Just as the sun rose, a large number of Xuzhou Army and Huainan Army soldiers started to gather, preparing to attack the back mountains of the Eagle's Castle. Under the sunlight, the only thing that could be seen was the flashing of blades and spears, the fluttering of flags, and a strong killing intent.

Halfway up the mountain, Gongsun Xu, Chen Gong, and Gao Shun were standing at the top of the stairs. Unlike yesterday's harassment and assault, today Liu Bei and Yuan Shu were obviously prepared to finish the battle in one go. This sudden anomaly caused Gongsun Xu to be extremely worried, could it be that something urgent had happened that he did not know about?

Chen Gong immediately understood and asked softly: "Is General saying that Zhao An was probably captured by the enemy when he returned, and was thus letting Liu Bei and Yuan Shu know that the Marquis Jin would send reinforcements?"

"Exactly! Other than that, I can't think of any other possibility, "Gongsun Xu paused here, and said with a doubtful tone:" But I do not understand, although Zhao An is not from Youzhou, but he has always been loyal, and even if he was captured, he should not rebel! Could there be another secret? "

Chen Gong released the hand that he was stroking his beard, pointed at the large group of enemies and said with a deep voice: "General, this subordinate thinks that even if our guesses are correct, Liu Bei and Yuan Shu already knew that Marquis Jin would send reinforcements, it will not affect the overall situation. The most important thing is to stop the enemy's attack, and at the same time, send people to contact Marquis Jin as soon as possible!"

Gongsun Xu nodded his head, what he said was extremely true, as long as he could withstand the enemy's attack, everything would be alright once the reinforcements arrived. As for whether or not he was captured, it was just a guess. Moreover, it didn't matter if it was just a mere Zhao An.

Gao Shun interrupted: "General, if Zhao An is truly captured, Liu Xuande and Road Yuan will definitely increase their patrols, and if they want to send more people to Qing He, it will probably not be easy!"

Gongsun Xu laughed without care: "Even if the reinforcements are coming, the fastest is two days later. Just send someone over tonight to contact them! General Gao, the enemy is about to attack, prepare to fight!

Gao Shun cupped his fists and turned to the gathered xianzhen camp soldiers.

After a while, the battle drums started to resound, the over three thousand elite soldiers under Yuan Shu's personal supervision raised their shields, and started to shout their attacks on the mountain.

Gao Shun did not want to be outdone, so when the enemy rushed over, he brought the xianzhen camp's several hundred soldiers with him and rushed down. Killing intent filled the air as the people on top of the stairs were overwhelmed.

The situation of the land was extremely dangerous. Adding to the fact that Gao Shun and the xianzhen camp's soldiers had used their powerful crossbow s in close combat once again, they quickly defeated the enemy troops. Throwing the two hundred corpses behind, they retreated.

Gongsun Xu looked at the rapidly retreating enemy troops, without a trace of happiness on his face.

Chen Gong sensed Gongsun Xu's worry, and asked: "Is the general worried that the arrows are insufficient?"

"That's right!" Gongsun Xu nodded his head, and sighed: "Every soldier of my White Horse Camp will carry eighty crossbow bolts, and most of it has already been used. If Liu Bei and Yuan Shu did not hesitate to attack, once the crossbow arrows are used up, I am afraid the number of casualties will be great!"

"General is kind and compassionate, your subordinate admires you greatly!" Chen Gong flatly praised, then shook his head: "It's just that there's nothing we can do about it, the enemy's forces are more than ten times our own, if we don't go all out, how can we defend ourselves? General does not need to worry, even if there are heavy casualties, the entire Bingzhou Army will not be dissatisfied! " When he said this, he pointed at the forest behind him. "General, this place is covered in trees. Why don't we cut down the trees and make some wood? Even if they are not as sharp as arrows, they are still useful! "

In his previous life, when he was a mercenary, he once ran out of food in the dense forest. After that, he created a trap with huge trees and branches and killed a few enemies who were chasing and killing him, allowing him to escape from the danger successfully! Nowadays, all he could see were trees. Moreover, with a large number of people, making simple weapons was as easy as flipping his hand. Even if he only made the simplest javelins, they would still be thrown down with great power!

This general has something to ask Mr. Gong Tai to do.

Chen Gong cupped his hands: "General only needs to instruct!"

"Sir, please gather some of Bingzhou Army's brothers and have them cut down trees to make wood and wood spears."

Chen Gong nodded, then turned and walked towards the back.

Gongsun Xu looked at the stairs once again, only to see that Gao Shun had already brought his subordinates back, and the enemy troops that had retreated, under the angry curses of the supervising team behind, were ready to attack again. Shifting his gaze forward, Gongsun Xu saw Yuan Shu's large banner, one of them was riding a pure white horse, the red cape on his back fluttered in the wind, it looked extremely imposing, although it was too far away to see his face, it was most likely Yuan Shu himself. He estimated the distance and could only regretfully shake his head. Unless he used a bed crossbow, it was impossible to injure Yuan Shu from such a long distance with an arrow.

Just as Gongsun Xu was feeling regretful in his heart, a person behind him cupped his fists and reported, "Reporting to the General, Wen Hou has woken up. Please report to the General!"

Gongsun Xu was ecstatic to hear that, since Lv Bu was able to invite him to go over and talk, he must have already completely woken up. He turned around to see a familiar looking Lv Bu's personal guard, and laughed: "This general will go over right now. Right, spread the news! "

After a while, the news of Wen Hou being completely awake spread out, the morale of all the people in Bingzhou Army rose. Gao Shun and xianzhen camp's morale were boosted, all of them fought to the front and quickly repelled the enemy's second attack.

When Gongsun Xu saw Lv Bu, Lv Bu was currently serving Diao Chan as he drank a bowl of thin porridge. His face was sallow, his eyes lifeless, as though he was an extremely ill patient. Seeing that Gongsun Xu had come, Lv Bu waved his hand and told him to take the porridge.

"Sister-in-law, please wait!" Gongsun Xu called out to Diao Chan, and smiled at him: "Feng Xianxiong has just woken up, how can I not eat something? The world was vast, it was better to eat until one was full! If you have anything to say, say it after you've finished eating. "

"The world is big, it's better to eat until one is full." Lv Bu repeated this sentence in a low voice, then suddenly sighed, "After waking up just now, I felt weak all over, and golden stars sprouted in my eyes, only after eating a few mouthfuls of porridge did I barely regain some of my strength. At that time, I was sighing in my heart. I never thought that this ordinary porridge would be so sweet and satisfying!

I can only hate myself for not hearing these words of Brother Zimin sooner! In the past, he was too preoccupied with competing for power and profit. How could he know that eating his fill was the most important thing in the world! I really want to retire and spend the rest of my life peacefully with my family! "

Hearing Lv Bu's words, Diao Chan was shocked, but he immediately rejoiced, if Wen Hou could really withdraw, it would be a good thing. However, she looked at Gongsun Xu who had a similar shocked expression, and secretly shook her head, even if Wen Hou really wanted to retreat, General Gongsun Xu would definitely not agree! He had spent so much effort on Wen Hou, how could he just let it go like this? He would definitely advise Wen Hou to give up on this idea!

As expected, Diao Chan immediately advised: "Feng Xianxiong's words are wrong. As a man, how can he be discouraged by a moment of failure? To say something that shouldn't be said, for the sake of protecting Feng Xianxiong as he broke through the encirclement, how many good men of the State were willing to sacrifice their lives? Did they not want to live? Absolutely not! It's because they knew very well, that only if Wen Hou lived, could Bingzhou Army be revived, and could bring them back to their former glory! " After saying that, he paused, pointed behind him and said solemnly: "Feng Xianxiong, listen carefully to the cheers over there!"

Lv Bu heard it and heard the familiar cheers. He was confused for a moment as he looked at Gongsun Xu suspiciously.

Gongsun Xu's tone became agitated: "General Gao was just bringing my brothers from xianzhen camp to fight to the death with the enemy. Upon hearing that Feng Xianxiong has woken up, everyone became extremely excited, and they all shouted for the enemy to show their might in celebration of Wen Hou's awakening! Feng Xianxiong, the General Gao and our brothers are looking forward to see you bringing them back to glory! And did Feng Xianxiong forget about his previous agreement with his little brother? You are someone who will become the master of the Japan in the future. When the time comes, the lives and disgrace of millions of people will belong to you, and you will lead the brothers of the Bingzhou Army to usher in an era of your own! And your illustrious reputation will be left in the history books to be admired by your descendants! Feng Xianxiong, listen to our brothers' cheers. Are you willing to abandon them? "As a man, how can you give up on your ambition just because of a little setback?"

The more Lv Bu heard, the brighter his eyes became. After hearing it, he knocked the rice bowl off Diao Chan's mouth and bellowed, "Not bad! I am a man of nine feet, how can I be discouraged because of some small setbacks! "My people, please help me up. I want to fight together with my brothers!"

Diao Chan looked at the broken pottery bowl on the ground and sighed.

Gongsun Xu held Lv Bu up, and said with a smile: "Congratulations Feng Xianxiong, you finally thought it through! When our brothers see that you have come out safe and sound, they will definitely be wild with joy! "

"Haha!" Lv Bu laughed madly: "I'm afraid that when Liu Bei and Yuan Shu see me appear, they will be extremely 'pleasantly surprised' as well! "My people, let's go!"

Gongsun Xu let out a few loud laughs, and supported Lv Bu up ahead. After walking a few steps, he quietly turned his head and apologetically smiled at Diao Chan.

Diao Chan laughed bitterly and replied. He really did not know whether it was right or wrong for Wen Hou to follow this General Gongsun Xu.

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