Until the end, he turned his head carefully and said to Xiao Yi: "Can you say it again?"

Xiao Yi: "...Okay."

So he repeated the methods he used again. Of course, he spoke more slowly this time. After all, he still had to take care of the elderly.

But this time, Tang Yifang finally understood the principle of this method.

Although there was still a part he didn't understand, there were some processes that even he found a little wonderful.

"So, how did you come up with this method?" Tang Yifang couldn't help but ask: "This method...have you thought of it before?"

"Well..." Xiao Yi said: "When I was processing the data today, I thought about it and felt that using some common methods to process this type of data might be a little inaccurate. Then I thought about it and felt It would be better to use this method to process the data from this particle accelerator."

After saying that, he noticed that Tang Yifang and Guo Ding in front of him both looked like they had eaten something.

After hesitating for a moment, he quickly made up for it: "Uh... maybe it has something to do with before? The absolute electronic calculations I did before were originally due to participating in a two-dimensional material research group, and there were also experimental errors... "

Tang Yifang took a deep breath and finally said, "Okay, don't say any more."

"In this way, I will arrange a report for you, and you will introduce your method. After that, I will start to organize researchers to recalculate the mass of the W boson based on the method you proposed."

"Finally." Tang Yifang suddenly became solemn again: "If we can really produce a significant result, I would like to express my gratitude to you on behalf of the Institute of High Energy."

Hearing Tang Yifang's serious statement, Xiao Yi was stunned for a moment, and then solemnly responded: "Okay!"

Tang Yifang nodded to him and was about to leave. However, when he just walked to the door, he thought of something again and turned around and said: "By the way, I will arrange your report in 10 days. In addition, , a research team from CERN will come to us next week to exchange and learn. The person leading the team is called George Parisi. If your method can convince him, maybe we can give you more by then. The experimental data from the LHC should be more accurate than our BEPC data.”

CERN research team?

Xiao Yi was stunned again.

CERN is the European Organization for Nuclear Organization. The largest particle accelerator in the world is also the largest technological creation on the planet. The Large Hadron Collider LHC was built with funds prepared by the organization. .

It would be an understatement to call it a spectacle.

Comparing the LHC and BEPC, the former has a circumference of about 27 kilometers, while the latter has a circumference of only 240 meters. From this, we can know how "large" this Large Hadron Collider is.

I just didn't expect that I happened to meet the research team from CERN.

This is a normal thing. Academic exchanges are a common thing, not to mention in the field of high energy physics. Research teams from different high energy institutes often go to each other.

Of course, due to the status of the LHC, it is more likely that teams from other places will try their luck at CERN.

Xiao Yi nodded and said, "I understand."

Tang Yifang smiled and nodded, then left.

Of course, Guo Ding is still here.

At this time, he was quite surprised and said: "Professor George Parisi is actually here. This is really rare."

Xiao Yi asked doubtfully: "Do you know this professor?"

"Of course, this person can be regarded as a super expert in theoretical physics." Guo Ding said: "Whether it is quantum field theory, statistical mechanics, etc., he is very proficient in it. The same is true in high-energy physics. He developed a probabilistic field theory framework for the dynamics of quarks and gluons, which can be regarded as providing guidance for our project."

"All in all, he is a genius who knows everything." After a moment of pause, Guo Ding glanced at Xiao Yi and said, "Just like you."

Xiao Yi waved his hand and said modestly: "No, no."

Guo Ding rolled his eyes.

Still being so modest.

Thinking of what Xiao Yi put forward just now, if it is true, it will really cast a dark cloud on the building of physics.

But...what I like most about current theoretical physics is this kind of dark cloud.

Finally, he said: "No matter what, I wish you success. If you need any help in the next few days, just ask me."

"Okay!" Xiao Yi nodded.

The room fell silent and returned to thinking.

Xiao Yi looked at his draft paper again.

"Well... there should be some areas that can be optimized, and there are also things worth optimizing in the algorithm."

These are trivial matters to Xiao Yi. There are still 10 days left, which is enough for him to polish this method.

However, another question still arose in his mind at this time.

"The question is... these collision data are derived from heavy ion collision experiments. The purpose is to study QGP under strong interaction force, but they can show that the W boson is overweight. Is there any correlation? "

His eyes turned to the experimental data. His eyes seemed to become deeper and deeper while thinking, as if he could see through the twists and turns of the lines, scattered points, twists and turns. Between the coordinate system and the dense data, you can see the microscopic world.

Suddenly, something he mentioned when chatting with Guo Ding appeared in the center of his mind.

Mass gap problem for the Yang-Mills equation.

The mass gap problem is something that still cannot be explained in the strong interaction force.

The W boson involves the weak interaction force, and now the W boson is overweight...

Is there a connection between the two?

Of course, in a certain sense, the two are absolutely related. After all, if these two basic forces can be unified, a way to connect them must be found.

Even if the two have not been unified yet, in terms of the dialectical materialist philosophy, there is a universal connection between all things.

Applying it to the two, one can naturally conclude that there is a correlation between the two.

However, it would not be in line with the scientific outlook to simply draw conclusions from a philosophical sentence.

Therefore, we still have to prove this through scientific methods.

"Is it necessary to solve the problem of mass gap?"

He couldn't help but think of this in his mind.

This is one of the seven major problems of the millennium.

Are you really worried about this issue?

In the end, he shook his head and said, "Forget it, let's first determine whether the mass of the W boson is really overweight."

At present, he has only reached this conclusion through the data of no more than 100 signal events. For high-energy physics, the amount of data is completely insufficient.

If it is just some ordinary discoveries, perhaps a few thousand data volumes are enough, but if it is an important discovery, millions of signal events may be needed to ensure high statistical significance.

In order to discover the Higgs particle, the LHC counted a data volume of 5fb^(-1).

fb^(-1) is a unit, which is translated as an inverse flying target. 5fb^(-1) means that in an experiment, 5x10^15 collision events occurred per square femtometer of effective area.

It is enough to see how huge the amount of data is.

Therefore, for the W boson superheavy event, such a large amount of data may not be needed, but it will not be less anyway.

Only in this way can the final result convince people.

"So, I'm still busy."

However, Xiao Yi was already looking forward to these activities.

For him, the question [whether the W boson is overweight] has aroused a very deep interest in him.

Chapter 164 The whole audience was shocked

Time passed quietly.

Soon, the news that Xiao Yi was going to give a report spread within the Institute of High Energy. After all, it was arranged by the director, Tang Yifang, and the news spread quickly.

Various discussions immediately occurred within the Institute of High Energy.

"Xiao Yi actually came to our research institute to hold a report meeting?"

"Xiao Yi actually came to our research institute?"

"Who is Xiao Yi...?"

"The village hasn't been connected to the internet yet."

"It was arranged by Director Tang, and the director requires all researchers and associate researchers in the institute to temporarily put aside their work to participate. As for others, it is recommended to participate."

"Ah? Why? Is his report so important that so many of us have to go?"

"Who knows? Didn't he study mathematics? Now he has made achievements in our high-energy physics?"

"Ahem, after all, our high-energy physics and mathematical physics are closely related. Maybe they really have something important?"

"But then again, what is the theme of his report called?"

"It seems to be called...well, it feels a bit strange. It's called: Experimental Error Analysis and Data Processing?"

"What is it? Error analysis...and data processing? In other words, it has a lot to do with mathematics?"

"Hiss...it seems to be true?"

"Ah!!! Why math!"

For a time, many people showed pain.

Although experimental error analysis and data processing are very important in their field, the accuracy of many results is related to this.

However, it is too painful for them to learn this kind of thing!

However, there is no way, the director has made a request, and they, the researchers or associate researchers, have to participate, so what else can we do?

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