The Thunder Demon Straw Hat Luffy

Chapter 17 - 17: Nami's Sick and A Raid on the Ship!


"That's fine, What the three of you are going to be actually doing is selling weapons, drugs, and very expensive things," Luffy said as he watching their reactions. He was surprised when none of them showed any outward reaction to what he said.

"That can't be it, I'm sure there are numerous people out there who are doing the exact same thing," Gem said causing Luffy to smile.

"Right you are," Luffy said as he downed his drink. "We are also going to be dealing with rare artifacts and...," he said before he reached under his bed and pulled out a c.h.e.s.t and place it on the bed. "...some extremely rare items," he said as he opened the c.h.e.s.t and showed its contents to the three of them causing their eyes to widen.

"Those are..."Mikita said in disbelief

"I've never seen one much less this many," Marianne said in awe.

"Wow.." Gem said.

**Chapter 17: Nami's Sick and A Raid on the Ship!**

"Now the three of you see what we are about to get ourselves into," Luffy said before he slid the c.h.e.s.t back under his bed. "Are you in?" he asked while looking at the three of them. The three of them took a few seconds to finally get over their initial shock before they replied.

"Aye, Sir!" the three of them yelled out simultaneously.

"Good, I will go into more details once we got everything settled with the rest agents," Luffy said causing the three of them to nod their heads. Gem was about to say something to Luffy but before he could the door to Luffy's quarters flung open startling everyone inside.

"BIG BRO LUFFY!" Johnny and Yosaku yelled as they burst through the door. "Come quick! It's Big Sis Nami!" they yelled causing Luffy to become worried slightly. Luffy quickly ran out of the room of the room and started heading towards the girls sleeping quarters with Johnny, Yosaku, and the three new crew members behind him. As Luffy entered the girls' room he saw everyone was in there standing over Nami who was laying on the bed. As Luffy walked into the room, everyone moved aside and allowed him to make his towards the bed. When he got there he saw his navigator laying on the bed breathing slightly harder than usual with her face red with sweat pouring off of it.

"What happened?" he asked Nojiko who was sitting on the bed beside her sister. Nojiko looked up at Luffy with a worried look on her face before she replied.

"I don't know," she said in a worried tone. "One minute she was giving out orders to the crew and then she told me she was feeling tired so she handed me the eternal pose before she began heading to her room," Nojiko said as tears began to build up in her eyes. "Then as she was walking to her room she suddenly collapsed on the ground," she said causing Luffy to nod before he placed his hand on her shoulder.

"Don't worry," Luffy said as he placed his hand on her shoulder. "I won't let anything happen to her," he said causing Nojiko to smile slightly. Luffy then placed his hand on Nami's forehead to check her temperature. After about five seconds Luffy took his hand off and spoke. "She is burning up," he said before he turned towards Usopp and spoke. "Usopp, grab a bucket and bring me some cold sea water," he said causing Usopp to salute and run off to grab the water Luffy asked for. "Johnny, Yosaku, Zoro," Luffy called out getting their attention. "You three go make sure we are still on course," he said causing the three of them to nod their heads before they made their way outside.

"I'll go make some soup for Nami," Sanji said causing Luffy to nod his head. Just then Usopp arrived back with a bucket of water in his hand. He sat it down in front of Luffy before he took a few steps back allowing Luffy to make soak a cloth he got from Nami's room and place it on her forehead. After placing it on her forehead he turned towards Vivi and Nojiko and spoke. "You two keep an eye on her if she gets worse come get me," Luffy said causing the two of them to nod him before the two of them went and sat on either side of her bed. Luffy along with his three new crew member exited the room and made their way to the upper deck where Luffy's throne was. As Luffy was walking up the stairs towards the upper deck he heard Vivi screaming his name.

"LUFFY!" Vivi yelled causing Luffy to stop mid-step and turn his body into lighting before he teleported back to Nami's room door. As he appeared there he could hear the rest of the crew running towards the room as well. Not waiting for another second Luffy opened the door and rushed into the room. As he entered he saw Vivi holding a thermometer in her hand with a panicked look on her face.

"What's wrong?" Luffy asked as he rushed towards the bed.

"Her temperature is over 102!" Vivi said in panic and just in time as everyone else arrived in time to hear what she said.

"This is bad, she shouldn't have such a high fever unless her body is fighting an infection," Luffy said with wide eyes as he took the thermometer from Vivi to check for himself. "Whatever is wrong is possibly life-threatening," Luffy added causing everyone's eyes to widen in fear of their crewmate dying.

"There are doctors and nurses in Alabasta right," Usopp said in a hopeful voice. "They can help right?" he asked while looking at Vivi.

"They could help yes, but we are still a week away from reaching there," she said in a sad voice causing everyone to panic. Luffy growled a bit causing all of them to become quite before he walked over to Nami and pulled the cover right off of her.

"Luffy! What are you doing!?" Vivi screamed. Luffy ignored her and began examing Nami's arms, legs, and neck.

"If she has an infection I am looking for a rash or something that will tell me how she got infected," He said before he pulled up her shirt exposing her stomach. "Found it," he said causing everyone to come over and look at what the case of all this was. When they all looked over they all saw a purple rash or something that looked like a rash on Nami's stomach.

"I can't tell if that's a rash or a bug bite," Sanji said while looking the infected area. Luffy couldn't help but nod his head in agreement, he had never seen anything like it before.

"Whatever it is it's not just any normal kind of infection," he stated causing everyone to look at him waiting for him to continue. "it's something prehistoric," he said causing a few of their eyes to widen while some of them looked at him in confusion.

"What do you mean..." Sanji said before he paused and his eyes slowly started to widen before they were the size of dinner plates. "You don't mean?" Sanji asked in a worried voice.

"That's right," Luffy said while nodding his head. "Whatever it is came from Little Garden," he said causing all of their eyes to widen in shock and fear. Nojiko couldn't take it anymore and broke down crying while hugging her sick sister.

"Nami," Nojiko sobbed. "Please be okay," he said continuing to cry. Everyone in the room looked onto the crying girl with a sad look on their face. For the first time in a long time, Luffy felt completely helpless. Here was a member of his crew extremely sick and there was nothing he could do to ease her suffering.

"We need to get her to a doctor ASAP," Luffy said causing everyone to nod their heads in agreement. Just as Luffy was about to speak again, Nami spoke in a sickly whisper loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Relax," she whispered out causing everyone to look at her as he tries to sit up. "I'm fine," she said as she sat up and looked at Luffy with a strained smile. "Open the second draw on my desk," she said causing Luffy to go over to her desk and opened it. Inside of the draw was a newspaper from a few days ago. Opening the paper and browsing through to see what Nami wanted to show them only to have his eyes widen as he reached the centerfold apparently, 300 thousand royal soldiers have defected to rebels and the situation in Alabasta is now dire. Luffy closed the paper and tossed it on the desk before he looked at Nami with an angry look on his face before he spoke.

"That doesn't change anything," he said confusing everyone around him while Nami looked at him with her eyes slightly widen.

"I'm telling you I am fine," she protested trying to act tough in order to get Luffy to have them stay on course towards Alabasta.

"what are you two talking about?" Vivi said as she picked up the paper in order to see what was going on. When she turned the centerfold her eyes widen causing her to gasp in shock. "This can't be!" She yelled out as she read the paper.

"What's wrong Vivi?" Sanji asked while looking at her with concern.

"Is it about Alabasta, tell us," Usopp said

"300 thousand royal soldiers have defected to the resistance," Vivi said as she read the newspaper. "Until now we have been embroiled in a cold war with 600 thousand royal soldiers against 400 thousand rebels. With this, the balance has shifted," she said in a sad voice causing everyone to look at her with a sympathetic look on their face.

"The uprising in Alabasta will escalate now and things will seriously get ugly," Nami said as her breathing increased. "That paper you are looking at is three days old," she said causing Vivi's eyes to widen. "I'm sorry I didn't say something earlier, we can't change our speed so I didn't want to worry you. There is nothing anyone can do right now, you understand Luffy?" Nami asked while looking at Luffy. Luffy unfolded his arms before he replied.

"Yeah," he said causing her to smile. "I have to get you to a doctor," he added causing her eyes to widen while everyone looked conflicted.

"What do you mean get me to a doctor!?" Nami screamed in her weakened state. "We need to get Vivi to Alabasta to stop this war!" she yelled with an angry look on her face. Luffy looked at her with his usual emotionless look on his face before he replied.

"The last time I checked I was the captain of this ship and it goes where I say it goes and right now it is taking you to a doctor no ifs, and's, or buts about it," Luffy said ending all forms of protest from Nami. "I'm sorry Vivi but my crew takes precedence," he said while looking at Vivi. Vivi looked up at him and gave him a small smile.

"It's okay Luffy," she said surprising everyone. "I wouldn't have let you jeopardize Nami's health just to get me home anyway," she said causing Luffy and the others to smile. Luffy smiled and was about to reply but before he spoke he noticed something among his crew.

"Wait a minute," Luffy said getting all of their attention. "If you're all here, who is making sure we stay on course?" Luffy asked in a worried voice.

"Oh Big Bro Zoro is taking care of it," Yosaku said causing Luffy and Nami's eyes to widen.

"YOU IDIOTS!" the two of them screamed at the same time causing Johnny and Yosaku to hug each other in fear.

"You left the man with the worse sense of direction to steer the ship!?" Luffy asked/yelled causing Johhny and Yosaku to start shaking in their boots. "All of you go fix this now!" he yelled causing everyone except Nojiko and Vivi to scramble outside. After a few minutes, they all felt the ship took a sharp right turn causing the three of them to hold onto something to avoid falling over or in Nojiko's case she held onto Nami to keep her from rolling off the bed.

"It seems we are back on course," Nojiko said as she walked over to Vivi and Luffy.

"You two keep an eye on her, I'll find an island with a doctor," Luffy said causing the two girls to nod at him before he turned and headed outside. When Luffy got outside he saw that it was actually snowing causing him to raise an eyebrow.

'We must be close to a winter island,' he thought to himself as he stretched out his hand and caught one of the falling snowflakes.

"Hey, Captain!" Zoro yelled getting Luffy's attention. Luffy looked up to where he heard Zoro's voice come from and saw him standing in the crow's nest with a pair of binoculars. "What do you think about people standing on water?" Zoro asked causing Luffy to look at him strangely.

"Are you asking me if it is possible?" Luffy asked.

"What kind of dumb question is that?" Usopp asked as he stood next to Luffy. "of course it is impossible for someone to stand on water," he added causing Luffy to somewhat agree with him.

"Then what do you call that," Zoro said while pointing to the front of the ship. Luffy and Usopp turned around and squinted their eyes in order to see a bit further only to see a man dressed like a jester standing on the water with a bow and arrow strapped to his back. The three of them stared at the man for a few minutes blinking owlishly too surprised to saying anything.

"Hey guys," Johnny and Yosaku said as they walked towards the duo. "What are you staring at?" Yosaku asked. Luffy and Usopp didn't say anything instead them simply pointed forward at the strange man standing on the water. The bounty hunting duo turned and look at where they were pointing and saw a man standing on the water. They blinked a few time before they wiped both of their eyes to make sure it wasn't a trick.

"Hello there, sure is chilly today," he said from his position on the water causing the five pirates to look at each other for a few seconds before turning their attention back to the man.

"Yeah, it is chilly today," Yosaku said causing Luffy to look over at him.

"It is definitely chilly today, in fact, I would say it is freezing," Usopp added causing Luffy to bonk the two of them on their head.

"Would you two focus!" Luffy yelled as he hit them. Luffy then turned his attention back to the man on the water and was about to speak, but before he could his observation haki alerted him of danger coming from underwater where the man was standing. Before he could warn his crew something extremely big came up from underwater.

"AHHHH! What the hell is going on!?" Usopp yelled/asked as he tumbled back. Luffy used his lightning to anchor him in place as he looked on as whatever that thing was continuing to rise up from under the water.

"Is that a ship?" Luffy said to himself. As he said that giant metal plates from around the structure began to lower themselves by some sort of mechanics from inside the structure. As the plates completely lowered themselves a pirate flag was raised on what appears to be the main mast. The jolly roger was a skull with a round, metallic jaw l.i.c.k.i.n.g its own lips and wearing a large crown, as well as the standard crossbones located behind it. In Luffy's opinion, it was kinda goofy looking if he was being honest.

"It's pirates!" Yosaku yelled when he saw the skull and crossbones.

"That ship is huge!" Johnny added. Every other member of the crew ran to the main deck to see what was going on including Vivi and Nojiko. They were all left speechless at the sheer size of the ship that was in front of them, even though Luffy had seen bigger sh.i.p.s he could help but be impressed that a pirate group from paradise could afford something like this.

"Hahahahaha! What's the matter?" Asked someone from aboard the giant ship. "Don't tell me our underwater ship the Tin Tyrant surprised you? Hahahahah!" the voice asked sarcastically causing Luffy to raise an eyebrow. Zoro jumped down from the crows nest and stood to the right of Luffy while Sanji stood on his right. The three of them stared at the ship with an emotionless expression on their face as Johnny, Yosaku, and Gem joined them and stood behind them. Luffy then turned to Usopp and gave out an order.

"Usopp," Luffy said getting his attention. "Get up to the crows nest and get ready to snipe them out," he said causing Usopp to salute him before he began climbing up to the crows nest. Luffy then turned towards Vivi and spoke. "Vivi, you, Johnny, and Marianne go back inside and protect Nami," he said causing the three of them to nod and head inside. "Nojiko, you and Mikita stay out here and keep anyone from heading into where Nami is," he said causing Nojiko to pull out her three section staff while Mikita got ready to use her devil fruit powers before the two of them nod their heads at Luffy.

"You all consider yourselves a band of pirates?" the man asked rhetorically getting Luffy's attention. "That's a damn shame." When Luffy turned around he found himself, Sanji, Zoro, and Yosaku all surrounded by soldiers with rifles aimed at them.

"Well they sure move fast," he said as he looked behind him and saw his entire ship was filled with soldiers.

"I only count 13 of you, sorta strange that your group will only have so few members," the man said causing Luffy to look over in order to see who the captain of these soldiers was. When he looked over he saw an overweight man with a cylinder-shaped jaw made up of tin plates wearing a tin-plate armor and a hooded cape eating a sword. It was truly a bizarre sight seeing someone eating a sword. Everyone was staring at the man as though he was some sort of freak of nature when they saw him toss the hand of the sword in his mouth, chewed it up, and swallowed it.

"Okay this is weird, what kind of guy likes to eat knives," Yosaku said with a disgusted look on his face.

"My gums are bleeding from just watching!" Usopp yelled from the crows nest.

"Alright, I'll keep this really simple," the man said causing Luffy to look at him. "Mr men and I wish to travel to the Drum Kingdom, you wouldn't happen to have an eternal pose or a log pose would ya?" he asked the crew.

"Nope, can't help," Sanji said as he finished his cigarette. "I've never even heard of this Drum Kingdom," he added.

"Now that we've got that settled can you get off my ship already," Luffy said while staring at the man with cold eyes. "We are kind of in a hurry here," he added hoping that this fool would listen to reason and leave.

"You will never truly enjoy life if you are in a rush," The man said. "But seeing as you have neither poses, I will settle for your treasure instead," he said causing Luffy to look at him for a few minutes before he started laughing.

"Hahahaha!" Luffy laughed confusing all of the soldiers and the man.

"You think this is a game brat?...hmm I'm getting hungry," the man said before his mouth opened about three feet wide and took a bite right out of the side of the Going Merry. Luffy and everyone else's eyes widened beyond belief as they watch the man chew up a piece of their ship and swallow it.

"He's dead," Luffy said in a cold emotionless voice.

"So, what's the order captain?" Sanji asked as he lit a new cigarette.

"They were foolish enough to step foot onto my ship so..." Luffy said before paused and stared at the man who is the supposed leader of these men. "...make sure none of them leave here alive," he said causing Zoro to smirk and take on a dangerous look in his eyes as he unsheathed all three of the swords and got ready of battle. "Go wild, guys," Luffy then said causing all of his crew members to spring into action. Zoro started cutting down soldiers left and right, Sanji started kicking soldiers with precision causing a few of their necks to snap, Yosaku was skillfully spinning hiss bisento redirecting the bullets that were fired at him back to the shooters, while Gem pulled out his pistol and started firing exploding air bullets at the soldiers causing them to fly out of the ship. Luffy then turned his attention to the girls to see how they were and he was relatively pleased with what he saw. He saw Nojiko skillfully taking out multiple soldiers with her three section staff while he also notices she is utilizing both her armament and observation haki. As he looked back around at his crew who he taught Haki to he saw all of them are utilizing observation haki to help them battle.

'Guess these guys are not that big a challenge for them to unlock armament,' Luffy thought as he watches the guys fight. It was that very moment Luffy notices something above the ship in the sky. When he looked up he saw Mikita floating above getting ready to drop down with her devil fruit powers. Before she could begin her descend Luffy yelled at her.

"Don't you ever think about it, Mikita!" Luffy yelled getting her attention.

"Huh? But why?!" she wined as he spun her opened umbrella blocking the bullets fired at her.

"Well, how about because I don't want a hole in the bottom of my ship," he said causing her to realize what he meant. "Find another way of using your devil fruit," Luffy said causing her to gently land back on the deck before she thought for a few seconds.

"I got it!" he yelled causing Luffy to look at her with a raised eyebrow. Mikita then stood in front of one of the soldiers and reared back her fist before she punched the soldier while yelling out.

"10,000 Kilograms PUNCH!" she yelled as her connection with the soldiers face causing a sickening crunch to be heard from the soldier before he went flying off the ship. She then turned the other soldiers causing all of them to drop their gun and ran off the ship.

'She reminds me of Grandpa,' Luffy thought as he unconsciously rubbed his head. Luffy's observation haki then alerted him of a soldier behind him with a gun getting ready to fire. Of course, Luffy paid him no mind because the bullet would just pass right through him, however, just as the soldier was about to shoot Luffy he heard someone yelled from above the ship.

"Exploding Star!" Luffy and the soldier heard before a small pellet flew past Luffy's head and hit the soldier behind him exploding on contact. Luffy looked behind him and saw the soldier laying on the ground badly burnt before he looked up at the crow nest and spoke.

"Nice shooting there, Usopp," he said causing Usopp to smile and gave Luffy the thumbs up. It was then Luffy heard something snap as though someone was breaking wood causing him to look over to find the source and saw the leader of these soldiers taking another bite out of Luffy's ship.

"Mmm, Your ship... don't taste...half bad," the man said between bites. Luffy growled before he turned his body into lightning and appeared to the left of the man with his entire right foot covered in lightning.

"STOP EATING MY SHIP!" Luffy yelled before he kicked the man in his face with a lightning speed kick sending him flying off of the ship.

"WAPOL!" the men back on the ship yelled as they watching their boss flying away.

"This is bad, Wapol can't swim," said the man dressed as a jester. "There is no choice, recall the troops! W have to rescue him before he sinks to the bottom!" he yelled to the soldiers both on board Luffy's ship and their's. When he noticed no one of returning aboard their ship he looked down onto the Going Merry and saw not one of the soldiers that they sent over was standing and only a few of them were still alive. "Monsters! We will get you for this!" he yelled before the ship sailed off in the direction that Luffy sent the man now named Wapol flying off to.

"Well, that was entertaining," Luffy said as he walked over to the rest of his crew. "You guys did good, you made up for your mistake back in Little Garden," he said causing his crew to smile.

"Does that mean we won't get punished?" asked a very hopeful Usopp. Luffy chuckled a bit before he replied.

"Not even in your wildest dream," he said causing Usopp's head to drop. "However, I do think you earned a less cruel punishment from the one I was going to give you," Luffy said before he walked to the entrance to Nami's room. "Toss these trash off my ship and keep going straight ahead for now, when it is nightfall drop anchor. I don't want to risk navigating at night without Nami," Luffy said before he walked into Nami's room with his thundercloud following behind him. As soon as he entered he found himself face o face with Johnny's bisento.

"Halt! You Villian!" Johnny yelled not noticing that it was Luffy.

"Boy, would you like me to separate your head from your body," Luffy said as his eyebrow twitched. Johnny upon hearing Luffy's voice immediately withdrew his bisento and saluted him before speaking.

"Captain Luffy, Sir!" He yelled out nervously. "Very sorry Sir!" he yelled causing Luffy chuckle as he shook his head before he continued into the room. Luffy then made the thunder cloud turn into his usual throne and sat it beside the foot of Nami's bed and sat down. As he sat down Nojiko entered the room while Johnny left.

"Any changes, Vivi?" Luffy asked as he converted his throne into a lawn chair and laid down.

"No, her temperature is still too high," she said in a worried tone. "What was all that commotion out there?" Vivi asked while looking at Luffy.

"Some fool who was looking for someplace called the Drum Kingdom wanted out log pose and treasure," Luffy said in a bored tone.

"Drum Kingdom?" Vivi asked causing Luffy to nod. "I've heard about it!" she said as he stood up extremely fast causing Luffy to raise an eyebrow. "It is a winter island that is somewhere around this part. It is famous for having the best doctors in the Grand Line!" he said causing Luffy's eyes to widen in surprise.

"Well then," Luffy said with a smirk. "Guess I know where we are going now," he said causing Vivi and Nojiko to smile.

*Chapter End*

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