A dozen or so fast horses galloped to the west gate of Xuzhou City. They looked exhausted and worn out from the journey.

After Liu Bei led his army and left, the city gates of Xuzhou City were completely sealed. Seeing that someone was approaching, the soldiers on the walls immediately asked, "Who are you?"

After a while, Jian Yong, Chen Deng, Mi Zhu and the others saw these people who had come to report at the yamen of prefectural governor.

Jian Yong asked first: "How is the situation with the Xiao Pei?"

"Reporting to Lord Shi Shi, the surprise attack of the General Guan had failed. Not only were they unable to take over the Xiao Pei, they were even defeated by Gongsun Xu and his army, which rushed out of the city once again. We were caught unprepared, and were also defeated by him, defeated by him … … Then, Gongsun Xu and his family ran out of the city for the third time.

The person who replied clearly recounted what happened in the Xiao Pei the past two days.

After Jian Yong and the others heard this, they looked at each other, and after they dismissed the messenger, they could not help but sigh softly. If they did not confirm that these people were really Guan Yu's personal guards, they would not have believed that what they heard was true.

Although Mi Zhu felt that it was a pity on his face, he was still extremely happy in his heart. The stronger Gongsun Xu was, the higher the future of his own family. He compared it in his heart once again. Compared to the Liu Bei who was over a hundred years old, no matter how he looked at it, Gongsun Xu was a better candidate to be a son-in-law.

When Liu Bei left, he handed over all the matters of the city to Zhang Fei. Jian Yong was the patriarch of the prefectural governor's mansion, so he knew everything else. He was the first to ask, "My lords, the lord is not in the city now. How should we deal with this?"

Chen Deng and the others looked at each other, but did not have the intention to speak. They clearly knew in their hearts that although Jian Yong seemed to be asking about the food, he was actually asking about how to clean up the mess for Guan Yu. Guan Yu's temperament was arrogant, the few people present did not have any good impressions of him, and Guan Yu had suffered repeated failures, if the suggestions he made did not match with Guan Yu's intentions, who knew if he would vent his anger on others?

Seeing that no one replied, Jian Yong asked: "Brother Yuan Long, what do you think?"

Chen Deng had no choice but to avoid the issue, "Since General Guan is asking for food, then we should quickly send it over!"

Jian Yong frowned, he looked at Chen Deng in dissatisfaction, then cast his gaze at Sun Qian: "Brother Gongye, what do you think?"

Sun Qian was honest, he lowered his head and thought, then said respectfully: It is only a matter of time before food is delivered, what should be done with the Xiao Pei? General Guan is obviously unable to stop Gongsun Xu from coming and going as he pleases. If this child were to rush back to Xiao Pei to help the others flee before the main army reaches the Xiao Pei, not only will his face sweep the ground, the main house and the Xuzhou Army's reputation will be greatly affected! "

Chen Deng and Mi Zhu quietly looked at each other, a smile that could not be hidden in their eyes. It was true that Sun Qian was a man of his word, but he unintentionally belittled Guan Yu three times, which was not even worth the loss.

Jian Yong understood this point and quickly asked: "Brother Gongye, do you have any ideas?"

Sun Qian said in a deep voice, "Master and Road Yuan had wanted to spend a lot of time to encircle and stop Lv Bu, regardless of whether or not he succeeded, it was impossible for him to arrive at Xiao Pei City today. Therefore, I suggest that we send reinforcements to General Guan quickly, preferably with a large number of shields and bows and arrows, in order to restrain Gongsun Xu's cavalry!"

Jian Yong nodded, looked around at Chen Deng and Mi Zhu, and asked: "What do you two think?"

Chen Deng and Mi Zhu answered at the same time, "Brother Gongye is right, I fully agree with you!"

"Then send out reinforcements as soon as possible!" Jian Yong nodded his head in agreement, then sighed: "It's just that Master took a large amount of horses and soldiers, there are only three thousand people left in the city, there are really no soldiers to send! What plan does everyone have? "

Although Jian Yong asked about everyone, he was still looking at Mi Zhu. Chen Deng and Sun Qian also looked at Mi Zhu, who had nearly ten thousand servants under him, and five to six thousand young men under him. Furthermore, everyone was aware of Mi Zhu's loyalty to him, and would most likely not reject this matter.

Facing the expectant gazes of Jian Yong and the other two, Mi Zhu could not help but be angered in his heart. Chen Deng had thousands of servants in his family, why did they have to find him? He originally wanted to reject, but then he was struck by inspiration, and said passionately: "My Mei Family has been deeply indebted to our master, so how could we stand idly by at such a critical time? I am determined to bring over five thousand men to Xiao Pei and let General Guan order them! "

Jian Yong was overjoyed, he stood up and clasped his hands, saying, "Brother Zi Zhong is loyal, loyal, and loyal, please accept my respect!"

"Brother Zi Zhong, please accept my bow!" Chen Deng and Sun Qian stood up in succession and bowed towards Mi Zhu.

"The three of you are not allowed! "Hurry, wake up!" Mi Zhu hurriedly helped the three of them up, and said with a solemn expression: "I have long tied my life to you, my lord. The stronger my lord is, the more powerful my lord will be, so I and my Mi family will be.

Jian Yong and Sun Qian praised her in admiration once again, but Chen Deng felt a little ashamed, but in the end, he didn't say anything. Logically speaking, he should have sent some people to the Xiao Pei to help him, but Lv Bu's plan had failed, causing him to lose a lot of importance in Liu Bei's eyes. This time, when he left the Xuzhou City, he did not arrange any important matters for him, and it was completely different than last time. The Chen family had pledged their allegiance to Liu Bei, and they could not compare to the Mi family. If they were to send their troops to the Xiao Pei together and win, regardless of whether they won or lost, it would not end up as a loss to Liu Bei!

Mi Zhu looked at Chen Deng who had his head down, seemingly not caring at all, but Jian Yong and Sun Qian could clearly see the trace of disdain in his eyes. He immediately cupped his hands and said: "It's getting late, I will go back and gather some people.

Jian Yong immediately cupped his hands and replied: "Please do, Brother Zi Zhong! If you need our help, just speak out! "

Mi Zhu pondered for a moment, and said in a heavy voice: "Brother Xian, please prepare the food as soon as possible, don't delay our departure time!"

Jian Yong said solemnly: "This is my duty, Brother Zi Zhong, do not worry!"

"Since that's the case, I'll go and prepare for it!" Mi Zhu laughed, then turned and left.

Jian Yong watched Mi Zhu as he left, and could not help but sigh: "I, Ji Zi Zhong is a man of noble character, your loyalty and loyalty to the Lord is truly admirable!"

"That's right!" Sun Qian nodded his head and praised: "Ji Zi Zhong is truly a wise man from the ancient times! All these years, in order to help Master, Mi family has probably lost seventy to eighty percent of their wealth.

Chen Deng laughed bitterly and shook his head. The two of them were singing the same tune, and although he admired Mi Zhu, he also had the intention of urging him to do so. If he continued to pretend to be deaf and mute, it was very likely that he would be remembered by the two of them. In the future, speaking carelessly in front of his master might even lead to trouble! He could only bite the bullet and said: "I am willing to offer two thousand strong, to let them follow Brother Zi Zhong to Xiao Pei!"

Jian Yong and Sun Qian laughed and cupped their hands together.

Jian Yong immediately became serious: "Brother Yuan Long, you and I are considered good friends, I have a few words to say, I hope Brother Yuan Long will not take offense to it!"

Chen Deng bowed and said: "Brother Xian He is being too serious! Please enlighten me! "

Jian Yong lowered his voice and said solemnly: "Brother Yuan Long, we have yet to find out the reason for Lv Bu's plan to drown in water, but Master cannot divulge any secrets, so it is normal for him to suspect Brother Yuan Long's subordinates, but Master has never suspected Brother Yuan Long himself, so why would Brother Yuan Long care about this matter? This time we are sending our troops to save Xiao Pei, it is a great opportunity, if the people of Brother Yuan Long are doing well, they will definitely be able to remove some of the grudges in patriarch's heart. When that time comes, we will speak a few words for the Brother Yuan Long, and the patriarch will definitely use the Chen Family again! "

Sun Qian said in a low voice: "Brother He's meaning is also my meaning! Brother Yuan Long, after Master returns, I will definitely think of a way to get rid of some misunderstandings between Master and Brother Yuan Long! "

Jian Yong and Sun Qian were trusted by Liu Bei, and they were far stronger than him. They had made a promise at the same time, so Liu Bei could not just ignore them.

Chen Deng's expression was filled with gratitude as he said, "I am truly grateful to the both of you for your sincere wishes! I am indeed brooding over the failure of Lv Bu's plan, if it were not for the lack of time, I would have looked for an opportunity to discuss it deeply with my lord. Just as brother Xian He had said, this time is indeed a good opportunity, I have decided to head to Xiao Pei with brother Zi Zhong! "It's just that General Zhang Yide does not trust me, if he were to transfer people, it would arouse his suspicions. I hope the two of you can explain to him."

Jian Yong and Sun Qian cupped their hands and laughed: "This is exactly how it should be! Brother Yuan Long, go ahead! Leave General Zhang Yide to us! "

"I'll go discuss it with Zi Zhong first, then we'll immediately go gather some people!" Chen Deng cupped his hands and turned to leave the hall.

Sun Qian asked in a low voice: "Brother He, who leaked the plan and caused Lv Bu to fail?"

Jian Yong shook his head: "It definitely isn't Brother Yuan Long! Brother Gongye, no matter who leaked the news, as long as Brother Yuan Long continues to be loyal to Master, don't ever bring up this matter again! "

Sun Qian laughed awkwardly and nodded in agreement.

When Mi Zhu returned home, he immediately gathered his wife and a few capable clansmen to discuss how to take advantage of this opportunity to completely leave Xuzhou.

One of the older clansmen asked suspiciously, "Patriarch, why did you suddenly abandon Liu Xuande and join Gongsun Xu's camp? My family has poured a lot of effort into Liu Xuande, if we were to leave just like that, wouldn't all our previous efforts go to waste? "

Mi Zhu laughed bitterly and nodded at his wife.

Mi Zhu's wife, Lady Yang sighed, and said in a low voice: "Uncles, the long-lost Zhen Er has already found his whereabouts!"

Several of them exclaimed at the same time, "What?!" Zhen Er found it? Why don't you bring him home? "

"Zhen Er is currently in the Youzhou, maybe he has already spoken with Gongsun Xu." At this point, the Yang family had an awkward expression and did not make their words clear.

However, the clansmen that were present were all shrewd individuals, so how could they not understand what was going on? They were immediately shocked on the spot.

"This is a good thing!" After a while, the person who asked the question hesitantly said something.

"I agree with second brother!" Gongsun Zanfuzi reigns over the northern lands. Once he defeats Yuan Shao, his strength will rise to another level, and maybe, in the future, Zhen Er will follow him. It will not be an insult to Mei Family! "

A clan member who had always been intelligent suddenly asked: "Patriarch, could it be that you have already known this for a long time and have come into contact with Gongsun Xu?"

Mi Zhu laughed and nodded proudly.

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