The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 7809: Real moment

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He is a disciple of Hai Sheng Dian, and still lacks his bottle of so-called miscellaneous elixir? !!

This is a joke. Song Zhiming has already done it in his heart. No matter what kind of elixir Zhang Xiaofan will give himself, Song Zhiming cannot tell Zhang Xiaofan what he knows and the news.

Otherwise, it would be too shameful for myself!

However, Song Zhiming was about to throw the bottle of elixir in his hands to Zhang Xiaofan, and Lin Yanran did not change his look.

She opened her mouth in a surprised tone, said.

"Zhang Xiaofan, you actually brought out such a bottle of elixir, which is too exaggerated, right ?!"

Lin Yanran felt really speechless at this moment.

The man in front of him made it clear that he was a prodigal son. Even if he came out of Yaowanggu, he was an alchemist, but he couldn't be so wasteful, wasn't he? !!

Such a rare elixir, needless to say, consumes a lot of rare medicinal materials, and it is very troublesome to make such effort and corresponding labor.

However, Zhang Xiaofan was able to give it to others so carelessly, showing a wasteful, earthy look.

After seeing the shocking expression on Lin Yanran's face, Song Zhiming couldn't help but think slightly.

"Can it be done? Zhang Xiaofan said that what is precious to him is precious ..."

After thinking about it, Song Zhiming directly opened the stopper of this jade bottle, and when he got close to it, he smelled a thick horror.

"I'm going, the elixir of good spirits!"

After realizing this, Song Zhiming quickly rushed into the arms of this bottle of elixir, worried that Zhang Xiaofan should not suddenly repent at this time, and asked himself to go back.

Then, just listen to Song Zhimin hurriedly speak.

"No problem, I'll tell you everything I know now."

"That sword was a mountain peak we recorded before, and Wu Mingsheng picked it up in a surrounding mountain stream."

"And it's strange to say that the sword is very strange. It is almost three feet long and has no extra carvings."

"The overall sword body also shows a bright gold color, as if it was made of thousands of gold."

"After receiving this golden sword, Wu Mingsheng also showed great love. He came up and tried it with his sword."

"It doesn't matter if you don't try it, you didn't expect it to be cut into two pieces from the middle."

"After seeing this scene, Wu Mingsheng was also very surprised at the incident. He was rushed to Makino City to meet with their predecessors."

There is no need to listen to what Song Zhiming said afterwards. Zhang Xiaofan is absolutely certain. The so-called flying sword that Wu Mingsheng picked up was his own Tiancong Yunjian.

What Zhang Xiaofan didn't expect was that his Tian Cong Yun Jian was picked up by someone else.

However, Zhang Xiaofan didn't show the slightest anxiety about this matter, and was picked up by others. The opposite is that it can be a lot more convenient.

After Zhang Xiaofan's mental strength was restored, he could easily recover the Tian Cong Yun Jian that was still in the hands of Wu Mingsheng.

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