The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 7808: The Fall of the Flying Sword

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After hearing the conversation between Lin Yanran and Song Zhiming, Zhang Xiaofan's sword eyebrows just slightly lifted his mind and couldn't help thinking about it.

"What, Wu Mingsheng, where did he find this sword?"

Zhang Xiaofan thought of it and finally asked directly.

But after listening to Zhang Xiaofan's inquiries, Song Zhiming couldn't help but hesitated.

Song Zhiming also did not expect that the man suddenly became interested in the matter.

However, his mind has long been upset with this man who likes to pretend to be aggressive.

"You just installed a big tail with me. What kind of cold ?!"

"Now, why let me ignore you!"

After thinking about this, Song Zhiming couldn't help sneering, he glanced at Zhang Xiaofan disdainfully, said.

"I don't seem to have any obligation. I must tell you this."

Song Zhiming's words fell, the atmosphere in the field suddenly became cold, and the two sisters, Red and Black, also looked at him with cold eyes.

Although, what Song Zhiming said just now is not excessive.

However, in this context, his tone made it clear that he wanted to target Zhang Xiaofan, and just looking at this point would be enough to make the red and black pupils hostile.

When Song Zhiming was aware of the change in the atmosphere in China, it made him feel a little surprised.

What Song Zhiming never thought was that he casually treated the young man with such an understatement, which made Chitong and Heitong sisters show such deep hostility towards themselves.

He really thought that the two red and black sisters were Zhang Xiaofan's lover.

If so, the two red and black sisters are the lover of Zhang Xiaofan.

So, there is no reason why these two sisters will show such loyalty to Zhang Xiaofan again? !!

At this time, Lin Yanran also noticed that the atmosphere in the scene was wrong, and everyone in the Haisheng Hall looked at Zhang Xiaofan with hatred.

"Song Zhiming, can you tell me what kind of sword?"

Although Lin Yanran didn't have any good or bad feelings for Zhang Xiaofan, but from the perspective of young people, she didn't want to have any conflict between Hei Tong and Song Zhiming.

After all, the power of Haisheng Temple is not small, and the middle-aged man in the presence is still an elder of Haisheng Temple. If there is a real conflict, it goes without saying that Heitong will definitely suffer.

After hearing the words, Song Zhiming also glanced at Zhang Xiaofan coldly.

Obviously, Zhang Xiaofan is now interested in the matter, but Song Zhiming is reluctant to say more about it.

And Zhang Xiaofan just shrugged indifferently, he certainly was not interested in taking care of such a small role.

However, he was not angry about it, but instead took out a jade bottle from his own treasure house and threw it to Song Zhiming.

"Clarify the ins and outs of the matter, then this bottle of elixir is yours."

Song Zhiming took the jade bottle from Zhang Xiaofan's hands at this time, and could not help but hesitate a little, especially after hearing Zhang Xiaofan's words.

Zhang Xiaofan's attitude was too overbearing, too aggressive, and made him lose face .....

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