Last night, he went up the mountain again by himself. After setting up several traps, he climbed up the tree, slept and waited for his prey to step into the trap.

After he was done, he tied up his pants and turned his head to look towards the south. He could not help but curse a few times — The village he was in was in the north of Xuzhou, and not far to the south was the abandoned army camp's Eagle's Castle. There were countless different kinds of prey inside, and it was originally an excellent hunting ground. It was said that the two sides of the battle were respectively the Youzhou Army and her men. However, it was said that he did not care about who would win, and he only hoped that he could finish the battle quickly so that he could continue hunting in the Eagle's Castle.

"It's already the wee hours of the morning, and there's still no prey taking the bait? Could it be that we're going back empty-handed?" Guodan'er looked at the sky and muttered dejectedly.

Plop! A few steps away, a muffled sound could be heard, followed by the miserable shrieks of a wild beast.

Guo Gou'er was immediately overjoyed. After bitterly waiting in the middle of the night, he finally got something out of it! He spat into the palm of his hand, rubbed it a few times, and was ready to climb down to check. At that moment, he suddenly heard a strange sound from the north. It sounded like someone was beating a heavy war drum.

"What is that thing?" It sounds like a lot of wild animals running! " He muttered in a low voice, not bothering to check on the prey in the trap. He quickly opened his eyes wide and looked towards the direction of the sound.

The sound came closer and louder until it sounded like muffled thunder. In the recent years, he had seen many large groups of cavalry soldiers galloping past. The sounds were exactly the same as the ones he heard now, but the sounds he heard now seemed to be even more terrifying than the ones he heard before. In other words, the number of cavalry soldiers coming from the north was extraordinary! It was almost dawn. Where did this cavalry team come from?

At this moment, Yueyue was about to disappear, but she was still emitting a faint light. Furthermore, the stars were already shining brightly, Guo Gou'er's eyesight was very sharp, he immediately recognized that these cavalry soldiers were actually Hu people from Saibei, he was so scared that he almost fell down from the tree!

Even though the Marquis Jin was being praised by the Envoy Liu and Yuan Shijun as a diabolical traitor, Guo Gou'er still had some experience. He knew that if the Marquis Jin was not protecting the Youzhou, the Northern Hu people would have already entered the Great Wall! It was rumored that the Marquis Jin and Yuan Shijun were fighting in the Jizhou, so it was impossible for so many Hu Soldiers to suddenly appear in this place, could it be that the Hu people had invaded them in a large scale? Thinking of this, he couldn't help but shiver in fear. If that really happened, the people of the northern lands would suffer!

Holding onto that last bit of fantasy, Guo Gou'er listened attentively, then disappointedly shook his head. He didn't understand what these people were saying, they were definitely nonsense! Suddenly, a look of shock appeared on his face because he had heard the familiar Chinese.

"My people, how far do we have to go?" The voice sounded weak.

"Feng Xiao, hang on a little longer. We will reach the Eagle's Castle in a few dozen kilometers," Another voice sounded a little tired.

"General, the war horses have been running for an entire night and their physical strength is exhausted. If we do not rest, it will be difficult for us to kill the enemy!" Would you like to find a place for your warhorses to eat? " The third voice sounded very dull, but the ingratiating tone could even be heard by a tough guy like Guo Gou'er.

"No!" Even if we have to kill all the warhorses, we have to get to the head as soon as possible! " The tired voice flatly refused.

Before Guodan'er could figure out why there were Chinese in Hu's team, and even when it seemed like their status was very high, large groups of cavalry had already dashed past from below, and the faint sounds of conversation gradually disappeared into the night wind.

"There should be twenty to thirty thousand people here!" No! I have to go back and report this! " After a long while, the group finally came back to their senses. Without bothering to check the prey in the trap, they slipped down from the tree and ran towards the village.

Gongsun Xu spurred his horse forward, the cape on his back flying high up into the air, worry written all over his face. Yesterday, at dusk, he had brought Kurna and the twenty thousand cavalrymen under him to travel south. Originally, only Zhao Yun had accompanied him. During this half of the night, the war horses were delayed for less than an hour just because they had to take a short rest and eat water. Besides that, a large group of people kept running at full speed, to the point that no less than a thousand people fell behind along the way.

Zhao Yun followed closely behind him. At this moment, he too had a serious face, and killing intent filled his eyes. At that time, when Gongsun Xu went south to the Xuzhou, he had requested to accompany him there, but because the war at the Qinghe County City was at a critical juncture, Gongsun Xu had rejected his request.

If his attitude had been a little more resolute back then, perhaps the General Gongsun would have let him go south together. That way, the possibility of the General Gongsun being besieged later on would have greatly reduced — He did not think of relying on his own strength to reverse the tide of the battle, but thought that if he could replace the General Gongsun in the most critical of times, then the General Gongsun would have been able to escape from the encirclement, and these things would not have happened later.

This was the first time he had traveled in such a long distance, and if not for the fact that both his legs were tied to the horse, it would be hard for him to ensure that he wouldn't fall down while he was running.

King Kurna, who was closely following beside Guo Jia, still appeared to be in high spirits. He was in stark contrast to the dispirited and dispirited Guo Jia beside him. The Saibei Hu had long gotten used to the thousand miles of galloping. Running at this level of speed was a common occurrence for Kurna and the majority of his warriors. It was just that in the past, they would always let their warhorses rest a few more times, even if the time they took was very short. But tonight, under Gongsun Xu's strict orders, the warhorses only rested once. People were fine, but the warhorses were almost unable to hold on.

As Kurna spurred his horse forward, he would glance at Guo Jia from time to time, and was prepared to lend a helping hand if the other party could not take it anymore. This was Marquis Jin's son-in-law, and General Gongsun's most capable strategist at that. Kurna didn't dare for anything to happen to him.

The large group continued to run forward for a few miles. A dense forest blocked their path, and they passed through the forest along a narrow official road.

When Gongsun Xu saw this patch of forest, he let out a sigh of relief. He turned his head and instructed Zhao Yun, "Zi Long, about five kilometers away is the Eagle's Castle. Bring a few hundred people with you to scout the situation first!"

Zhao Yun cupped his fists in agreement, and brought the four hundred elite cavalry s away from the large group, and rushed forward.

Kurna rushed forward and asked: "General, are we there yet?"

"Yes!" We will reach the Eagle's Castle in another few kilometers! " Gongsun Xu casually replied, and then turned to Kurna to the left and said: "Great King, there is a small river there, let the warriors rest, and wait for news from Zi Long."

"Yes sir!" Kurna replied happily as he personally ran back and forth to give his orders. At this time, most of the warhorses were already at the end of the strong crossbow, if they did not rest quickly, they would become crippled! He had brought the strongest war horse in the tribe with him this time to fight for the 'favor' of Lian Lian. If he were to cripple half of them, wouldn't he die from heartache?!

Soon, they arrived at the river bank mentioned by Gongsun Xu. Wu Huan's cavalry immediately jumped down from their horses and took their horses to the river bank to drink. They provided their food for their horses and also took time to eat and drink.

Gongsun Xu handed his war horse over to the guards, and stared at the river in a daze, until Guo Jia walked over with a limp. Only then did he wake up from his deep thoughts. He turned around and asked worriedly: "Feng Xiao, I feel uneasy all the way here. Are we late?"

"I won't!" Guo Jia patted Gongsun Xu's shoulders and consoled him, "It's only our speculation that Liu Bei will make a move against Father-in-law. Moreover, he might not make a move last night. Furthermore, Father-in-law has always been cautious, with an army of 10,000 in hand, even if Liu Bei acts, Father-in-law will be able to protect himself without any problems! "

"It's fine!" Guo Jia patted Gongsun Xu's shoulder again, and said with a smile: "My people, you're too anxious! Even if Father-in-law was tricked by Liu Bei, could it be that he wouldn't even be able to hold on for one night? It's not even dawn yet, but we've already brought a large group of reinforcements with us. There's no time! "

Gongsun Xu nodded his head and walked to the side of the river to wash his face. The cold river water poured over his face and the anxiety in his heart had lessened a little. He was very clear about his father's ability and the combat ability of the riders under his command. Even if Liu Bei and Yuan Shu were to go all out, staying through the night should not be a problem.

"Reporting to the general, there is an emergency ahead!" Just then, a few riders ran over from the front of the forest. It was none other than the few hundred people that Zhao Yun had brought away.

Guo Jia was shocked, and quickly stepped forward to support Gongsun Xu.

"I'm fine!" Gongsun Xu pushed Guo Jia away and asked sternly: What urgent military situation? "Hurry up and report!"

"General, there's a big fire a dozen miles ahead!"

"What!" Gongsun Xu turned pale with fright, and quickly rushed to his horse.

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