Gongsun Zan pushed aside the few hands that wanted to support him, and roared loudly: "This marquis is fine! Hurry up and blow the horn, and let our sons follow this duke out! "

The low sound of a bugle horn rang out once again. This time, it was no longer long and short, but rather urgent and unceasing wuwu sounds.

Suddenly encountering a strong attack, these well-trained cavalry of Youzhou were also in a state of panic. Each of them battled on their own, and completely lost control of their own, even though they had killed quite a few enemies, they were unable to break out and join the others. At this time, they heard the sound of the horn being urgently assembled. Everyone became energized as they galloped their horses toward the direction of the horn, disregarding their own safety.

The soldiers of the Huainan Army had always held the upper hand, and had only focused on steadily advancing, gradually narrowing the scope of the enemy forces. They did not expect that these cavalry of Youzhou would suddenly charge in the same direction, and were immediately caught off guard. Very quickly, a few hundred cavalry of Youzhou s rushed out of the encirclement. Under the lead of these few teams, even more people spurred their horses to rush to the edge of the encirclement, and started to fight with the Huainan Army warriors who were blocking in front of them. The originally stable encirclement, in the blink of an eye, showed signs of breaking apart.

Yuan Shu who was behind them was shocked and furious, he anxiously shouted out: "Pass down the order, whoever dares to retreat will be killed without mercy! Whoever kills or captures Gongsun Zan alive will be rewarded with ten thousand gold, and the prefecture chief will be bestowed with an official title! "

It could be said that he had successfully completed his mission. According to his previous plans, if something like this were to happen, Liu Bei would bring the Xuzhou Army to encircle the area from the other side, and at that time, it would be impossible for Gongsun Zan to escape even if he had wings. No one knew when he would be able to lead his men out of the forest. Once Gongsun Zan brought the group to flee towards the south, Yuan Shu would definitely not be able to chase them down with his small amount of cavalry! Yuan Shu knew that he absolutely could not let the large group of people from the Youzhou Army break out of his encirclement. This was why the usually stingy Yun Che had not only given them strict orders, but also promised them an unprecedented reward.

There would always be brave men under great rewards, not to mention this reward was extremely exciting. For the lowest level soldiers, once they achieved this goal, they would be able to jump through the ranks and become a god in one fell swoop! At that time, money and beauties would roll in, and at the very least, he could ensure that the three generations of rich families would come! As long as he put his worthless life on the line, he could become that lucky guy!

In an instant, the morale of Huainan Army rose up and down, and almost everyone turned their gaze towards the place where the horn sounded from. Everyone knew that Gongsun Zan was there! It was unknown who shouted out first, "Capture Gongsun Zan alive!", but the same shout immediately resounded throughout the mountains and plains with an incomparably vast momentum.

Gongsun Zan's face turned white, ever since the Youzhou rose up, he had never seen such a scene. He tightly gripped the hilt of his saber, the veins on the back of his hand bulging, and the fingernails pinching his palm until it was dripping with blood. His mind was in a trance.

"Master Hou!" Sensing Gongsun Zan's abnormality, Seventh Brother clenched his teeth and endured the pain, riding his horse forward, preparing to support at any time.

Hearing Seventh Brother's anxious call, Gongsun Zan suddenly woke up from his short period of confusion. He looked forward with wide eyes, and his eyes suddenly lit up — Huainan Army had all wanted to rush over and capture him alive, but the result was that the encirclement that was no longer tight quickly collapsed. At this moment, a group of The Steel Cavalry of Youzhou s were madly rushing over, and behind them was a large group of Huainan Army troops chasing after them.

Yuan Shu, who was on the other side, also noticed this and immediately started cursing loudly. These guys actually gave up on the encirclement in order to capture Gongsun Zan alive, they were truly as stupid as a pig! As long as they could maintain the encirclement, Gongsun Zan would become alone sooner or later. But now, if Gongsun Zan led his people and ran towards the south, how could they catch up! He regretted giving the order completely, and at the same time, kept cursing Liu Bei. If nothing went wrong with Liu Bei, this uncontrollable situation would not have happened!

On the other side, Seventh Bro suppressed the shock in his heart and asked in a deep voice, "Master Hou, what should we do?"

"Flag Official!" Gongsun Zan suddenly bellowed.

"I'm here!" The brawny man holding the banner roared in agreement.

Gongsun Zan pointed his long spear forward and roared: "Palm the banner and charge forward with me! No matter what happens, Big Banner must not fall! "

"Yes sir!" The man holding the flag tightly held the flagpole that was as thick as the mouth of the teacup and glared at the crowd in front of him.

Gongsun Zan turned his head towards the horned horned man and shouted: "Blow the horn, all troops follow this duke's banner and rush forward, do not bring the first cut!"

The seventh brother exclaimed, "Master Hou, the enemy is too numerous! This is too dangerous!"

Gongsun Zan snorted and ignored Seventh Brother, but stared fiercely at the somewhat dazed hand signals.

The trumpeter shuddered and blew the horn as hard as he could. The horn sounded a third time, but this time the rhythm was even more rapid.

Behind them was the sea of people from the Huainan Army. Why did the Marquis not order them to retreat towards the south, and instead order them to turn around and attack the large group of enemies? Without waiting for them to understand what Gongsun Zan was trying to do, Gongsun Zan had already taken the lead and rushed forward.

Seventh Brother and the guards all anxiously followed, and tried to rush to Gongsun Zan's front.

"Everyone retreat!" Gongsun Zan roared, he raised his spear high up and increased his speed as he rushed forward.

When the cavalry of Youzhou s who were rushing over saw Master Hou personally charging forward, they finally understood that they did not hear wrongly. Master Hou really wanted to carve a path of blood out of the enemy's sea of people! They were mostly veterans who had followed Gongsun Zan for many years and had always respected him as a god. The Marquis had even personally charged in front, so even if there was a mountain of blades and a sea of flames behind him, they would not be able to step into the The Steel Cavalry of Youzhou! The terrain was very open, and the cavalry of Youzhou's riding skills were superb. Other than the few hundred people who hurriedly turned around and fell off their horses, most of the people had smoothly turned their horses around and rushed towards the sea of people in Huainan Army. The rest of the people quickly gathered together and rushed towards the sea of people in Huainan Army.

When Gongsun Zan saw this scene, he let out a long roar towards the sky. The performance of this personally crafted Armoured Cavalry made him proud and proud at the same time! The reason he did not give the order to evacuate to the south, was because he could see the loopholes of the enemy and was extremely confident in his subordinates' strength. It was also because he had already understood in detail the terrain within a hundred mile radius, and knew that killing his way out would be the best way to turn the river around, and if he were to turn around and flee south, he would have no other path to take. Furthermore, there was the Xuzhou Army's camp blocking his way. Since that was the case, he might as well put his life on the line and risk it all to break through. As long as he rushed out, he would be completely safe.

"Huh?" The extremely angry Yuan Shu suddenly cried out in surprise. He pointed at the banner that was rushing over and muttered to himself in shock, "Not only is Gongsun Zan not fleeing towards the south, he is instead charging straight towards this old man's group. Someone come! "

"My lord, what orders do you have?"

"Get the soldiers to give up on their pursuit. Form a defensive formation on the spot, we must stop Gongsun Zan's previous waves of attacks!"

Yuan Shu slapped his forehead in frustration. He really wanted to give himself a few slaps, he realized that he had given the wrong order, with his own number of people, he should not have ordered the formation of a defensive formation, and should have just pushed it over, even with his iron body, it would be difficult for him to break through the blockade of the twenty thousand strong army! As long as they could stop Gongsun Zan's previous few waves of attacks, their horses' stamina would be depleted, and their morale would plummet. Gongsun Zan would definitely lose! But now, with his wrong order, it caused chaos in front of the convoy. Gongsun Zan would never let this chance go! He had originally wanted to order the people behind the area of chaos to gather again, but after thinking about it, he helplessly gave up that idea. Gongsun Zan's men arrived in a flash, and before he could even pass down the order, the two sides would start fighting! I hope that the warriors will be able to fight bravely and not give Gongsun Zan the chance to pierce through the crowd!

As expected, Yuan Shu saw the chaos in front of him and immediately led the group of people towards it.

The two thousand odd Huainan Army soldiers were already in a state of panic. Facing the aggressive Gongsun Zan, they were simply unable to defend at all as they were smashed by him in one go! They ran in all directions, screaming and cursing at each other, causing more people to fall into chaos.

Yuan Shu was furious, he pointed to the Youzhou Army Flag and bellowed: Release the arrows!

The surrounding guards looked at each other in dismay. None of them went up to the archers to pass the order – if the arrows were released, not many enemies would be hurt. Instead, many people would be shot dead! At that time, the brothers would not dare to blame their lord, but those who went to deliver the order would become scapegoats!

Yuan Shu saw that the guards had actually turned a deaf ear to his orders, and became even more furious, he took out his sword and roared, killing the three guards, then giving another order to the guard leader.

The man did not dare to be negligent and hurriedly rode his horse to give orders to the four thousand archers fifty or sixty paces away.

Gongsun Zan brought along more than four thousand cavalrymen with unstoppable might, and in a few hundred breaths of time, they madly rushed forward, charging two or three kilometers. Just as he was about to rush through the crowd of enemies, he suddenly heard a large number of bowstring sounds coming from the front, and then saw a cloud-like arrow shooting towards him.

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