The Too Many Summonings from Japan Have Caused the Goddess to Flip Out

Commercial cup shaved ice too firm, broken spoon.

"Hi, my name is Roman and I am the son of Alfrete von Denken and I am here to take care of you."

"Yeah. Wait a minute."

Suddenly he started naming himself the son of an employee, Mr. Jouzou complaining to a young man whose clothes are common people but whose behavior is clearly aristocratic, to give him time to recognize the current situation.

Mr. Jouzou still can't even accept the fact that Mr. Denken is a retired former Marquis lord. Be nice to him because he's the owner of Chicken Heart.

"Uh, do you mean your son in the present Denken Marquis?

"That's my brother, isn't it? I'm an easy-going second son who doesn't even plan on succeeding to the title. I am now helping the emperor with his life."

"……… Easy?

If you suck at that, you'll be more troublesome than the lord, Mr. Jouzou leaning his neck.

In fact, it is a huge promotion that may be annoyed by the surrounding area, but the effect of Mr. Glios' letter, which was concerned about such a future, has made him far-fetched that the former emperor may return if he gets a little sloppy.

As a matter of fact, Mr. Glios is not willing to take that much trouble if he's going to lend his name, but if he doesn't find out, it's fine.

"So what can I do for you today?"

"And I wanted to eat a bowl."


I thought you were here for some work, Mr. Roman, and you just came at your own convenience as much as you wanted.

And he wants to eat something unexpectedly, because, as expected, he's exhausted and stressed by being used at the Emperor's place.

Nevertheless, if you are too tired, consult well with your health because carnivore is counterproductive.

"Do you have anything else for use from Japan? Now that someone you know can use the magic of opening the gates, you can smuggle a little something."

"With such a refreshing smile!?

Mr. Jouzou is stunned by Mr. Roman, who says farewell.

It's okay. It's safe now that we haven't caught up with legal developments between different worlds yet.

"… Then I'd like to ask for some seasonings and cookware."

"I understand. As much detail as possible, model numbers, etc."

"Model number."

And although I'm surprised, I can't resist the temptation to end up asking for it, Mr. Jouzou.

The other world is still peaceful today.

Meanwhile, Takatenhara.

"Are you serious that all the shaved ice syrup actually tastes the same?


Amaterasu, who is shocked with strawberry syrup shaved ice in one hand, and Tsukuyomi, who is eating lemon shaved ice on my pace.

Use condensed milk if you like.

"Nevertheless, just to say that the ingredients are the same, the fragrance is used something else, and the lemon is subtly different from having lemon juice in it. The most popular matcha tea these days is the matcha, so it seems to make a big difference."

"Ah, the smell is pretty big."

By the way, you all know that the ingredients and flavours are the same, and the flavour itself is naturally quite different if it belongs to another series of syrups or another company in the same company.

"These days, some syrups have been developed with the concept of having a specialty store shake ice at home, like the one that's out in the store."

"Well, let's get you that syrup."

"I like this classic lying flavor."


Amaterasu, who is surprised by the unexpected preferences of Tsukuyomi, who is likely to say if he were always, and Tsukuyomi, who drinks up the last remaining mixture of melted ice and syrup in a zuzo.

Even today the high heavens are peaceful.

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