The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 7816: No need to go to bullshit

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Along with this indifferent sound, Lin Yanran looked around and saw Zhang Xiaofan.

I do n’t know when Zhang Xiaofan actually opened his eyes, and his expression on the face seemed very indifferent and calm, as if he was in control of everything in the field. Human.

However, seeing Zhang Xiaofan's appearance now, Lin Yanran was still in a state of anxiety, and he was more or less angry.

"No, I didn't remind you just now. I want you to pay attention and be careful."

"If it hadn't been for my timely discovery and rushed here, then I think you would have been stabbed with a sword by Song Zhiming, would you?"

‘This man, just really died almost immediately under Song Zhiming ’s men. ’

‘But now, what pretense is he pretending to be in front of him? ’

‘You talk about Zhang Xiaofan ’s move. Is n’t he pretending to be forced? !! !! ’

After thinking about this, Lin Yanran was also angry.

However, Zhang Xiaofan did not choose to answer this question positively at this time, instead he smiled very calmly.

The world in which Zhang Xiaofan lives now, as well as the combat power he has, are still unknown, and Lin Yanran can't even imagine.

Therefore, Zhang Xiaofan simply did not spend that drool to go to Lin Yanran to explain more.

"Young man, I know you are definitely not as simple and ordinary as you see on the surface."

"Perhaps, you already expected that we would hit you."

"It's just that I can't figure it out. How confident are you that you can be so confident?"

"No, now you are really naive and think you can't escape from this tiger mouth!"

The middle-aged man in Haishengdian, with a pair of old eyes, looked at Zhang Xiaofan and said a word.

"I don't have much extra thought and energy to care about you now, of course you don't deserve it."

"I don't think it's necessary to talk nonsense with dead people."

Zhang Xiaofan said indifferently, said.

At this moment, two figures suddenly emerged, and they appeared in the darkness, assassinating towards the middle-aged man.

Needless to say, these two figures are naturally two sisters, Hitomi and Hitomi.

Originally, their sisters had protected Zhang Xiaofan in secret, and when Song Zhiming was about to attack Zhang Xiaofan, they shot and killed the group.

However, what both the red and black pupils didn't expect was that Lin Yanran would actually stand out at the moment of such a stern attack and protect Zhang Xiaofan. This would save the two sisters from shooting.

After being hinted by Zhang Xiaofan, Chitong and Heitui did not hesitate to emerge directly from the shadows, and swiftly rushed towards the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man was also frightened at this moment. The two sisters, red pupil and black pupil, were really hidden. He didn't notice it from the beginning to the end.

And these two female bodyguards are really not simple. Middle-aged men have no extra time to sigh and be surprised at this time.

Suddenly, a Hanman Gurkha scimitar came to him ...

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