The Too Many Summonings from Japan Have Caused the Goddess to Flip Out

Problems to pull when I look into them in detail

I see. Couldn't you work with Macami? "

That's right.

In Fitzgerald's office.

His Majesty the Emperor, who was a bit disappointed to hear the report, and Roman, who has recently lost his grip similar to his father.

They look at Wilhelmina with astonishing eyes.

"... Wilhelmina. Did I do something wrong again?"

"No. What are you afraid of, Your Majesty?"

"No matter what they say,"

Wilhelmina laughs at that, but the Emperor, who has already been trained and educated by Wilhelmina and his father, the Housekeeper of Inhart, only looks like a devil's smile.

"Roman, you didn't really want me to help you, did you?



His Majesty the Emperor stuck with Roman who replied so lightly to Wilhelmina's words.

There is no reluctance on the part of Mr. Roman, who has already identified the lines that His Majesty will forgive as much as possible.

"Huh? Maybe he's from that continent?It would be helpful if you participated in the survey. "

"So what if we suddenly put Mr. Macami on a long-distance voyage with no well-established route and sink or catastrophe?"

"No, no matter how personal you are, it won't work."

"... you've grown up, Your Majesty.I won't teach you anymore. "

"I'm not going home saying what seems like it."


Roman tried to leave the atmosphere, but Wilhelmina grabbed his neck and strangled him.

Ex-fiancée Shizuishi is unforgiving.

"Ohh... in the first place, I can chase after you with metastasis magic, so there's not much point in putting Macami-san ahead.Instead, I'm in the way. "

I don't know how to say it.

"No, I'm definitely in the way.Food is limited when sailing for long periods of time.If you can ride an amateur without nautical skills, you'll have better overall survival rates if you can ride a spare. "

Long-haul voyages. Food security is a major problem, especially when supplies are scarce. For example, the Magellan fleet, which travelled around the world, had little to eat since it left the Pacific Ocean, water was yellow and cloudy, and even skins and mice used on ships were eaten, according to the logbook.

Only one of the original five ships returned, and only 18 of the approximately 260 sailors survived.

Looking at that, he said, "Isn't that a huge loss!?However, it serves the purpose of circling the world, and since the fleet dispatched later failed after almost the same damage, it was rather a great success at the time.

The sea is scary

"Compared to that, we are somewhat better off.You can import preserved foods from Japan. "

Ah, food preservation.I'm being warned not to use it militarily, so I'm under strict control and reporting obligations. "

"It's not impossible if it's tough."

Ah, ahh

I said to His Majesty, "I don't want to do this.""Roman smiles and puts pressure on her.

But I was just thrown here and adjusted around, and I said, "Did you conspire!?"in a few days.

Today, the other world is still at peace.

Meanwhile, the plateau.

"Huh? Were there so many corpses around the world?

"Some of the locals killed him along the way."

Amaterasu-sama, who is surprised at the shadow of glorious glory, further chases Tsukuyomi.

Incidentally, Magellan has also been killed by stone-throwing in the Philippines as a result of fighting with local residents.

"Why did you go out to sea so far..."

"Because it's profitable.Columbus, who discovered the Americas, goes without saying.Magellan has done so much damage around the world because sales of spices and the like brought back exceeded investment.And of course, if the participants survived, they could get a thousand dollars. "

I mean, money is heavier than life.

But I often say, "Can you do it?There was also a rebellion by sailors.

"Well, in the age of the Great Voyage, there's not much to be done in Japan, and it might not be a pin."

"O King of the sea, I will be."

"I can't go any further."

Tsukuyomi stopped Amaterasu-sama from saying that she was going to be indifferently angry.

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