"I won!

"What is it?"

When she came back, Kagato stuck with Macami-san who was saying something while lifting the beef bowl and katsu bowl in both hands.

I've become accustomed to the Yasuda family and the role of Tsubaki is on the board.

Like, "Did you buy the last one just before it sold out?

"I didn't buy it.I've won. "

"Ah, to what?

"I was suddenly summoned by Adachi, and he asked me to join the investigation team because he found a new world.But I refused. "


Kagato was truly surprised by Macami who kicked the Emperor's request without hesitation.

Sure, if Kagato asked me to, I'd be pushed in while Gudaguda was talking, unless the stress reached its limit.

Well done.

"In the first place, if I go, I'll be able to activate metastasis magic."

"Oh, that's for sure."

The metastasis completed after Kagato's troubles can be activated anywhere with a landmark anchor.

In other words, even if Mr. Macami doesn't have to follow the investigation team from the beginning, if we let the investigation team have an anchor, we can catch up with him right away.

"What? Well, it's not like I don't want to go home, even though it might be my own continent."

"Oh, I wonder what they're doing."

Well, you could have followed me from the beginning.

"I don't want to sail for months with limited food and no satisfactory meat."

"I don't like it."

Again, all the people in this house are impressed with the strength of Macami-san, who says "beef bowl cutlet bowl" in brackets.

Japan is still at peace today.

Meanwhile, the plateau.

"Speaking of which, why are you offering God alcohol and mochi?

"That's a real question right now."

Amaterasu-sama, who stands up with a wooden hammer full of willingness to open the mirror himself, and Tsukuyomi, who writes paper so that even if the stricken pieces of mochi scatter.

Mirror openings vary from region to region, but generally occur every eleven or twenty days.

In some areas, the mirror opens early at the dawn of the fourth day.

"In the first place, rice itself was considered a special food for God.From there, they are said to be able to serve labour-intensive cakes and alcohol. "

"Oh, it wasn't because it was delicious."

"No, it's definitely delicious."

Incidentally, as for God's liking of alcohol, there is also the phrase "there is no god who does not go up in alcohol", and it was used as an excuse for drinking alcohol by saying, "God drinks as well."

But God, humans break their bodies quite easily, so don't drink too much.

"I want you to have soy flour and stuffed children with me anyway."

"Well, then, I don't think it's enough that it's cooked."

Gods who want more upgrades to their offerings.

Incidentally, because the heating equipment was excellent, the cake was not very dry and could not be crushed no matter how much it was hit, so it was collected by the toyoke shark and chipped with water and microwave.

And beside that, Amaterasu-sama looked like she was tearing off a softened cake with her hands and saying, "Something's different..."!

The plateau is still peaceful today.

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