Lv Bu slowly walked forward with Gongsun Xu's support. The soldiers that saw this scene were all elated, even the two hundred plus heavy cavalry s who were left as the reserve started to cheer as well. When the people at the front heard the cheers, they turned around to see that it was indeed Wen Hou who had come.

Hearing the cheers from the mountains, Lv Bu's haggard face revealed a smile. Even though he had made a mistake his entire life, and even lost most of his brothers' lives because of his wrong decision, these brothers of his did not abandon him. How deep of a friendship was this!

Gongsun Xu's face was filled with regret, but he was laughing coldly in his heart. This Lv Bu was truly naive, he had spent such a huge price to save him, how could he let him go to the Japan so easily? If you do not reward me for conquering the entire world, how can I allow you to cross the sea and go to the East?! Furthermore, he would never tell Lv Bu that he had never planned for Japan to remain intact before. In the future, there would be two kings in Japan! The entire Japan will also be split into two!

Back then in the Tanhan Shan, Gongsun Xu and Er Yu had made a promise to Sanlang that he would allow his daughter, Ju Zi, to become Gongsun Xu's concubine. In the future, his son would inherit the position of the Japan's King, thus, Sanlang had wholeheartedly pledged his allegiance to Gongsun Xu. After the War of Tanhan Mount finished, Er Yu brought the pirates and followed Gongsun Xu back to the Ji County, and then set them up in Tianjin, where they would go fish in the ocean, or help the Trades and Crafts Camp do some chores. As for the city's Sanlang, he had already crossed the sea to the Japan several months ago but there was still no news of him.

Although he still had no relationship with Ju Zi's son, Gongsun Xu had already decided that in the future, he would think of ways to marry Lv Linger off to his son. In other words, Lv Linger would become the queen of Japan. With that said, even if Lv Bu was dissatisfied, on the account of his daughter, he would not make a big fuss. Furthermore, with Gongsun Xu supporting him from behind, he was not afraid of Lv Bu doing any irrational things.

It was a pity that Lv Bu didn't know of Gongsun Xu's sinister thoughts, and thought that Gongsun Xu truly had guilt in his heart. [I am too anxious about this, so why should I feel guilty?] Furthermore, I have been deeply indebted to my brothers. If I don't repay them properly and go to Japan, wouldn't the world be laughing at me? I know that my bros cherish the world, so I hereby swear that before helping my bros build a great cause, I will become their most loyal horse pawn! If you break this oath, heaven will be destroyed and the earth will be destroyed! "

"Aiya!" Gongsun Xu pretended to be shocked, and exclaimed, "What is Feng Xianxiong doing? Could it be that Feng Xianxiong had forgotten that I am Ling'er's foster father, and that you and I are truly our own people, why must we make such a venomous oath? I truly do have the intention to chase after the deer, but I only hope that Feng Xianxiong can help us with it. During this period of time, I will also spare no effort to help Feng Xianxiong rebuild the Bingzhou Army.

Lv Bu sighed: "Being able to get to know Brother Zimin is the most correct thing to do in this life of mine! "If the two of us work together, who in this world can oppose us?!"

Gongsun Xu smiled and nodded, thinking of Feng Xianxiong, Feng Xianxiong, when you reach Japan in the future, and find out that you are only half a king, don't be too resentful, it would be good enough.

As they spoke, the two had already reached the vicinity of the stairs, just in time to see the enemy below launching another wave of attack. Gongsun Xu's personal guards quickly went forward, surrounding Gongsun Xu and Lv Bu in the middle.

Gao Shun roared as he brought the xianzhen camp's soldiers to once again charge forward.

Due to the heavy consumption of crossbow arrows, Gao Shun had no choice but to order his people to temporarily stop using crossbow s, thus this time's assault did not go as smoothly as the previous times', but relying on the terrain and good equipment, Gao Shun and the rest managed to repel the enemy's fierce attacks after a short battle. On the way back, Gao Shun roughly counted the number of people, his eyes a little dejected. Just a short battle just now, he had lost 20-30 people, which was already about 10% of the total number of xianzhen camp s! It was only after a comparison of strength that they would realize how powerful the crossbow was. It was a pity that they did not have enough crossbow bolts, or else most of their brothers would not have to die.

However, Gao Shun's dejected mood did not last for long. When he stepped onto the last step, and looked at Lv Bu who was standing together with Gongsun Xu, he could not help but burst out laughing. Just now, Gao Shun had only heard that Lv Bu had woken up, but hearing it and seeing it with his own eyes were two different things after all! He quickly strode over.

The xianzhen camp warriors around Gao Shun also noticed Lv Bu and immediately broke out into cheers.

"Why are the enemy cheering? What are they shouting? " who was at the bottom of the mountain heard the cheers and asked in bewilderment.

One of the people by his side bowed and answered: "Reporting to my lord, it seems like he is shouting 'Wen Hou'. Could it be that Lv Bu is not dead?"

"Lv Bu is not dead?" Yuan Shu was shocked, and shouted: "How is that possible? I saw with my own eyes that he was wounded dozens of times and was bleeding profusely. Even if his body was made of iron, it wouldn't be able to withstand it. How could he not die? "

"Lv Bu!" At this moment, another person cried out in surprise. He pointed at the mountain and shouted, "My lord, look over there!"

Yuan Shu looked towards where the person was pointing. At this time, the rising sun had already shone all the way up to the top of the stairs, and he could see a group of people surrounding two large generals, one of them was vaguely Gongsun Xu, the other was tall and sturdy, wearing silver armor. It was the Lv Bu that he was extremely familiar with! He angrily stomped his feet. He thought Lv Bu was dead for sure, but he didn't expect him to be so lucky! If Lv Bu didn't die, the scum of Bingzhou Army would definitely fight him to the death. It would be even more difficult to force his way through!

"Seems like it's time to let Xuzhou Army take the initiative and attack!" Yuan Shu muttered softly, and instructed a person at his side: "Quickly go and invite Envoy Liu over, tell him that Lv Bu is still alive!"

At this time, on the top of the stairs, Gao Shun walked up to Gongsun Xu and Lv Bu and cupped his fists and greeted, "This general greets General Gongsun! Greetings, Wen Hou! "

Lv Bu smiled and nodded, he did not rush ahead to speak.

Gongsun Xu stepped forward to help Gao Shun up, and said solemnly: "General, there is no need to be so courteous! "How are the casualties?"

Gao Shun said softly: "I managed to repel three of the enemy's attacks in a row. The enemy's casualties were at least five hundred men, and my men also suffered over forty people!"

"Not bad!" Lv Bu nodded his head in satisfaction. He did not know that the xianzhen camp had suffered from heavy injuries, and only had less than three hundred xianzhen camp Warriors left.

Gongsun Xu was very clear about this, and immediately frowned. Although he had a total of nearly two thousand men, but other than the hundred odd heavy cavalry s and Gao Shun's xianzhen camp s, there were only four to five hundred strong people left. If the xianzhen camp suffered a heavy injury, then he would have to go up.

"What's wrong with that?" It was at this time that Lv Bu noticed the change in Gongsun Xu's and her expressions and quickly asked.

Gao Shun sighed, and said dejectedly: "Feng Xian, there are only two hundred people left in xianzhen camp!"

"What!" Lv Bu was shocked, if there were only these few people left in xianzhen camp, the others would not have much, and anxiously asked: How many brothers are left?

Gao Shun's expression became even more dejected, and said in a low voice: "Roughly fourteen thousand four hundred people!"

Lv Bu grabbed Gao Shun's arm, and asked with a trembling voice: "What about Old Qiu and the rest?"

"About that," Gao Shun hesitated for a moment, patted Lv Bu's arm, and said solemnly: "Let's talk about it later!"

Lv Bu dejectedly released his hand, his expression extremely sorrowful. Old Qiu and those old servants were all the elders in the Bingzhou Army. When Lv Bu first entered the Bingzhou Army, he received a lot of their care and care. After that, they ignored their age and followed Lv Bu around, and could be said to have suffered a lot. Originally, Lv Bu had thought to entrust all of them to Gongsun Xu to be properly settled, but he never thought that they would already be gone.

"Feng Xianxiong, grieve for you. Old Qiu and the others died in a very tragic way. I also admire them a lot. Gongsun Xu consoled him, and then instructed Gao Shun: "General Gao, later when the enemy attacks again, do not take the initiative to attack. You just need to repel them!"

Gao Shun cupped his fists and replied: "Yes! We shall obey the orders of the General! " In fact, even without Gongsun Xu's orders, he already wanted to do so. Without the help of the crossbow, rushing down like this was truly a bit dangerous.

Gongsun Xu continued: "I will ask Mr. Gong Tai to bring some people to create wooden spears. In a while, General Gao might as well try it.

"Thank you, General!" Gao Shun said his thanks. Just as he was about to ask Gongsun Xu how many crossbow bolts he had left, a battle drum sounded out from below the mountain. A large number of Xuzhou Army soldiers changed out of the Huainan Army and headed up with their shields raised.

Gao Shun cupped his fist and turned towards the stairs.

Lv Bu looked at the dense crowd at the bottom of the mountain, frowned and asked: "Brother Zimin, the enemy has a large number of people, can they defend?"

Gongsun Xu smiled indifferently: "Feng Xianxiong, don't worry. This king has already sent someone to my father to ask for help. As long as we can endure for two days, the reinforcement troops will definitely arrive!"

Lv Bu heaved a sigh of relief, and said in a heavy voice: "So Brother Zimin had already been arranged, this one is relieved! Brother Zimin, dare I ask how Old Qiu and the rest died? "

Gongsun Xu thought back to it briefly and began to explain in a low voice what happened under the Xiao Pei City at that time.

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