The Too Many Summonings from Japan Have Caused the Goddess to Flip Out

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"Wow, you did it with Kagato."

"This is the first time I've seen you."

in one of the Royal Palaces of the Fitzgard Empire.

Kagato-kun and Grauze are face-to-face to lecture on magic that opens the gates of different worlds, but Kagato-kun is freaking out more than expected.

Inside "This is really an executive class!? Actually, you're not my predecessor the Demon King!?" I'm so freaked out that I'm starting a brain conference, "but Kagato-kun knows. The comparable demon king is just a delightful one, so I can't help it.

Finally, Mr. Grauze has been afraid of humans for the first time in a long time at Mr. Grauze, so he's moved vampires at Norinoli.

"Magic to open the gate. It was brilliant. But the magic formation, the cover-up ceremony, it was mixed, and I couldn't read it all, but it didn't mention the ceremony that opened the gates of the heart, did it? Worst of all, even if it wasn't itself, the operation itself could be activated. I saw it as a combination of a safety device and a fake that deceived the eyes of the enemy."

"Mi, I can't believe I know that much just by looking at it!

"Huh. Who do you think I am"

(laughs) The Duke of Blood if anyone asks me, but from Kagato-kun, who doesn't know the reality of that, I'm more and more freaked out because he's the Duke of Blood (true), who made him an ex-Demon King's Army executive and was a threat to humanity, and Mr. Grauze is becoming more and more norrinoli.

But because of that, Mr. Grauze praised me for not being able to read it all, and you're amazing, but he took it to the point that it was a child's game.

This is how Kagato-kun's self-assessment becomes increasingly uneven.

"Um... by the way, he's on his shoulder. Is that...?

Kagato-kun says as he looks at Mr. Grauze's shoulder, where the venue has been reasonably uplifted.

"……… Nha?

There's a "alas? What can I do for you?" and the appearance of a cat with one eye open. This is the white cat Mr. Grauze used to put on his shoulder when he was on emergency duty.

"This guy's my only family."

"The white cat!? That's usually a bat or a wolf or a hundred steps away, but not a black cat!?

"Say what. Black cats are a symbol of luck in Japan."

"Oh yeah... you're not Japanese!?

Kagato-kun puts in the best clinging to Mr. Grauze, who shows outrage.

It seems reluctance and nervousness are gone. Above all.

The other world is still peaceful today.

Meanwhile, Takatenhara.

"Huh? Are you lucky to have a black cat?

"Why don't you know?"

Amazing, Amateras-sama. You have to know your position. You're so funny, you stick around.

Because many people in the public think that black cats are a symbol of bad luck. I don't have a choice.

"It's a Western superstition that black cats are ominous. When hunting witches, it seems that black cats are sometimes killed with them."

"Uh, speaking of witches, you look like a black cat."

Incidentally, there is a theory that pesto became popular because cats were killed in witch hunting, but there is also a theory that it is irrelevant or rather the reverse order these days because it was not the fourteenth or eighteenth century when pesto became popular that witch hunting was active.

"In Japan, black cats are originally considered symbols of oblivion and commercial prosperity. Black cats from the famous" We Are Cats "model were also adored as Blessed Cats."

"Huh? That's what I wrote. It's Natsume Soushi, isn't it? Then the impression that the black cat is really ominous has spread recently."

Incidentally, black cats are considered a symbol of luck in the West as well as in England and some parts of the country, and there are festivals in Belgium where good luck is supposed to come to those who were able to throw down and catch black cat stuffed animals.

"Then I wonder if it's originally a Japanese superstition that it would be ominous if a black cat crossed it. Instead, if you're lucky, should we capture you before you cross?

"That's how you think first, so the cat runs away."

Master Tsukuyomi clings to Master Amaterasu, who starts some kind of preparation exercise by squeezing his hands.

Even today the high heavens are peaceful.

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