The Too Many Summonings from Japan Have Caused the Goddess to Flip Out

The road in front of the house will be a river again this year.

"Grauze. What do demons think in Japan?

"Is that what you think you called me all of a sudden?"

At the castle of the demon king.

He was Mr. Grauze, who, despite the declaration of seclusion, was called up quickly and came to think what it was, but the content was very irrelevant to Mr. Grauze.

I've lived in Japan for a long time, but basically I don't care about my assessment or anything because I don't care about people.

"You're not afraid for now. humiliating."

"That's humiliating."

"It would be obvious. What do you think I went out of my way to Japan for?"

Incidentally, the Japanese impression of Mr. Grauze is that he is a pathetic person who was full bogged down by Master Amateras at first, and the last one is something local heroic going around with the cat exorcising the bad guys.

I even forget that maybe most people are vampires.

"Well, then I wonder if they care enough that the horns are growing."

"Is that what you think you're worried about? There are people out there who respect cat ears and long ears, so there are people who prefer horns."

"That's a little different from respect, and I guess the corners are too niche."

That's the kind of demon king, but there are people called horn adoration just like chemo ear adoration and elf ear adoration.

The ghostly alien heroine etc. of a certain love comedy work is still a genre with a history for the sake of being deeply popular.

"Huh? Am I adorable?

"That's disrespectful. Burn it."

"You unexpectedly took such a reverence for being radical or me!?

The belly of the former demon king. I wonder if he is therefore not very interested in the present demon king. The demon king is surprised by Mr. Grauze, who was actually a demon king bee (extremist) because of his pride as a demon people.

Even today, the demonic world is at peace.

Meanwhile, Takatenhara.

"It's cool this year"

"…… Is that a trap!?

"Whose is it?"

Amaterasu, who is wary of Tsukuyomi's words for some reason, and Mizuhanome, who has been around for a long time drinking wheat tea.

It is currently Mizuhanome's season in the glorious rainy season.

"Uh, isn't anything too cool? I think I was planning on getting the sun out by this time last year."

"So why is my sister trying to kill herself naturally?"

"It's useless to hang on to this girl because she's barely talking to Nori."

She's giving up everything with Master Tsukuyomi, who can't believe what Amateras said. Master Mizuhanome.

It's useless to just think because this piece itself consists of nori and momentum in the first place, and I don't remember the author wearing anything that looked like a vortex.

"Well, I hear this is the first cold summer in sixteen years. They say it will stay cool for a while."

"What's so great about that?"

"But I'm worried if the crops will be affected by the cooler weather."

"Oh, my God, that's terrible."

"Don't blame me for the rush."


Dear Amaterasu, Mizuhanome-like decopin bursts and smothers.

Because you're the god who directs the water. I can't help it.

"It's also a problem that it rains too much. If it doesn't rain, don't fall. They complain, so it didn't happen. Regardless of the local heavy rainfall, guerrilla heavy rainfall is what humans deserve."


"It's like being blamed on my sister for the heat island phenomenon."

Incidentally, there is also the theory that one of the causes of heavy rainfall in guerrillas is the heat island phenomenon.

There is a close relationship between sun heat and rain.

"That means me and Mizha are still twins of the soul"

"Soul and nothing. You know I was your sister for once?

"I know, but I don't feel like my sister for what I saw."

"Didn't you tell me!?


"Don't get too violent."

Two people starting a sisterhood fight and a steady calm lily lover, Mr. Tsukuyomi, who is watching cancer even as he stops at the mouth.

Even today the high heavens are peaceful.

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