Chen Gong used the horsewhip to point at the bend in the road three to four miles away and smiled: "Master, from here, we can proceed forward ten miles and turn onto the official road leading to the Xiao Pei. Our speed can increase a lot!"

Chen Gong never thought that there were almost twenty thousand Xuzhou Army lying in ambush on the two sides of the road that he was pointing at, staring at them covetously.

Lv Bu nodded. After so many years of friendship, he and Zhang Liao had a very close understanding, and knew that the other party was trying to ensure the safety of this road before they stepped onto it. The road ahead quickly became narrow at the turn of the road, and there were dense forests on both sides of the road. It was a very good ambush point, and it made sense that Zhang Liao was worried.

Zhang Liao cupped his fists and bowed to Chen Gong, then brought along the two thousand elite walking soldier s as he strode forward. His injuries were slightly lighter than Lv Bu's, but they were still very severe. In order to boost his morale, he and Lv Bu had covered most of his wounds with their armor. Only he knew that the large blade that he had been swinging freely in his hand had become ten times heavier. He could barely lift it, and it was impossible for him to use any strength in his casual chopping.

Zhang Liao led the group and walked forward for around two miles, but nothing abnormal happened. He could not help but laugh at himself, maybe he was really just being suspicious. He turned his head and saw that Lv Bu and the group of people were already following them.

Deep within the forest on the hillside, Liu Bei was hiding behind a large tree. Through the gaps between the leaves, he was staring at the approaching Bingzhou Army, a cold smile on his face. As long as all the Bingzhou Army s entered the ambush, what awaited them would only be complete annihilation.

At a high place in the forest three to four kilometers behind him, Yuan Shu was currently staring at the large subordinate Lv Bu. In his view, the Bingzhou Army had no hope of escaping, so he only had one goal, and that was to make Lv Bu die by the Huainan Army's hands. When he turned around to bargain with Liu Bei, he would have even more confidence.

Just as Zhang Liao was about to turn the corner, he suddenly felt that something was wrong. After stepping onto the main road, he could always hear the chirping of insects, so why did it suddenly disappear here? He quickly raised his head and looked up into the woods. He vaguely saw a few flashes of light and his expression immediately changed greatly. He immediately recognized those flashes as the reflection of his armor!

He had definitely been ambushed!

Without waiting for Zhang Liao's warning, drumbeats suddenly sounded out from the forests on both sides of the road, and heaven-shaking battle cries suddenly sounded out. A black mass of Xuzhou Army s rushed out of the forest, as though they were trying to topple the mountains and overturn the seas.

Just as Lv Bu turned his head to say a few words to Chen Gong, he heard a loud drum sound in front of him. He hurriedly turned his head to look, and his face immediately became deathly pale. At this time, thousands of soldiers had gathered on this three to four miles long road. The enemy's numbers seemed to be several times greater than their own. It was impossible for them to quickly escape from this place; they didn't know how many of their brothers were going to die here! If he knew that Yuan Shu's forty thousand men were watching him closely, he would definitely not be so 'optimistic' and would definitely give the order to charge forward and break out, regardless of death or injury.

Chen Gong was shocked, and muttered: "How can this be? How could they be hiding in our path? "

In the blink of an eye, the frontmost army of Xuzhou Army had already charged onto the road and fiercely attacked the two thousand elite soldiers led by Zhang Liao from both sides.

Lv Bu quickly regained his senses, ignoring the weakness of his own arm, he screamed and rushed forward.

Chen Gong was startled for a moment, but quickly pulled out his sword and followed him.

Zhang Liao's arm could not use any strength at all. Facing the crazy attacks from the large group of enemies, the only thing he could do was push his horse to dodge, and find a chance to retreat backwards. Unfortunately, there were crowds on both sides of him, making it impossible for him to move at all. However, there were simply too many enemies. After one was chopped down, there would be two or three that would rush up at once, so even though the Bingzhou Army soldiers were very sharp, they were not afraid of death, but the disparity in numbers was too great, and after a hundred breaths of time, there were only one thousand one hundred and two thousand elites left, while the other side continued to pour down from the forest. If they could not reverse the situation quickly, the entire army would collapse in front of their eyes!

At this time, another set of drums sounded, and a large group of people once again appeared from the forests on both sides and started attacking Lv Bu and his group.

Lv Bu wanted to raise his ancient halberd to kill his enemies several times, but he couldn't move his arms. Seeing that he was about to be surrounded, he suddenly shouted, "from his clan is here, if you don't want to die, quickly scram!"

's bravery was known to the world, and the Xuzhou Army had personally witnessed it before, so he was extremely afraid of him. They didn't know that Lv Bu was only bluffing, and was intimidated by this loud shout. The people at the front immediately stopped their steps and charged forward, and victory was in sight, no one wanted to become the person Lv Bu carried on his back right before his death.

Lv Bu took the chance to rush forward. Relying on the red rabbit horse's power, he tore an opening and rushed to the struggling Zhang Liao.

Chen Gong and the rest of the group followed closely behind, the hole in Lv Bu's body became larger and larger, forcefully breaking through the encirclement of the large group, in the blink of an eye, they were only 300 to 400 steps away from Zhang Liao.

Seeing this scene, Liu Bei could not help but stamp his feet in regret, and shouted sternly: "Get them to quickly surround Lv Bu, don't even think of reuniting him with Zhang Liao! To be afraid of the former, to kill without mercy! Whoever kills Lv Bu will be rewarded with ten thousand gold, and they will be given the title of prefecture chief! "

Liu Bei's order was quickly passed down, the soldiers of the Xuzhou Army rushed up fearlessly and launched wave after wave of fierce attacks at Lv Bu and the others. They were about to reunite with Zhang Liao, but Lv Bu, Chen Gong and the others were unable to take another step forward, and were trapped inside the encirclement of the Xuzhou Army. In order to rush out of the encirclement, from Chen Gong, to the ordinary soldiers, all the officers and soldiers of the Bingzhou Army had worked hard to kill the enemy, fiercely fighting against them.

, who was standing behind them, couldn't help but laugh when he saw this scene. This was the scene that he wanted to see the most, and he also wished that Lv Bu's men would be stronger.

Yuan Fu laughed obsequiously: "My lord, it looks like the outcome has been decided! Do you want to give the order to attack? "

"What's the hurry?" Yuan Shu glared at Yuan Fu in dissatisfaction and laughed coldly: "Wait a minute! Lv Bu was still struggling with his beasts, wouldn't he be receiving a crazy counterattack in place of the Xuzhou Army? When he only has a few hundred people left, we will crush Lv Bu with the force of a thunderbolt, and take his head! "

"My lord is wise!" Then let Lv Bu live a little longer! "

Yuan Shu stroked his beard and laughed, he knew that he had already won.

Chen Gong waved his sword and killed a Xuzhou Army soldier who was rushing towards Lv Bu. He shouted anxiously: "Master, the enemy troops are too concentrated, a large group of people simply cannot break out! Please take the rest of the cavalrymen and leave first, my lord! "

Right now, Lv Bu only had less than a hundred cavalrymen left, it was obviously difficult to rely on these few, but it was still better than leading a large group of walking soldier to charge out. However, Lv Bu did not want to do that. He looked at Zhang Liao who was in front of him anxiously, and planned to bring these riders to help Zhang Liao.

Chen Gong saw that Lv Bu was silent and anxiously shouted, "Master, quickly make your decision!"

Lv Bu suddenly roared, exploding forth with his maximum potential. Using all his strength, he lifted up his ancient halberd, gritted his teeth, and spurred his horse forward to kill. The Xuzhou Army soldiers surrounding him were caught off guard and seven or eight of them were immediately killed. The rest were intimidated by Lv Bu's ruthlessness and couldn't help but to take two steps back.

Lv Bu seized the opportunity and spurred his horse forward, fiercely attacking the Xuzhou Army soldiers in front of him to the end.

How could Chen Gong and the large group of people be willing to let go of such a good opportunity? A swarm of bees followed Lv Bu and charged ferociously, in the blink of an eye, they once again tore apart the heavy encirclement surrounding the Xuzhou Army.

Lv Bu's halberd pierced through one of the enemies, he raised his head and shouted: "Wen Yuan do not panic, I'll come and help you right now!"

Zhang Liao was already dispirited, when he suddenly heard Lv Bu's shout, he immediately became spirited. Not knowing where he got the strength, he actually raised the blade that he couldn't even lift just now high, and in the blink of an eye, he killed several enemies.

When the surrounding Bingzhou Army soldiers saw this, their morale rose, they immediately pounced towards the enemy without fear, rather than exchanging lives for lives, they would definitely not retreat half a step. Some of the weapons fell to the ground and were no longer able to be picked up. They could only bite down with their teeth, kick with their feet, and use every possible means to fight to the bitter end with their enemies. The warriors of Xuzhou Army were finally afraid. Even though they knew that their opponent was the last of the strong crossbow, they still couldn't help but retreat, not wanting to die together with these lunatics in front of them.

Taking advantage of Xuzhou Army's momentary fear, Lv Bu and Chen Gong once again rushed forward several tens of steps; in less than a hundred steps, they would be able to reunite with Zhang Liao. Right at this moment, a drum sound that was oppressive like thunder suddenly came from behind them. Following which, a large group of Huainan Army s rushed out from the forest and rushed over from behind.

Lv Bu turned around and looked at the sky. All his hopes turned into dust, and all the energy he had gathered with difficulty vanished. He sighed towards the sky. I died here today! "

Chen Gong shouted angrily, "My lord, it is not time to despair yet! Before Huainan Army comes to kill him, we must rush to meet up with him. There is still a thread of hope to break out from the encirclement! "

Zhang Liao also shouted in a stern voice in front: "Feng Xian, rush over here quickly!"

When Lv Bu heard the two screaming, he suddenly woke up from his depression. Gritting his teeth, he mustered his strength and rushed forward.

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