nodded his head and pulled Lv Linger towards the center of the garden.

Usually, Lv Linger would refuse to play with his mother, but she was extremely intelligent. Even though she didn't understand what was going on, she knew that the adults were all in a bad mood, so she honestly held her hand and didn't follow Diao Chan like she used to.

When Diao Chan walked into the Inner Palace, he raised his head and looked at the sky in the southeast direction. His face revealed a deep worry, and after that, he clasped his hands together and started to pray.

After Gongsun Xu left the Xiao Pei County Magistrate's residence, he brought Hou Yong and the others to the southern part of the city. Because Guan Yu was stationed outside the southern part of the city, if Guan Yu made any movements, they would most likely start attacking from the southern part of the city.

When Gongsun Xu and his group reached near the city gate, Gao Shun who was at the top of the city gates noticed their arrival and anxiously went to the stairs to welcome them.

Gongsun Xu quickly walked up the stairs and waved his hand to stop Gao Shun from bowing. He asked in a deep voice: "Has there been any change in the situation?"

Gao Shun shook his head: "There are no changes, Xuzhou Army is still cutting down the trees!"

Gongsun Xu walked to the side of the city wall and looked outside while holding onto the walls. Indeed, just as Gao Shun had said, there were around 500 to 600 Xuzhou Army soldiers cutting down wood a few miles away, and the wood that was cut down was transported to the place where they were stationed. Hundreds of people were busy clearing up the wood there, busy manufacturing ladders, with a few completed ladders already laid beside.

General, look over there "Gao Shun pointed at the Xuzhou Army soldiers who were creating the ladders, and said in a deep voice," I have already counted them, they can probably create five or six ladders in an hour, if nothing goes wrong, they will have thirty to forty ladders after nightfall, which is enough to forcefully attack the city walls.

Gongsun Xu shook his head and sneered: "I still don't believe that Guan Yu will give the order to attack! How about this, in an hour, I will send a group of cavalry to probe, and if they meet with the Xuzhou Army's resistance, they will be forced to flee. If Guan Yu really has plans to attack the city, he will definitely take this opportunity to seize the city gate! What does General Gao think? "

"It's possible!" Gao Shun nodded his head in agreement, and then continued in a serious tone: "In order to prevent the Xuzhou Army from seizing the opportunity to take over the city gate, and to even place more crossbows on the city walls, what does General think?"

"We'll do it that way!" Gongsun Xu smiled and nodded.

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