Long time no see, brother.

"Oh. I missed you, Sheena."

Saying so, Mr. Sheena smiles bitterly with the king embracing her dear sister, whom she hasn't seen in a long time.

At first glance, we're good brothers and sisters, but the queen told us so many things. Even now, the king still weighs himself.

There is no bottom in the king's sister love.

By the way, he was the king who suspected that the queen would be gone and not working again, but told the clerk, "After Master Sheena returns, the queen will be back too. It's a flower in both hands," she said.

No one did the common sense clinging that it wasn't a flower in both hands because it was a hassle later.

"Was there anything wrong with your life over there? And Lord Glios was in Japan. I know it's okay because it's about Sheena, but is there anything coarse going on?

"No. Everyone in Japan did very well. And Lady Glios was very kind."

The fact that he was a very troublesome person at the same time is that if I said it now, I would keep it in my chest because that seems like it would be troublesome.

Or there are only people in the Anda residence who are troublesome, including Sheena at the time.

"And I also met Asahi's sister-in-law. You're a nice guy."

"Oh I guess so. You think we can get along?

"Yes. You're a very handsome man."

"…… right!

He was a king who temporarily froze into a word that was not a compliment to women no matter what he thought of being a man, but if you think about it, he did decide to strongly affirm it because he was a man.

In the king's brain he said, "Who's the man!?" The queen is clinging to it, but in fact, she laughs through it because she is used to being told about her hand.

"I have a few more books for you."

"Throw it away. No, you don't have to throw it away, but let me confirm it before then."

The queen told me about the gift of the book and the sense of crisis and started censorship, but I was disappointed to find that the contents were ordinary entertainment novels published while Sheena was away.

But the genre of the fearful doesn't have to be bothered by the queen to preach to Ms. Sheena, THE is out among the samurai and aristocratic women entering and leaving the royal palace too late.

The other world is still peaceful today.

Meanwhile, Takatenhara.

"Happy New Year"

"Yes Congratulations...... Dawn?

Although I returned it with a conditional reflex for the time being to Master Amateras's abrupt greeting, Master Tsukuyomi rarely worried whether it was correct to fulfill the "dawn".

It's been a long time since they've been converted in a congratulatory way from a god's point of view. I don't have a choice.

"But you can't think of anything to celebrate with the renovation."

"Well, the original name itself spread to the common people. It's a recent story. Plus, I don't want to congratulate you on the change, I want to congratulate you on the change."

"Is that it? I know it's a murder, but even a celebration?

Since the Meiji period, it has been a prime name that has been set as a single unit, but before that it has been frequently changed under the same emperor, with a minimum record of about two months.

Disasters can often be given as reasons for the renovation, but even celebrations can be changed, and the renaming of the original name from the first prescribed enlargement to the next Baiqiu is due to the dedication of the white qiu, which is considered an auspicious sign.

Also in the Nara period, four renovations have been carried out for the reason that rare turtles were given, three of which are used to the exact original titles as spirit turtles, divine turtles and treasure turtles.

Nara Era Turtle Boom theory.

"Well, if you don't know how to celebrate, why don't you just eat Rin Wa buns and Rin Wa Midway appropriately?

"What is it that you're saying appropriately, but it looks real?"

It's like Tsukuyomi who clings to it, but when I searched it, I found out how successful the Japanese people are.

Even today the high heavens are peaceful.

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