Chen Gong raised his sword and pierced it through the throat of a Huainan Army soldier who was blocking his way. Even though he had mastered both martial arts and martial arts, the number of times he had fought for himself could be counted on one hand. This was the first time he had been able to open a path through such a heavy encirclement.

Cao Xing spurred his horse to follow beside Chen Gong, the long spear in his hands quickly thrust, causing the nearby Huainan Army soldiers to immediately be injured if they were to die, the remaining people quickly retreated, the encirclement blocking in front of Chen Gong completely crumbled.

At the moment, the situation was critical. Chen Gong immediately made a decision, and said in a deep voice: "I'll have to trouble General Cao to lead three thousand men to the rear, even if we have to fight one man, we have to do our best to delay the fighting and give me time to save my lord!"

Cao Xing said firmly: "Sir, please be at ease. Unless I die, I will definitely block the pursuers!"

"General Cao, take care!" Chen Gong cupped his fists and bowed respectfully to Cao Xing, and then shouted: "Master was ambushed in front, I hope you all can pull yourself together and follow me to rescue! "Let's go!"

The majority of Bingzhou Army were Lv Bu's friends who lived and died with Lv Bu for many years, and their friendship was extremely deep. Even though they were very tired at the moment, they still mustered their courage and mustered their last bit of energy to follow Chen Gong. After going through Cao Xing and the three thousand soldiers, they all bowed respectfully, there were even people with tears in their eyes, their voices choked with sobs as they greeted the other party. Cao Xing and the rest were facing enemies that were ten times stronger than them, I am afraid that no one would be able to survive.

After Chen Gong ran a few dozen steps, he turned his head back and looked at Cao Xing who had already turned around to face the pursuers.

Cao Xing looked at the originally approaching pursuers, and couldn't help but narrow his eyes, as he suddenly shouted out. "Brothers, are you afraid?"

"What's there to be afraid of! Only the others fear Wen Hou and our Bingzhou Army, how can we fear anyone? "

"Ha ha, fifth brother's words are good!" Back then, after we followed Wen Hou and left the He Yue State, we went around fighting. Many strong soldiers fell at our feet.

"That's right!" We are the tigers of the state! milk. Milk! Even if I were to die here today, it would already be worth it! "

"What's so scary about death? Twenty years later, he would become a man again! Using our lives in exchange for Wen Hou's safety, I think it's worth it! "

Although Lv Bu had many shortcomings, he treated the Bingzhou Army soldiers that had followed him for many years very well. This could be seen from the fact that had always carried the Bingzhou Army on his shoulders, just from how he had gone to Gongsun Xu in order to find a place for the Bingzhou Army to belong. Of course, because of this, Lv Bu gained the support of everyone in the Bingzhou Army, and in these two years of wandering, there weren't many people from the Profound Sky Continent who abandoned him and left.

Seeing that the morale was high, Cao Xing couldn't help but shout out 'Okay' excitedly, then shouted loudly: "Let the Huainan's thief s experience their grandfather's power!" With that, he placed the spear on the horse, took off the bow on his back, and nocked an arrow on the bow towards Chen Lan who was rushing over.

The surrounding Bingzhou Army soldiers quickly stopped their clamoring, all of them looking at Cao Xing expectantly. In the entire Bingzhou Army, Cao Xing was the person with the best shooting skills besides Lv Bu. If not for Gongsun Xu's sudden appearance, Cao Cao Cao and Lv Bu would have waged a war on him again after more than a year, and Cao Xing would have shot one of his eyes blind. However, Xiahou Dun had already died in Gongsun Xu's hands, so it could be said that Gongsun Xu had indirectly saved his life, and it was precisely because Gongsun Xu had come to the Xuzhou to form an alliance with Lv Bu that caused Cao Xing to be in danger. To the Cao Xing who had no idea about what was going on, he simply would not go and thank or blame Gongsun Xu.

Cao Xing held his breath as he stared intently, in his eyes, there was no one else, only the ferocious looking Chen Lan who was rushing over. When Chen Lan was a hundred steps away, the fingers on which he had pulled the bowstring loosened, and a four feet long armor-breaking arrow instantly left the bowstring, transforming into an afterimage as it sped forward.

Chen Lan was busy sprinting with his head lowered, when he suddenly looked up, as if he had sensed something. He immediately discovered that an arrow had already arrived in front of him, he had thought that he had been seeing things, how could the enemy suddenly fire at such a distance, and with such precision! Just as he was hesitating, the arrow was less than four feet away from his chest! It had only been two or three breaths of time since Cao Xing released the arrow, this showed just how fast the arrow was!

"General, be careful!" At this time, Chen Lan's personal guards also noticed the cold arrow, and all of them shouted in warning.

In a hurry, Chen Lan had no time to block this cold arrow, and immediately fell to the left with all his might.


Although Chen Lan made a movement to dodge, the arrow still hit him on his right chest. The sharp triangle-shaped arrow pierced through his armor strongly and pierced into his chest.

Chen Lan screamed as he fell down from his horse and rolled on the ground seven or eight times before stopping. He never would have thought that a dignified Huainan Army general like him would actually be struck by an arrow that was more than a hundred steps away. He spat out a few mouthfuls of blood. He didn't know if it was because of pain or shame, but his eyes rolled back as he fainted.

"General!" Chen Lan's personal guards were all frightened half to death, they all jumped off their horses and went forward to check on their injuries.

Seeing that Cao Xing was able to kill the enemy with one arrow, the morale of the Bingzhou Army soldiers were boosted. They all praised Cao Xing loudly.

Cao Xing kept his bow and arrow, raised his spear high and waved it, then shouted: "Brothers, this is a rare opportunity, follow me and attack!"

At this moment, if the enemy was strong, then I am weak. If the enemy was to surround and attack, the result of the battle would be self-evident. Therefore, taking advantage of the moment when Chen Lan had dismounted and the enemy was in chaos, Cao Xing decisively gave the order to attack.

The three thousand elite soldiers that followed behind Cao Xing had already declared their intention to die. At this time, after hearing Cao Xing's order, all of them rushed forward, fighting with all their might, following closely behind Cao Xing.

Yuan Shu had always been leisurely walking behind Chen Lan, chatting and laughing with the people around him. Now that Lv Bu was not around, he did not even put this enemy in his eyes, and thought that Chen Lan's charge would cause him to quickly collapse. He did not expect to suddenly hear exclamations from the front. He looked over in a daze and coincidentally saw the scene where Chen Lan was shot dead.

He pointed forward in shock and anger and asked in a trembling voice, "Then what is going on?"

"My lord, General Chen Lan seems to have been shot dead!"

Yuan Shu looked at Cao Xing's group that was rushing over, estimated the distance briefly, and muttered in disbelief: "How is this possible! They were still so far away, how could Chen Lan be hit by an arrow! No! Chen Lan should be missing something! "

Just then, a horse galloped over, the rider on the horse shouted: "Reporting to my lord, General Chen Lan has been shot by the enemy's cold arrow, he has already fainted from serious injuries!"

Yuan Shu's vision turned black, and he almost fell off his horse. Chen Lan was actually shot by the enemy at such a long distance, how strong was the bow the archer used? At the same time, he was also quite afraid that if he had been in the front together with Chen Lan just now, he would most likely have been the one that was hit!

"My lord, the enemy is coming!" A Academy Officer suddenly pointed ahead and shouted.

Yuan Shu quickly raised his head to look, only to see three to four thousand Bingzhou Army soldiers led by a skinny armoured general, shouting loudly as they charged towards Chen Lan's vanguard. Chen Lan was hit hard by the arrows and the people in front of him immediately became confused. Facing the charge of the enemies, they became even more panicked, because there were actually people who wanted to run away.

Yuan Shu was infuriated, he pulled out his sword and pointed it at the enemy: "Everyone move quickly, we must annihilate the enemy! Those who dare to escape this place will not be forgiven! "

The more than ten thousand Huainan Army s behind him agreed in unison as they gathered around Yuan Shu and rushed forward like a tide.

Cao Xing rode his spear straight at the unconscious Chen Lan. Even if he were to lose all his troops here today, he would make these Huainan who took advantage of the chaos to pay a heavy price. Chen Lan who had landed after being heavily injured was the first target he had to kill!

"The enemy general is coming! Stop him!" Chen Lan's personal guards noticed what Cao Xing was planning to do and all jumped onto their horses to welcome him.

Cao Xing's shooting skills were superb, his shooting skills were only average, his spear skills were not outstanding, but facing Chen Lan's personal guards, he was more than sufficient to deal with them. Hungry Tiger rushed over like a flock of sheep, the pike in his hands danced like pear blossoms, and almost every time he attacked, he would take away a life, and only overturn the enemies.

The three thousand elites that followed behind quickly followed through, fearlessly rushing forward and attacking the Huainan Army soldiers who had the advantage in numbers to retreat step by step.

When Cao Xing once again knocked a person off his horse with a spear, he had already rushed to Chen Lan's front. The number of enemies that died in his hands was as many as seventeen or eighteen. With a flick of his wrist, he was prepared to take Chen Lan's life.

"Whiz!" At that moment, a sharp piercing sound suddenly came through the air.

Cao Xing quickly raised his head to look, only to see that an arrow had already appeared ten feet away. It turned out that a Academy Officer beside Yuan Shu saw that Chen Lan was in a dangerous situation, and immediately shot an arrow to stop Cao Xing from using his deadly technique.

Cao Xing raised his spear to block the arrow, and then thrusted towards Chen Lan's throat.

"Don't worry about hurting my general!" One of Chen Lan's janissaries shouted out loudly and pounced forward to block the spear for Chen Lan.

Cao Xing pulled out the pike from the bodyguard's back. Just as he was about to kill Chen Lan for the third time, all the nearby Huainan Army soldiers rushed forward and dragged Chen Lan away. Cao Xing had failed to make it in time, and couldn't help but to vent his anger onto the enemies around him. He charged into the crowd of Huainan Army, with the Bingzhou Army soldiers behind him quickly following behind, killing only enough to cause the enemies who had the advantage to collapse. However, at this time, they had already penetrated deep into the enemy group. Although the surrounding enemies temporarily didn't dare to attack them, they were once again surrounded by a heavy encirclement. It was possible that they could be completely annihilated at any time.

These past two years, he had obtained quite a few warhorses from Gongsun Zan and constructed a very strong cavalry army. Originally, he thought that he would be able to compete with any duke in the world and would not be at a disadvantage, but he never expected that a nameless guard under Lv Bu's command would block his path, and the enemy's numbers were less than 20% of his own, how could he endure this!

He pointed his sword straight at Cao Xing, and shouted fiercely: "Kill the enemy general, Reward the gold, promotion to third level! Kill those idiots! " The last sentence, however, was directed towards the dozen or so Huainan Army soldiers who were hastily fleeing in their direction.

Yuan Shu's janissaries leader heard the sound and moved, bringing dozens of janissaries along, slashing those who had escaped into the ground.

If they went in, they might live a rich life, if they retreated, they would definitely die. The soldiers of the Huainan Army immediately activated their courage and rushed towards Cao Xing's group from all directions.

It was impossible for two fists to match four hands, furthermore, each person was facing far more than two opponents at the moment. The pressure on Cao Xing and his party increased immediately, and they were forced to continuously retreat. In just the time it took to boil a cup of tea, only half of Cao Xing's troops remained. He himself had been injured in a dozen or so places, and the wound on his chest had almost cost him his life. They were surrounded in a narrow area with a circumference of less than three hundred meters.

One of the military lord s rushed to Cao Xing's front, pointed at a small mountain about 10 steps away, and shouted: "General, retreat over there!"

Cao Xing turned his head to look, only to see that the small mountain was only seventy to eighty meters tall, with a circumference of about a hundred and fifty meters. It looked like it was the mud and sand that were piled up when he was building the public road, and there was nowhere else to go.

He pointed his spear at the small mountain and shouted, "Follow me and charge!"

The remaining thousand over Bingzhou Army soldiers all moved closer to Cao Xing, ignoring everything else, they all rushed towards the small mountain.

"Stop them!" If they are allowed to rush to the top of that mountain, the Academy Officer s at the front will be killed! " Yuan Shu saw through Cao Xing's intentions with a glance and quickly gave the order. This entire group of Bingzhou Army being destroyed was already a foregone conclusion, but if they were to rush to the top of that small hill, then it would definitely extend the period of time they were annihilated. More than twenty thousand elite soldiers were unable to quickly take down even three thousand enemy troops.

Under Yuan Shu's strict orders, the Huainan Army soldiers in front did not retreat at all, and the people behind kept charging, blocking the powerful charge of Cao Xing and the others. Not only that, after only ten steps, Cao Xing had lost another seven to eight hundred people, and the remaining people were all seemingly injured.

Cao Xing let out a tragic sigh, looked at the sky and sighed: "My lord, this general can't continue to serve you anymore.

Most of them had followed Lv Bu when they were young, and many of them were not even married yet, but they had risked their lives to buy enough time for Chen Gong to save him, causing them to be trapped in dire straits. But even so, no one dared to do anything as they continued to fight against Huainan Army with all their might.

Seeing that, Yuan Shu sighed: "The elite soldiers of the Wanzhou Region are indeed worthy of their reputation. This person is just a nobody, he is actually so strong! Come, let's try and recruit them! "

A Academy Officer came out from the crowd and shouted loudly at Cao Xing: "My master has orders, if you are willing to surrender, not only will it not harm your lives, but it will also increase the reward, and the general will be appointed to ride on the Academy Officer, I wonder what general thinks?"

Cao Xing laughed out loud: "We are born Bingzhou Army, we will die there, how can we surrender to others?"

The Academy Officer still had a few more words of advice to say, but Cao Xing simply raised his spear and roared as he charged forward with his life on the line.

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