The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 7815: So-called justice

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"Then I ask you, how can you do something so mean and shameless ?!"

Lin Yanran also raised her voice by an octave, and asked directly to Song Zhiming. A pair of beautiful eyes was full of anger.

At this time, Song Zhiming felt more or less embarrassed about his behavior and behavior.

After all, Song Zhiming is also a talented disciple of Hai Sheng Dian who has a face and face, but now he has indeed done such a thing.

If only he had just stabbed Zhang Xiaofan with a sword.

But now, instead of assassinating Zhang Xiaofan smoothly, his behavior was discovered by Lin Yanran in advance, and his attack was stopped on the spot.

In particular, in the face of Lin Yanran's loud and powerful interrogation, this made Song Zhiming more or less feel a little hot on his old face. !!

"I haven't been able to act on your behalf in Haisheng Temple. A little girl has come to intervene. At this time, another man's figure appeared at this moment."

This person is not someone else, it is the middle-aged man in Haisheng Temple, the last of the five in this line.

"Do you think you are the elder of the door of Haisheng Temple, and you can do all sorts of things here? It's impossible to touch fish like muddy water?"

Lin Yanran watched the middle-aged man suddenly shot out. She didn't mean to shrink back at all, and her voice was full of confidence.

"I said, it's not your turn to intervene in this matter, let alone you to point us at Haisheng Hall."

"If you don't agree, you can go to your elder Zongmen at Mingyuemen to file a royal order, and I don't mind."

If the middle-aged man is purely innocent, he must be a lot stronger. Just in a short time, he has completely controlled the entire scene.

There is no doubt that the elder of the outer door of the Haisheng Hall has the strongest combat effectiveness, and the momentum is stunned, and the momentum of the original Lin Yanran is suppressed in an instant.

Now, as long as they kill Zhang Xiaofan in this wild wilderness, and take away all the elixir from him.

Even if there is really the shelter of the so-called Mingyue Gate, who would choose to die with their Haisheng Temple for a person who has already died?

What's more, it is those who preside over the justice in their own hearts, which is even more nonsense. Who else will hang on to justice? Today's society is that the natural selection and survival of the fittest!

With this in mind, the middle-aged man looked blandly at Lin Yanran. This child has spent too much time in his ancestors. He has never experienced the world of a true practitioner, let alone the so-called scam Rivers and lakes.

Lin Yanran's thoughts, as well as her actions, are in many ways mainly naive and ridiculous.

"In the world of true practitioners, we still respect the strength of the fighting force. Now you are still too young and naive to understand the level we are in now."

After speaking of this, the middle-aged man shook his head and said slowly.

"Is it true?"

"I also agree with you very much in this regard."

When the middle-aged man was about to sneer at the justice justice Lin Yanran insisted on, a voice sounded.

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