The Thunder Demon Straw Hat Luffy

Chapter 16 - 16: A Giant Problem in Little Garden!

Luffy and the crew were sailing in the Grand Line for about a day now since they left Whiskey Peak. They were sailing in calm waters for the majority of the journey, but they had not traveled as far as they would like. The reason for that being that the wind kept stopping every now and then delaying their journey. Luffy was currently sitting on his throne sipping a glass of whiskey while watching everyone move about the ship. Sanji, Usopp, and Yosaku were fishing off the side of the ship, Zoro was sleeping right next to them, Nami and Vivi were standing on the upper deck in front of Luffy watching them fish, Johnny was up in the crow's nest looking out for any island or any ship heading their way, Nojiko was behind Luffy practicing wielding her three section staff, and Vivi's duck Karoo was standing off to Luffy's right looking out into the water. Luffy never thought he would admit this but he really liked that duck, he was fun to have around. While Luffy was watching everyone go about their duties the wind suddenly stopped again causing the sails to drop and the ship itself to stop. Luffy sighed as he felt the ship.

'When we get to Water 7 I really need to get a ship with paddles or a propeller under the ship cause this is ridiculous,' Luffy thought before turning his attention to Nami and Vivi who were walking towards him.

"Luffy," Nami said getting his attention on her, "The wind stopped again," she said causing Luffy to look at her funny.

"There is nothing I can do about the wind," Luffy said before he took a sip of his drink.

"But if we continue at this rate I am that by the time we reach Alabasta it would be too late," Vivi said with a frown. Luffy got up from his throne and placed his hand on her shoulder causing her to look up at him.

"You are worrying too much, everything is going to be okay," he said with a warm smile on his face before he turned towards Nami. "Why don't you help her take her mind off things by teaching her some haki," Luffy said to Nami. Vivi heard that and took on a puzzled look wondering just what Haki was. When she looked over to Nami she saw an evil look on Nami's face causing her to sweat a little. Before she could react she was being pulled away by Nami leading her towards the women's quarters. Luffy chucked when he saw Nami pull Vivi away before he went and sat back down on his throne. As he sat down on his throne he gave it a mental command to turn around so he could see what Nojiko was doing. When the throne spun around he saw her sweating and breathing heavily while going through different movements at an impressive rate of speed.

'She is training really hard,' Luffy thought to himself as he watches her strike an invisible opponent with his staff.

"What brought on this intensity?" Luffy asked getting her attention. Once she heard Luffy's voice she stopped what she was doing and took a few seconds to catch her breath before she replied.

"What are you talking about?" She asked while breathing heavily. Luffy smiled before he pulled out a second glass and poured some whiskey before handing it to her.

"Why are you suddenly training so hard?" Luffy asked as he watches her down the whiskey in one go.

"I have always been like this," she said before she handed the glass back to Luffy who took it and refilled it before handing it back to her.

"No, you haven't," Luffy said as he got up from his throne and walked over to the back and looked out into the ocean before he continued speaking. "Since we left Whiskey Peak you have been training yourself non-stop, why?" he asked while continuing to look at the water. Nojiko tightens the grip on her three section staff before she replied.

"Because I could have easily died on Whiskey Peak if it wasn't for you, Nami, Zoro, Johnny, and Yosaku," she said causing Luffy to understand what was going on but he didn't say anything instead he let her continue. "And those guys who were on Whiskey were nothing but cannon fodder compared to the enemies we are going to be facing soon, I let my guard down so easily against a bunch of weaklings and had to be saved by my little sister...again," she said sadly. Luffy then turned around and place his hand on her shoulder before he spoke.

"Hey, you're not alone in this. You weren't the only one who let their guards down back there and Nami didn't really do much," Luffy said causing her to look up at him with some tears in her eyes. "She didn't fight nobody, all she did was look around for stuff to steal...well they didn't really have anything to steal, but that is beside the point...The point is you made a mistake in judgment and you learned from it. There is no need to beat yourself up so much over it after all this life is new to you, I've been a pirate all my life, Nami been a thief since she was a child, and Zoro and those two have been bounty hunters a long time as well. We have been at this a while and we developed the skills necessary to survive over time and you will too," Luffy said trying to get her to relax a bit. Nojiko then wiped a stray tear away from her eyes before he smiled and reply to Luffy.

"Thanks, Luff!" she said with a smile causing Luffy to smile as well.

"Good, now show me what you got," Luffy said before he took off his captain's coat an threw it on his throne. Nojiko looked at him puzzled for a second before she spoke.

"What do you mean?" she asked as she watches as Luffy move a few feet away from her.

"You don't want to die when you face stronger enemies, and you don't want to be protected by your little sister anymore instead you want to protect her. So, you have been training yourself to the ground since we left Whiskey Peak and now I want to see the fruits of all this training," Luffy said as he took up a defensive stance. Nojiko had her eyes widen at what Luffy just said. He had hit the nail on the head about the way she was feeling and now he wanted to fight her.

"Bu-but, there is no way I can beat you," Nojiko said in a nervous voice. Luffy chuckled a bit before he replied.

"I never said for you to be me, I said show me the fruits of your training," he said before motioning her to come at him.

"Fine then, she said as she took a few seconds to calm her nerves before she took a few steps towards Luffy and started spinning her three section staff. Then faster than a normal human eye could track she launched an attack aimed at Luffy's head which Luffy easily caught with his hand.

"Tsk tsk, with attacks like that Nami may still need to protect you," Luffy said while shaking his head causing Nojiko to growl as she pulled the section of her staff away from Luffy. She then begins to spin all three sections of her staff once again before she thrust it forward aiming at Luffy's c.h.e.s.t. Luffy saw the attack coming and simply raised his right hand and stopped it with his palm. "Yeah, you surely are going to die against stronger enemies," Luffy said pissing her off even more.

"Shut up!" she screamed as he pulled the staff back and swung it towards Luffy head which his easily dodge.

"With attacks like these makes me think you want to die," Luffy said as he continued to dodge and block her attacks. "Do you want to die, Nojiko?" Luffy asked a bit louder.

"No," she said as continued to attack.

"I couldn't hear that, do you want to die?" Luffy asked again causing her to growl.

"NO!" she yelled as her attacks got faster and stronger causing Luffy smile.

"Then strike me down!" Luffy yelled causing a determined and angry look to come across her face before gathered her all willpower into her staff and swung it with all her might aiming for Luffy's right side. Luffy saw it coming and brought his arm up to block it. As the staff hit Luffy's arm his eyes widen as he suddenly felt pain in the area where he got hit. He quickly looked at the staff and saw a tiny amount of black fading away from the silver staff. Upon seeing that he smiled and looked over to Nojiko.

"Congratulations," Luffy said confusing her. "You have unlocked your armament haki," he said before walking over to his throne and putting his coat back on. Nojiko stared at Luffy as he put his coat back on with eyes the size of dinner of plates for a few seconds before she stuttered out a question.

"What?" she asked in a confused voice. Luffy sat back down on his throne and chuckled at her before he spoke.

"It is as I just said," he said as he pulled out his glass and begin to pour himself a drink. "That final attack of yours had Armament haki in it, that is why I felt pain when it hit me," Luffy said before he took a sip of his drink. Nojiko blinks a few times trying to process what Luffy had just said before she spoke.

"But what was it that I did that caused it to awaken?" she asked as she took a seat on the ground in front of Luffy wanting to hear what he have to say.

"It was your willpower," he replied causing her to look at him in confusion but said nothing instead, she waited for him to continue. "If you remember from my explanation of what Haki was, I explained that in the case of Armament haki a person's willpower or spirit allows them to create armor around themselves. Just now even though you weren't in any immediate danger your will to live and your will to prove yourself to be stronger than your sister was strong enough that you unconsciously covered the lower section of your staff with armament haki," Luffy said before taking another sip of his drink and looking over to Nojiko to see if she understood everything he just said.

"So it was just my will?" she asked in a voice of disbelief.

"Yeah I know it sounds hard to believe that the will of a person would have that kind of power, but it does," he said while looking at her with a smile. "You are the first one on the crew to awaken it, congratulations," he said causing her to blush slightly at the praise she was getting from her captain.

"So umm, what do I do now?" she asked trying to change the subject.

"Well, you need to learn how to summon it at will to point where it would almost become second nature," he said in a serious voice causing her to look at him with a determined look on her face. "In order to do that you need to find a way to recapture that feeling you had just before you attacked me and find a way to make it work for you," he said causing her nod her head at him.

"I'll get started right away," she said as she begins to get up in order to continue her training. As she was about to turn and go back to her training Luffy spoke causing her to stop.

"Before you do that," Luffy said getting her attention back on him. He then reached into his coat and pulled out a blindfold and tossed it to her before he spoke again. "All that training that you were doing with your staff before I interrupted you, I want you to do all that over again this time blindfolded," he said causing her eyes to widen.

"But why?" she asked not really seeing the point of doing something like that. Her control over her staff was already perfect and didn't see how that was going to help her.

"Two reasons why actually, firstly, if you are able to control your weapon with the same efficiency and skill while blindfolded as compared to when your vision is intact it is only then you can truly say you have mastered it. And lastly, it is quite normal for your enemies to try and take away one of your five senses, often times they seek to take away your ability to see. This will you if you are ever in a position like that," he said before he took another sip of his drink.

"I understand," Nojiko said finding logic in Luffy's words before she walked back to her training spot and placed the blindfold around her eye and began practicing her with staff again. The first few times of her spinning the staff and twirling it around her body resulted in her hitting herself in the leg, head, and c.h.e.s.t causing Luffy to chuckle before turning his throne around in order to see what everyone else was up to. He saw Usopp and the guys had finished catching fish and Sanji was now in the kitchen cook the fish they catch, Zoro was still sleeping, Johnny was still in the crow's nest looking out, and Luffy could hear Vivi's screams as Nami taught her observation haki. It was then Sanji came out and announced that lunch was ready.

"Lunch is ready!" he yelled causing everyone to stop what they were doing and began walking towards the kitchen.

"Thank god, I'm starving," Johnny said as he climbed down from the crow's nest. Luffy got up from his throne and sent it up in the sky where it was safe before he made his way towards the kitchen. When he walked into the kitchen he walked straight over to the table and took the open seat in between Vivi and Nojiko. As everyone sat down Sanji served everyone their food while flirting with the girls. Luffy poured himself some whiskey before he began to eat.

"Nami, how much longer till we reach Little Garden?" Zoro asked as he took a bit of his food.

"I don't know," she said causing everyone except Luffy to stop and look at her with wide eyes.

"What?!" Usopp screamed. "How could you not know, you're the navigator aren't you!?" he yelled/asked causing Nami to growl and was about to yell at Usopp but Luffy spoke before she could.

"Calm down Usopp," Luffy said in a calm voice. "It is uncharted waters, so there is no exact way of know when we will get there," he said coming to Nami's defense.

"Oh, sorry," Usopp said sheepishly while scratching the back of his head. Nami just huffed and went back to her food.

"Oh, and Nami," Luffy said getting her attention. "The ship needs to be cleaned," he said causing her to look at him puzzled wondering why she needs to clean the ship.

"Why do I have to do it?" she w.h.i.n.ed.

"Oh sweet Nami, did you forget about your punishment," Luffy said with an evil smile causing a look of recognition to flash across Nami's face before she sunk into her seat and replied.

"Noo," she said dejectedly causing everyone else to chuckle while Vivi looked around confused.

"Don't worry Vivi, I'll tell you later," Nojiko said causing her to nod.

"I can't wait to get to Little Garden!" Usopp said in a happy voice. "I can just see it now, the women of Little Garden all lining up to meet the great Captain Usopp!" he proclaimed with his fork in the air.

"Yeah right, if anything they will all be lined up to meet me!" Sanji yelled at Usopp.

"I don't want to burst your bubbles," Luffy said in a calm voice getting their attention. "But there aren't any people on Little Garden," he said surprising everyone.

"What!?" Sanji and Usopp yelled. "No people, that what's on the island!?" they asked simultaneously.

"From what I've heard it is a prehistoric island that is still stuck in the dinosaur age," he said calmly as though it was nothing. Everyone stared at Luffy as though he had grown a second head. Usopp, Yosaku, Nami, and Vivi had gone white as a sheet, the food that Sanji was about to put in his mouth fell to the ground, Nojiko and Johnny were frozen stiff, while Zoro and Karoo just continued eating.

"Y-you are kidding right?" Usopp asked in a scared voice. Luffy finished eating and downed his whiskey before he replied.

"Nope, totally serious," he said as he got up and took his plate to the sink.

"B-but how is that possible?" Nami stuttered out.

"Yeah, dinosaurs are extinct," Johnny added. Luffy chuckled as he leaned against the wall before he replied.

"Welcome to the Grand Line," he said with a wide smile.

"How can you be so calm!?" Vivi yelled at Luffy causing him to chuckled some more before he replied.

"You need to relax, princess," he said coolly. "We will keep you safe, so calm down," he said.

"Yeah, stick with me Vivi, your knight in shining armor will protect you!" Sanji yelled with hearts in his eyes causing everyone to sweat drop.

"Anyway," Luffy said seriously getting everyone's attention. "When we get there I want Zoro and Sanji to restock our meat supplies," Luffy said causing the two of them to nod their heads in apprehension.

"Aye captain," they said simultaneously.

"Good, and now for the most important thing of them all," he said causing everyone to lean towards him a bit. "Under no circ.u.mstances are any of you allowed to touch any of the plants, insects, berries or fruits of any kind while we are on that island, understood?" he asked causing every one of them to nod their heads.

"But why all of that, big bro Luffy?" Johnny asked wondering why they couldn't touch any of those things.

"Because if you get infected by something on that island the cure for it probably doesn't or no longer exists!" Luffy yelled scaring all of them. "Do I make myself clear?" he asked causing all of them to nod their heads quickly.

"Good, now Nami hurry up and eat and get cleaning," he said before he walked out of the kitchen.

Time skip: Two days later!

"I see an island!" Yosaku yelled from the crow's nest getting everyone's attention. He had decided to take the lookout duties today in order for Johnny to relax a bit. Luffy was sitting on his throne yelled out orders for Nami when he saw the Island Yosaku was pointing to.

"Nami," he said getting her attention. "You're in charge from here. Take us in," he said causing her to smile before she looked at her log pose and then looked at the crew.

"There is no mistake, Cactus Island and this one are definitely pulling against each other," she said before pointing to the island. "It's our next stop!" she yelled causing Usopp, Johnny, and Vivi's duck Karoo to start dancing and cheering. As the ship sailed closer and closer to the island the cheering stopped and turned into scared pleas to turn around.

"What the hell is little about this place!?" Usopp yelled while sweating slightly. Luffy decided to get up and go stand with Nami as they approach the island. As he was walking he gave a mental command to his throne to return to the sky before he spoke to Usopp.

"Usopp, are you forgetting what lives on that Island?" Luffy asked as he walked and stood next to Nami. Usopp thought about it for a second before he turned ad look at Nami and Luffy white as a sheet while trembling slightly.

"C-can't we just skip this island?" he stuttered out. "I am sure we can make it to the next island without going ashore on this one!" he yelled. Luffy decide not to answer him instead, he let Nami answer with his complains.

"The only way to reset the log is to go ashore," Nami said with a sigh while placing her hands on her h.i.p.s.

"Besides, we need to restock our food supplies," Sanji added as he lit a cigarette. "We didn't get so much as a sack of flour in the last town," he said as he blew out some smoke.

"Guys," Zoro said getting all of their attention. "There is our ticket in," he said while pointing forward to the island. Everyone looked to see where he was pointing and saw a small river going into the island. Nojiko ran inside and took control of the rudder and with eh help of Nami guidance she managed to take the ship in through the small river. As they were sailing on the river they all noticed the vast jungle on both sides while the air was filled the sound of different animals and birds. Nami looked at her log pose and back at jungle before she spoke.

"I don't know," she said causing Luffy to look at her with a raised eyebrow. "Usopp may be right on this one," she said causing Usopp to look at her with hopeful eyes. "We can rest the log from the ship. We don't need to go ashore, and once it resets we can leave and never look back," said Nami in a slightly scared voice.

"Right!" Usopp and Karoo said while giving a salute.

"Hate to burst your bubbles but we have no idea how long it will take for it to reset," Luffy said as he began walking down the stairs. "There are some Islands where the log pose only takes a few minutes, then there are islands where it takes a few years," He said causing all of their eyes to widen.

"A-a f-few y-years?" Usopp said as he dropped to his knees. "We are going to die!" he cried out to the heavens.

"Calm down Usopp," Luffy said trying to get his sniper under control. "We don't know for sure so calm down," he said before walking off to the side and looked out into the jungle. As he was staring out into the jungle a large tiger emerges from the bushes and began stacking the ship while staring at Luffy who just stared right back with his usually emotionless face.

"I have never seen a tiger that big," Johnny commented while grabbing his bisento just in case.

"Neither have I," said Vivi as she walked and stood behind a very scared Karoo. As everyone was staring at the tiger as it walked beside the ship it suddenly stopped and its eyes widened before he suddenly coughed up some blood and dropped to the floor dead. Even Luffy was surprised by what he just saw.

"What could have killed a giant tiger like that?" asked a very scared Nojiko.

"I have no idea," Luffy replied worrying the crew even more. "Alright, this is far enough," Luffy said before he turned around and looked at everyone. "Johnny, Yosaku drop the anchor," Luffy said causing the two of them to give a salute before they ran to the front of the ship and drop the anchor.

"We dropped her, captain!" they yelled causing Luffy to nod his head before he turned towards Sanji and spoke. "Sanji could you make me some lunch, I want to get my energy up," Luffy said causing Sanji to nod and walk off to the kitchen.

"Get your energy up for what exactly?" Nami asked as she stood next to Nojiko and Vivi who all had their hands on their h.i.p.s staring at Luffy while tapping their foot. Luffy would never admit it but the way those three were looking at him was making him a bit nervous.

"I want to go explore the island, so, I want to get my energy up just in case I got to wrestle a T-rex," Luffy said nonchalantly.

"Say Luffy," Vivi said getting his attention. "Would it be okay if I come along with you?" she asked while looking out into the jungle. When everyone heard her ask that they all stared at her with wide eyes.

"What!?" Nami screamed while staring at Vivi. "Vivi you can't be serious!" she yelled. Vivi just smiles at Nami before she replied.

"Well yeah, I don't want to stay here with nothing to do other than worry about my troubles," she said happily causing Luffy to smile.

"You know, for a princess you're alright," Luffy said as he leaned against the rails of the ship.

"It is official, Luffy has corrupted her," Usopp said while shaking his head when out of nowhere a bolt of lightning came down from the sky and stuck Usopp causing him to fall over on the floor burnt to a crisp. Everyone looked at Luffy only to see him whistling innocently as we began walking towards the kitchen. After lunch, Luffy and Vivi who was riding on Karoo's back set out to explore the new island of Luffy Garden. As they were running through the jungle for some time now they suddenly stopped when the ground beneath their feet shook as though they were having an earthquake. When they looked up they saw a heard of Brachiosaurus eating the leaves from the really tall trees. All of a sudden the ground shook once more before one of the Brachiosaur's head came flying off causing both Vivi and Luffy's eyes to widen.

"What could have killed a beast that big!?" yelled/asked Vivi.

"Now what, who?" Luffy said causing her to look at him as though he had grown a second head. "Look at the wound, it is a clean cut. If an animal did kill it then there would be bite marks," he said causing her to understand. Luffy then turned his attention back to the down beast and saw a giant figure stand over it.

"Gegyagyagyagya!" the figure said before bending down to Luffy and Vivi's level scaring Vivi and putting Luffy on guard. "I am the greatest warrior of all of Elbaf, I am Dorry! Gegyagyagyagya!" the giant name Dorry said jolly causing Luffy to drop his guard slightly.

"I-It's a giant," Vivi said in disbelief as she stared up at Dorry. "I've heard they exist but I've never seen one before," she said.

"I'm Luffy and I'm a pirate, nice to meet you," Luffy replied to the giant.

"Gegyagyagyagya! a pirate? Well good for you young man," Dorry said while laughing.

"and this is Vivi and Karoo," Luffy said while pointing over to the two of them causing them to stiffen slightly.

"Gegyagyagyagya! Tell you what you are all invited over to my home for lunch," Dorry said scaring Vivi even more. she was about to decline but Luffy spoke before she had a chance to.

"We would be honored," he said causing Vivi to fall to her knees and started question in her head if it was a good idea to come with Luffy.

"Wonderful! Gegyagyagyagya!" Dorry said before placing his very large hand down in front of them. "Hop on," he said causing Luffy to nod and step on his hand before looking over his shoulder looking for Vivi only to see her and Karoo slowly crawling onto the hand. The giant began walking towards a giant size rock with really big holes in while carrying the three of them in his right hand and the headless dinosaur in his other hand. when they got to the rock Dorry sat the three of them down before he started to make a fire and cut up the dinosaur. Luffy decides to help him out in order to speed things along spoke up.

"Dorry," Luffy said loudly for him to hear, "Why don't you let me get the fire started while you prepare the meat," he said as he walked over to the large piled of wood.

"Gegyagyagyagya! How kind of you," he said in a joyful voice before stepping aside and getting Luffy to start the fire.

"It is the least I can do after all you are treating us to lunch," he said before he pointed his right index finger at the firewood causing a small bolt of lightning to fire out and ignite a small part of the wood. Luffy repeated the process about five times on five different pieces of wood causing them to ignite as well. After about two minutes the fire started to pick up causing Luffy to nod in satisfaction before he walked backed over to Vivi and sat down on the log with her. After Dorry finished cutting up the meat he placed it on the fire to cook before he took a seat in front of the giant Rock and began conversing with Luffy and Vivi.

"Say, Mr. Dorry," Vivi said politely getting the giant's attention. "How long does it take for the log to reset on this island?" she asked causing Luffy to look up at Dorry wanting to know the answer as well.

"One full year!" he said with a smile causing Luffy's eyes to widen and Vivi to pass out.

"One year?" Luffy asked causing Dorry to nod his head before he replied.

"Yes, most people never survive that one year," he said causing Luffy to raise his eyebrow. "They usually succ.u.mbed to the elements or get eaten by an animal," he said before he turned the meat over on the fire. Luffy then sighed and rubbed his forehead and began to think. He needed to get Vivi back to Alabasta in time to stop the war or else he wouldn't get to make Alabasta his territory and he had no intention of waiting a whole year for that. If he waits a whole year there might not be a country left for him make his territory. He could risk the possibility of flying to Alabasta himself and buying an eternal pose there and come back and grab the rest of the crew but he doesn't know how long it would take for him to find Alabasta.

"This just turned into one big headache," Luffy said with a sigh as he started massaging his temple. Just then Dorry took the meat off of the fire and place a large piece of the dinosaur in front of the two of them.

"Eat up my friends," he said before he picks up another piece from the fire and bit into it. Luffy walked around the log and shook Vivi awake. He then pulled out his sword and carved out two pieces for her and Karoo before he carved out one for himself. Vivi took the piece from Luffy before looking up at him with tears in her eyes. Luffy smiled at her as he places his hand on her shoulder before he spoke.

Don't worry," he said in a calm voice. "I said I was going to get you home and stop the war and I will," he said causing her to smile slightly before she nodded to him. Luffy then sat down before her and took a bite of his meat. "Dorry," he said getting the giant's attention. "I don't mean to pry but why do you live out here by yourself? Don't you have a village to call home?" Luffy asked causing Dorry to smile before he replied.

"I came from a village, a home of many warriors called Elbaf," he said while looking down at Luffy. "It once was home but I no longer call it that," he said causing Luffy to raise an eyebrow at that.

"Why?" he asked curiously as to why he would leave the home of the giants.

"There are certain rules in Elbaf which must be obeyed," he said allowing Luffy to understand. " For example, when a fight breaks out and neither side yields, Judgement is handed out by Elbaf's god. Whoever he deems to be righteous will be declared the winner and is granted survival as well as divine protection," he said before he picked up his meat and took another bite. "This place is out battleground. We have fought for a century and Elbaf has yet to choose a champion, Gegyagyagyagya!" he said causing Luffy and Vivi's eyes to widen for two different reasons.

"Even with all the time in the world wouldn't your wane after a hundred years of the same battle?" Vivi said as she stood up. "At this point is there any real animosity left between you two or are you just fighting to fight?" she asked causing Dorry to laugh and Luffy to chuckle.

'She really is a pacifist,' he thought to himself. Suddenly one of the volcanoes off to the left of the rock erupted causing everyone to look over at that.

"That's some exposition," Luffy said as he took a bite of his meat and stared at the Volcano.

"Well then, it's time to get going," Dorry said before he got up from his sitting position causing Luffy and Vivi to look over at him in confusion. It was then Luffy noticed something about Dorry, his whole demeanor changed, his eyes became cold, his smile was gone, and his posture was that of a warrior getting ready for war. The volcano then erupted a second time before Dorry spoke. "Please forgive me, but there is something I must attend to," he said as he picked up his shield and sword. "That's the signal my opponent uses to mark the beginning of our fight," he said causing Luffy to nod his head in understanding. "As for why we are fighting...we do not remember, Gegyagyagyagya!" he said.

"It's senseless. how can you have so much hatred for someone that you could fight them for an entire century?" she asked while looking up at the towering giant. "What could have happened to make you this mad?" she asked causing Luffy to interrupt her.

"Vivi that's enough," he said while placing his hand in front of her face stopping her. "This isn't what this is about, okay?" he said as he felt the ground starting to shake.

"You're right...this is about honor," Dorry said as he narrowed his eyes at his approaching opponent before he took off towards him. Luffy and Vivi looked on as the two giants clashed with two different reactions, Luffy was watching in awe at the scale of the battle taking place before them while Vivi was disgusted at the fact that these two were fighting for no reason what so ever. As the fight progressed Luffy and Vivi were completely absorbed in the spectacle taking place before them when suddenly Luffy's observation haki alerted him of a presence some distance away to the left. He narrowed his eyes and turned his slightly before looking over making sure he was noticed by whoever was there. When he looked over he saw a woman floating on an umbrella in the sky some distance away. Luffy immediately recognized her as Ms. Valentine and if she was here that meant Mr. 5 was here as well. He didn't tell Vivi about it instead, his guard was placed all the way up and his observation haki was running at max. Luffy then noticed her descending back to the ground before she was hidden from his view by the bushes. Deciding to see what was going on he tried to sense where she was, who she is with, and where she was going. He sensed her presence along with another familiar presence who he chalked up to be Mr. 5. The two of them were walking away from Luffy and Vivi and heading in the opposite direction. Luffy then tried to find where his crew was, Sanji was by himself, Johnny and Yosaku were together, Zoro was also by himself, and Nami, Usopp, and Nojiko were together. He let out a sigh of relief knowing there are all okay before he turned back to the fight only to see both Dorry and his opponent falling down to the ground before they started laughing with each other. Dorry and his opponent then got up and his opponent handed him something before they went their separate ways. Dorry came back over and sat down with some barrels in his hand.

"Brogy said he has guests over and they gave him these wonderful refreshments, he was kind of enough to share them with me," he said as he sat down.

"Did he say who his guests were?" Luffy asked wanting to know if the giant named Brogy was with his crew or Baroque Works.

"He didn't say but from what I could see there were two young ladies and a fella with a long nose," he said causing Luffy to chuckle.

"They are from my crew," he said with a smile.

"Gegyagyagyagya! Then I should be thanking you for this lovely refreshments a well," he said as he held up two barrels between his fingers before he broke the tops in with his thumb and began drinking. While he was drinking the alcohol Luffy noticed the look on his face suddenly changed, before Luffy could think about it the alcohol exploded casing Dorry's eyes to roll back into his head and he collapsed on is back.

"Dorry!" Luffy and Vivi yelled as both of them sprang to their feet.

"That is the same alcohol that was on the ship," Luffy said while staring at the down Dorry with wide eyes.

"That other giant must have booby-trapped it," Vivi said causing Luffy to look over at her with a cold look on his face.

"Shut up Vivi," Luffy said lowly. "There is no way he would do that, there is too much pride involved here for him to pull a low move like that," Luffy said.

"Alright then, who did do it?" she asked. before Luffy could reply Dorry spoke as he got up slowly with his weapon in hand.

"You strangers," Dorry said lowly as he stuck his giant word in the ground. "It wasn't Brogy, no way. No warrior of Elbaf would dare. So, who else to suspect on this island then...besides you!" he said causing Luffy to step in front of Vivi with his eyes narrowed.

"My crew and I aren't the only ones here on this island," Luffy said surprising everyone.

"And just who else is on this island?" Dorry asked in a dangerous tone.

"A group of bounty hunters," he said while looking up at the towering giant. "If I am not mistaken you are Dorry the Blue Ogre, and this friend of yours is Brogy the Red Ogre, former captains of the Giant Warrior Pirates," Luffy said surprising Vivi. "The two of you have a 200 million berry bounty on your head correct?" he asked causing Dorry to nod all the while looking at Luffy with suspicion. "Why don't you let me and my crew take care of them while you focus on your fight with Brogy," Luffy offered.

"And why should I trust you?" Dorry asked while towering over Luffy. "And how exactly do you know they are on this island?" he asked again.

"You're from the New World, I'm sure you know about haki," Luffy said remembering that Elbaf was in the New Word, one of the many things taught to him by Shanks's right-hand man, Ben Beckman.

"I do know of haki, however, I am not a practitioner of it," he said causing Luffy to nod his head understanding. Luffy assumed that he probably thought of haki as a form of cheating in a duel.

"I assure you Dorry, whoever interrupted his scared duel will pay for it," he said in a cold voice as the skies above stared to darken and be filled with thunderclouds. Right then and there the volcano erupted signaling it is time for the next fight Luffy looked over at Dorry and spoke. "I take it you are still going to fight in your condition," he said as he stared at Dorry.

"I must, as an Elbaf warrior," he said before he coughed up some blood causing Luffy to become even more pissed off.

"What!?" Vivi yelled out in surprise. "Dorry, you need rest!" Vivi yelled out trying to reason with the giant.

"I am Dorry and I will fight for Elbaf's pride and die as a warrior!" he said as he began taking slow steps towards his battlegrounds. While Dorry was walking towards his duel the skies continue to darken while Luffy stood there in place with a pissed off look on his face. As Dorry and Brogy began their duel Usopp suddenly crash-landed in front of Luffy and Vivi.

"Usopp?" Luffy said in surprise. Usopp sprang to his feet and started crying in front of Luffy.

"Luffy! Nami and Nojiko were eaten by a dinosaur!" yelled in a panic causing Vivi, Luffy, and Karoo's eyes to widen.

"WHAT!?" they three of them yelled.

"We were being chased through the jungle and I was running in front of them and when I look back they were suddenly gone!" he cried out while hugging the giant duck. Luffy not wanting to take Usopp's word for it began trying to sense Nami and Nojiko and much to his relief he found them.

"Relax Usopp they're alive," Luffy said causing him to let out a sigh of relief. Vivi then started to explain to Usopp that Baroque Works is here on the island and had tampered with Dorry's drink. Just as Usopp was about to speak they all noticed Dorry beginning to fall down while Brogy was going for the finishing blow. Everyone's eye widens as they saw a tower of blood squirt out from Dorry wound as Brogy cut him across the c.h.e.s.t.

"DORRY!" they all yelled out. Before they can say anything else two figures emerge from the bushes off to the right of the group.

"What a shame," said Mr. 5 as he and Ms. Valentine made themselves known. Vivi and Usopp were scared when they saw the two of them and Luffy to growl when he saw them for two reasons. First, for what they did to Dorry and second, for letting his guard down again. He was caught off guard by Dorry dying he dropped his guard and now these two insects managed to sneak up on him. "After a hundred years their duel finally dishonorably," Mr. 5 said pissing Luffy off even more. Luffy then looked to Vivi and Usopp before he spoke.

"Nami and Nojiko are in that direction and they seem to be alone," he said while pointing just off to the right of Brogy. "Go find them and wait for me there," he said before he turned back to the duo. "I'll take care of these two," he said lowly as thunder boomed overhead and lightning flashed. Vivi then hopped on Karoo's back before the three of them took off running in the direction of Nami and Nojiko. As they were running away Ms. Valentine spoke.

"Kyahahaha! I don't know who told you kiddies you could leave," she said before he jumped really high in the air and floated over the retreating group. Just as she was right over the group getting ready to drop down on them Luffy suddenly appeared in front of her.

"And I don't recall ever tell you to move," he said in a cold voice causing her eyes to widen before she was kicked back down to the ground at amazing speed. However, when she landed on the ground it didn't seem as though she got much damaged from the fall, only from Luffy's kick. That intrigued Luffy, he knew she had devil fruit powers but was curious as to what devil fruits.

"How interesting," Luffy said as he landed back on the ground and began walking towards the duo. "I had expected you land a lot harder than that," he said while staring at Ms. Valentine who was now holding her side in pain from where Luffy kicked her.

"I ate the Kilo-Kilo Fruit, I can change my body weight at my will," she said causing Luffy to finally understand.

"I see, so when I just kicked you your body weight was at 0 or something which allowed you to take minimum damage from that fall," he said as he continued to walk towards the duo. "A devil fruit like that could come in handy," Luffy observed while staring at the girl.

"Enough chit chat!" Mr. 5 yelled causing Luffy to look over to him. "I think its time we got down to business. I've been meaning to pay you back for what you did at Whiskey Peak," he said with a growl.

"And I will pay you back for what you did to Dorry because if I am not mistaken you ate to Bomb-Bomb fruit, so you were the one who planted that bomb," Luffy said in a cold voice.

"That's right, now prepare to face my Bomb-Bomb fruit!" Mr.5 yelled as he charged towards Luffy. Luffy just stared at him with his cold emotionless eyes before he spoke in a low voice.

"Fools like you who cling to their devil fruits could never beat me," he said before he dodged Mr. 5 punch to the face and then proceeded to give him a haki infused knee to the stomach. Mr. 5 then hunched over on the ground and coughed up some blood, before he even had a chance to recover Luffy pivoted on his left leg and delivered a spinning heel kick right to Mr. 5's face sending him tumbling back to Ms. Valentine.

"MR. 5!" Ms. Valentine yelled as she watches her partner lay face down on the ground bleeding from his mouth. After a few minutes, Mr. 5 then began to get back up. As he stood up he looked at Luffy and reach into his pocket and pulled out a gun. Luffy not really being worried about a gun just stared at him with the same emotionless look on his face. Mr. then opened the revolver's chamber and blew into it before he closed it and aimed it at Luffy confusing him.

"DIE!" Mr. 5 yelled as he fired six times at Luffy. Luffy could sense something coming towards him but couldn't see it. Although he could sense it he still didn't dodge instead, he let all six shots hit him. As the six shots impacted Luffy's c.h.e.s.t they exploded on contact hiding Luffy from the view of the duo in a thick cloud of black smoke.

"Kyahahaha! That ought to teach him!" Ms. Valentine said smugly.

"Teach me what exactly," came Luffy's voice from inside the cloud of smoke. When the smoke cleared they all saw Luffy standing there missing the entire right side of his c.h.e.s.t including his right arm along with a small part of the right side of his face.

"Just what are you?" Mr. 5 asked in slight fear as he took a step back.

"I'm a lightning man," Luffy said before the missing parts of his body started to reform themselves as lightning. When the lightning disappeared the two of them saw Luffy standing there as though he had never gotten shot. "Now, I think it is time to get serious," Luffy said before he suddenly disappears from their view causing their eyes to widen. Before Ms. Valentine could react Luffy appeared behind her and placed the palm of his hand on her back before he spoke.

"Bind!" he said causing five ropes of lightning to come out of his palm and bind Ms. Valentine in place.

"AHH!" she yelled out in surprise before falling over face first.

"Sorry, but I don't like fighting girls," Luffy said before he turned his attention to Mr. 5 and spoke. "Now for your punishment," he said before disappeared and reappear in front of Mr. 5 and delivered a haki infused punch to his stomach. Once again Mr. 5 found himself hunched over on the ground coughing up blood. Luffy then grabbed him by the back of his neck and roughly pulled up and with a great show of strength tossed him in the air.

"Mr. 5!" Ms. Valentine yelled as she watches from her position on the ground her partner falling from about thirty feet in the air. Luffy ignored the screaming woman and stood right under the falling man. He then covered his fist in haki and held it up to the sky. Mr. 5 landed with his back right on Luffy's extended fist causing him to scream out in pain. Luffy just held them there in the air for a few seconds before he threw him next to his partner.

"," the downed Mr. 5 begged. Luffy walked over to him and place his food on his back before he spoke.

"Bind!" he said before five ropes of lightning came out and bound him in place just like Ms. Valentine.

"Don't even bother trying to use your devil fruits while you're bounded," Luffy said while looking at Ms. Valentine. "It won't work," he said surprising her, she ignored Luffy and tried using her devil fruit powers and found she couldn't.

"What have you done to my devil fruit!?" she screamed.

"That lightning is infused with something special that negates all devil fruit powers," Luffy replied before he summoned a thunder cloud and sat down on it. "Now the two of you are going to tell me why you planted that bomb," Luffy said while looking at the two of them.

"We'll tell you...whatever you want...just no more fighting," Mr. 5 choked out.

"It wasn't our idea," Ms. Valentine said causing Luffy to look over at her. "It was Mr. 3's idea. He wanted those giant's bounty and he outranks us," she said trying to get Luffy spare them. She had just seen how easily he handled Mr. 5 and she knows he can easily kill them both without breaking a sweat. All she wanted was to survive this ordeal.

"And who is this Mr. 3?" Luffy asked in a bored tone.

"We don't know his real name but he is stronger than Mr. 5 and very devious," she said. She was doing all of the talking because she knew Mr. 5 was too injured and did want him to push himself too far. "He ate the Wax-Wax fruit and can control and produce wax from his body," she said causing Luffy to nod his head.

"And his partner?" he asked knowing very well that this Mr. 3 had a female companion.

"His partner is Ms. Goldenweek she is a 16 and uses paint to control a person's emotions," she said causing Luffy to look at her with a raised eyebrow while waiting for her to continue. "It's called color trap, she can change a person's personality through the use of certain colors, changing their behavior as she sees fit," she said causing Luffy's eyes to widen slightly in surprise.

"And she didn't eat a devil fruit?" he asked causing her to shake her head saying no. "Interesting," he said. Before he could say anything else he heard some rumbling off to his right and looking over. When he looked over he saw a giant cake made out of wax with five candles spinning at the top. "Well that's not something you see every day," Luffy said in a bored tone.

"That's Mr. 3's doing," Mr. 5 said letting everyone know he is still alive.

"Well, I hope this guy is more fun than you two because I went from being really pissed off to really bored," Luffy said as he got up from the cloud and walked over to the two of them. He then picked the two of them up and threw them onto the cloud. He then began walking towards where all the fun seem to be happening while the thunder cloud followed behind him. After walking for a few minutes Luffy and the two captured agents came onto a sight that made Luffy feel ashamed. Standing trapped in the wax of cake was every member o his crew except Sanji along with Vivi. Karoo was tied up next to a little girl who was drinking tea. Luffy also noticed the down figure of Dorry who he could still sense is alive and a captured Brogy.

"LUFFY!" all of them yelled as they saw him walk into the clearing. Luffy looked at all of them with a cold look before he spoke.

"What do you want?" he asked in a cold voice surprising them.

"What do you mean, get us out of here!" Nami yelled.

"I'll do that when I feel like it," Luffy replied causing all of their eyes to widen. Luffy then turned his attention to the man with his hair shaped like the number 3. "I take it that you are Mr. 3?" Luffy asked while looking at him.

"That I am. I see you defeated Mr. 5 and Ms. Valentine," Mr. 3 said as he adjusted his glasses. "But that means very little, as you can see I have captured your crew and they are about to die!" he yelled before he started laughing maniacally.

"Oh yes, I see that very well," Luffy said while throwing a cold glance at his crew.

"Luffy just what is your problem!?" Nami yelled/asked. "We are about to die!" she yelled out in frustration.

"Yes, the seven of you are about to be killed because SEVEN you couldn't handle an old weirdo and a f.u.c.k.i.n.g child!" Luffy screamed back in anger causing a loud thunder to boom overhead and lighting to start striking random parts of the island. Everyone stared at Luffy in shock and in some fear, the last time the crew saw Luffy close to being this pissed was when Nami stole the ship and betrayed the crew but even that couldn't compare to this. "And my so-called vice-captain over there wants to be the greatest swordsman in the world and here he is getting trapped by some weakling," Luffy said before he raised his right hand in the air. "Try and survive this would you," he said.

"Judgement!" he called out as he brought his arm down causing a large pillar of lightning to descend on the cake made of wax destroying it. Mr. 3 looked on as his masterpiece was destroyed so effortlessly and his prisoners were now free from the cake but they still had the candle lock attach to their legs. He turned toward Luffy and looked at him with pure hatred in his eyes before charging towards him.

"Candle Lock!" Mr. 3 yelled while thrusting his hands forward causing a wave of wax to rush towards Luffy who didn't move an inch. After the wax surrounded itself around Luffy's feet it hardens quickly locking Luffy's foot in place.

"Now what are you going to do, Mr. 100 million berries," Mr. 3 mocked thinking he had successfully captured Luffy.

"Is this it?" Luffy asked in a bored tone causing the smug smile on Mr. 3's face to vanish and a look of anger spread across it.

"What do you mean if this is it?" he asked angrily. "You are trapped and I will not get to add you to my collection along with all the rest of your crew once I captured them again!" he yelled at Luffy who just let out a sigh before covering his entire lower body in lighting causing the wax around his feet his evaporate. "W-what? H-how?" Mr. 3 asked in disbelief.

"Lightning is five times hotter than the surface of the sun dumb a.s.s," Luffy said as he began walking towards Mr. 3. [thats actually true. Surprised me as well] "Here I thought you would actually be a challenge," Luffy said with a sight while still walking towards Mr. 3. "Guess that was just wishful thinking," He said in a bored tone before he disappeared from view and reappeared right next to Mr. before he delivered a lightning speed kick to Mr. 3's face sending him flying out of the clearing. Ms. Goldenweek had her eyes widen at how easily her partner had been defeated.

"He beat Mr. 3," Ms. Valentine said in a voice of pure disbelief as she looked on from the cloud. She knew Luffy was strong but she didn't think he was a match for Mr. 3. She thought that Mr. 3 would push Luffy to his limits before he gave up but instead, Luffy took care of Mr. 3 without breaking a sweat, it was like a giant stepping on an ant.

"Well that takes care of him," Luffy said in a bored tone before turning to his crew. As he turned and looked at them he saw all of them laying on the ground with their legs bounded looking up at him. He sighed before he walked over and melted the wax with his lightning before he turned his attention to Ms. Goldenweek and the two bounded bounty hunters.

"Damn it, my shirt got burnt off," came Nami's voice causing Luffy to turn his attention over to her. When he looked over he saw Nami standing there with her shirt completely gone leaving only her bra.

"When I am done with you your shirt is going to be the least of your worries," Luffy said in a monotone voice causing all of them to strengthen up slightly before he turned his attention back to the three Baroque Works agents.

"What are we going to do with them, Captain?" Zoro asked while looking at the three agents. Luffy said nothing instead he walked towards the three individuals and spoke.

"I am going to make the three of you an offer," he said getting their attention. "You can either go back to Crocodile and tell him you failed your mission and die," He said causing their eyes to widen when they heard their boss's identity. "Or you can join my crew," he said causing their eyes to widen further and the jaws to drop. Luffy's crew were slightly surprised but they couldn't say that they didn't expect something like this to happen. Vivi, on the other hand, was surprised beyond belief. As much as she was surprised she was just as angry as well.

"Luffy you cannot be serious!" Vivi yelled while taking a few steps towards Luffy. "They tried to kill us and now you are offering them a place on your crew!?" she yelled out absolutely livid about that idea.

"And your point being what exactly?" Luffy asked in his usual monotone voice. Before Vivi could reply Luffy spoke once more. "Nami committed treason and she is still part of my crew, Johnny tried to kill me at one point as well and he is a part of my crew. So what point are you trying to make here?" Luffy asked causing Vivi to look at Nami and Johnny hoping that what Luffy said wasn't true only see the two of them nodding their head. Vivi then looked back to Luffy and was about to try and reason with him again but before she could speak Luffy beat her to it again. "And need I remind you, Princess, you are a passenger on my ship, not a crew member, and you sure as hell ain't the captain," Luffy said somewhat harshly causing the rest of his crew to look at Vivi in pity feeling sorry for her. Vivi didn't say anything else instead she turned and walked back and stood with the rest of the crew before trying not to make eye contact with anyone.

"Don't you think that was a bit too harsh, Luffy," Nojiko asked from her position besides Vivi. Luffy didn't reply to her instead he turned to the Group of Baroque Works agents and spoke.

"Well?" Luffy asked causing the three of them to look at each other for a second before the each gave their response.

"I'll join you," said Ms. Valentine.

"I prefer to be your ally than being your enemy," Mr. 5 said causing Luffy to nod before he looked over at Ms. Goldenweek. She took some time and looked around to see if Mr. 3 was going to return but after realizing that he wasn't she spoke up.

"I'll join as well," she said causing Luffy to smile before he snapped his fingers causing the Lightning that bounded Ms. Valentine and Mr. 5 to disappear allowing them to move once again.

"Welcome to the Straw Hat Pirates," Luffy said with a smile causing them to smile and nod their heads. Luffy then turned to the two giants that were off to the side and walked up to them.

"Sorry I didn't free you right away Brogy, I want to make sure the threat was gone," Luffy said before he used his lightning to melt the wax freeing Brogy.

"It is no problem, my young friend!" Brogy said happily before his smile slowly faded away as he looking at the down form of Dorry. Luffy seeing this decided to give him some good news.

"Don't worry about Dorry," Luffy said getting his attention. "He is still alive," he said causing everyone's eyes to widen.

"What!?" Brogy yelled out in surprise. "Dorry is alive!? But how!?" he asked while switching between Luffy and Dorry.

"I can only guess that it is because that after dueling for a hundred years your weapons have dulled," Luffy said causing everyone to look over at the two giant weapons and saw that they were in pretty bad shape.

"Of course, not even weapons made in Elbaf could withstand two giants dueling for one hundred years," Usopp said happily as he was glad Dorry was alive. And right on cue ever one saw Dorry was beginning to wake up. After being helped up by Brogy, Dorry and everyone else went back to the giant rock that Luffy and Vivi were having lunch with Dorry and sat down and relaxed why Dorry patched up his wounds.

"While we are waiting here can someone please tell me where Sanji is?" Luffy asked as he summoned his throne. Before anyone could answer him they all heard the voice of Sanji coming from behind them.

"Oh, Nami! Vivi! Nojiko! Did you miss me?" Sanji asked with hearts in his eyes and he skipped towards the crew. When he saw the two giants and the three former Baroque Works agents he immediately went into a protective stance in front of Nami and Vivi. "Okay, who are you and which one of you is Mr. 3!?" he yelled returning to his usual self.

"And how exactly do you know about Mr. 3?" Nami asked causing him to turn around and look at her.

"Ohh Nami you look so beautiful in that outfit!" he yelled as he saw Nami in her bra.

"Care to repeat that!" Nami yelled while balling her fist.

"Calm down, here have my coat," he said as he took off his coat and handed it to her for her to cover up. "You see I've been a bit busy," he said as he sat down on a log nearby. "I just got off the phone with Mr. 0 on the transponder snail," he said causing everyone to look at him with eyes the size of dinner plates.

"You what!" everyone yelled.

"Yeah, I found this enemy hide out in the middle of the jungle and he called," he said before he lit a cigarette. "I answered and he thought I was some Mr. 3 who he apparently sent here to kill us and Vivi," Sanji said as he blew out some smoke. "I told him that the Vivi and the straw hats were all dead," Sanji said happily while everyone looked at him like he had grown a second head.

"So he thinks he doesn't have to send anyone else after us anymore," Vivi said in a whisper.

"So you are saying we are free of people chasing us now that we can't go anywhere," Usopp cried out.

"We can't go? Is there something we still need to take care of here?" Sanji asked still unaware that the log takes a whole year to resets. "That's a real shame after I managed to get hold of this thing," he said as he pulled out an eternal pose set to Alabasta causing everyone's jaws to drop.

"An eternal pose to Alabasta!" Johnny yelled out.

"Now we can finally set sail!" Yosaku added as they all started dancing.

"Now why can't the rest of you be like Sanji," Luffy said causing all of them to stop celebrating and started to sulk. "Dorry, Brogy it's been fun but it is time for us to go now," Luffy said as he got up from his throne and sent it back into the sky.

"Right, it is a shame that you have to leave so soon," Dorry said while Brogy nodded his head in agreement.

"Take care of yourselves," Luffy said as he and his crew began walking back towards the ship. After walking for about five minutes the crew arrived back at the ship and saw three large dead dinosaurs in front of the ship. "I take it this is out meat?" Luffy asked while looking at Sanji causing him to nod his head along with Zoro and the bounty hunting duo.

"Yeah and as you can see mine is clearly bigger than the rest," Sanji said smugly.

"No ours is the biggest!" the Bounty hunting duo yelled.

"As if, mine is clearly the biggest!" Zoro yelled causing Luffy to sigh.

"it doesn't matter we don't need it all anyway," Luffy said as he unsheathed his sword and held it reverse grip in front of his face causing everyone to look at him to see what he was about to do.

"Star Counter!" Luffy said before he disappears and reappears standing on the side of the ship with his back to everyone slowly sheathing his sword slowly. Then suddenly a click was echoed throughout the area as the sword was completely sheathed causing square chunks of meat to fall off the bones of the three dinosaurs leaving behind just the skeleton. Zoro stared at what just happened with wide eyes. Never he had ever seen someone produce that many cuts over such a wide area so fast.

"Take meat from all three dinosaurs and get ready to set sail," Luffy said before he hopped into the ship and went and stood on the upper deck looking down at everyone hurrying to set sail and packing the meat in the refrigerator. After a few minutes all the meat was stored away, Johnny and Yosaku were on the rudder ready to go, Zoro had just pulled up the anchor, Nami was standing beside Luffy along with the three new crew members, Usopp and Sanji were standing by the main mast waiting for Luffy's signal to release the sails, and Nojiko and Vivi were at the front of the ship staring out.

"Everything is ready, Captain!" Zoro yelled as he secured the anchor.

"Johnny, you guys are ready?" Luffy asked.

"Aye, Captain!" they yelled back.

"Well then, Set Sail!" Luffy yelled causing Sanji and Usopp to release the sails causing the ship to catch the wind and start moving forward.

"The giants said if we keep sailing straight would take us to the western end of the island," Nami said causing Luffy to nod. As the ship sailed further they started to see the end of the rive that leads to the open sea. Standing on either side of the river was Dorry and Brogy looking out at the horizon.

"Look, it's the giants. They came to say goodbye!" Usopp said happily. As they sailed in between the two giants Brogy began to speak.

"A great danger still lies ahead of you," he said while still looking forward.

"It is an obstacle that has always been here, trying to prevent people from reaching the next island," Dorry added causing a few of the crew members to panic slightly. "Everyone one of you fought like true warriors trying to protect the pride of our duel," he said in a serious voice.

"And because of that no matter what enemy you face," Brogy said continuing from where Dorry left off.

"We will never all them to destroy your pride, friend," Dorry said.

"You must have faith in what we say and go straight, no matter what happens you must continue going straight!" Brogy yelled causing Luffy to nod his head before he spoke.

"you heard that Johnny, Yosaku?" Luffy asked while leaning over the rails slightly.

"Aye!" the yelled back. As soon as the ship sailed out of the river and into the open ocean some very big started to come up from the water causing everyone to hold onto something and scream. Out of the water came a giant goldfish big enough to swallow an entire island and was now getting ready to swallow the ship.

"Johnny! Yosaku! work the rudder before we get eaten!" Nami yelled from next to Luffy.

"But Luffy said to go straight," Johnny replied.

"Keep going straight, guys!" Luffy yelled out causing everyone except Usopp to look at him as though he was suicidal.

"Luffy, don't be ridiculous this is not going to turn out like Laboon," Nojiko said trying to get Luffy to understand. Luffy ignored all the cries and please and let the ship sail right into the beast's mouth. When the beast closed its mouth and began to swallow them a sudden bright white light appeared behind the ship and everyone saw a wave of blue and red energy fly past the ship and pierce through the giant fish's throat while pushing the Ship out the giant hole as well. After flying for a few seconds the ship finally touched back down on the water and moving at a high rate of speed. Everyone looked behind them and saw the giant goldfish had a giant hole in his throat and through the hole, everyone could see Dorry and Brogy standing there holding broken weapons.

"Well, that was fun," Luffy said before he turned towards Nami and spoke. "Get us on the right course for Alabasta," he said causing her to nod her head and go down to the main deck. Luffy then looked to his three new crew members and spoke. You three follow me," he said as he leads the three of them into the Captain Quarters. There was nothing too special in Luffy's room except for a bed, a writing desk and a closet. Luffy walked over to the bed and sat down before he looked at the three former bounty hunter and spoke.

"I've had enough of all these code names, I want your real names," he said in a serious voice causing the three of them to nod their heads.

"Well, I'm Mikita," Ms. Valentine said.

"My real name is, Gem," said Mr. 5 with his hands in his pocket.

"And I'm Marianne," Ms. Goldenweek said while eating a rice cake. Luffy nodded his head before he spoke.

"Well, I am sure the three of you know who I am," Luffy said while looking at the three of them causing them to nod their head confirming that they knew who he was. "Good, now about my plans for you three," Luffy said confusing them.

"Plan? What plan?" Mikita asked with a confused look on her face.

"You see after I take out Crocodile, Alabasta will become my territory and there are going to be a lot of Baroque Works agents who will suddenly be unemployed," Luffy said with a smirk. "The three of you along with any other high ranking agents we get to join us will be in charge of the lower rank Millions and Billions," he said before he pulled out a glass and poured some whiskey in it for himself.

"I see," Gem said causing Luffy to look up at him. "You are going to create an organization like Baroque Works and you are going to put us in charge of it while your away," he noted causing the two females to look at Luffy in surprise. Luffy chuckled and took a sip of his whiskey before he replied.

"You're close," he said causing Gem to look at him intrigued at what he had planned. "It is not an organization exactly. I am sure the three of you are familiar with or have at least heard of the black market or the underworld?" Luffy asked while looking up at them. The three of them look at each other for a second before nodding their heads.

"I don't know much about it, just that you buy illegal stuff there," said Mikita causing Marianne to nod her head showing Luffy that it was the same for her.

"That's fine, What the three of you are going to be actually doing is selling weapons, drugs, and very expensive things," Luffy said as he watching their reactions. He was surprised when none of them showed any outward reaction to what he said.

"That can't be it, I'm sure there are numerous people out there who are doing the exact same thing," Gem said causing Luffy to smile.

"Right you are," Luffy said as he downed his drink. "We are also going to be dealing with rare artifacts and...," he said before he reached under his bed and pulled out a c.h.e.s.t and place it on the bed. "...some extremely rare items," he said as he opened the c.h.e.s.t and showed its contents to the three of them causing their eyes to widen.

"Those are..."Mikita said in disbelief

"I've never seen one much less this many," Marianne said in awe.

"Wow.." Gem said.


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