"Is it about X particles?"

When he thought of this, he couldn't help but hope in his heart that it must not be the same topic as his own, otherwise, it would mean that all his achievements during this period would be in vain.

Although Xiao Yi's achievements are often of great significance to the academic community, it is simply a nightmare for those teams and scholars who are studying the same topic as him.

At this time, he received a new email in his mailbox. When he opened it, he saw that it was indeed sent by the editorial department of "Nature".

After downloading the PDF attachment and opening it, George Parisi's eyes narrowed immediately.

"Electron density wave and spin density wave coupling model?"

"High-temperature superconductivity mechanism?"


Although he was somewhat glad that it was not about X particles, the shock he brought to him was even greater.

Xiao Yi actually discovered the high-temperature superconductivity mechanism?

How did he do it?

So he immediately looked down.

In this way, the more he looked, the more shocked he was.

"There is such a relationship between electron density waves and spin density waves?"

"The mathematical method he used..."

"This... is incredible, really incredible."

He has done a lot of research on condensed matter physics, and of course he knows a lot about electron density waves and spin density waves.

But even so, he never thought that he could find the coupling relationship between these two things from a mathematical perspective!

Not to mention, no one has ever found the existence of this coupling mode in experiments on condensed matter physics around the world.

It can be said that the entire academic community is in a state of darkness under the lamp.

However, now Xiao Yi has found it out by mathematical methods alone.

"How did he come up with it?"

George Parisi was puzzled.

He turned the paper back and read Xiao Yi's entire derivation process again.

And the more he read, the more he was impressed.

"Sure enough, no matter how many times I read Xiao Yi's mathematical derivation, it always gives people a pleasing feeling."

Finally, he sighed deeply.

This is a genius, a 19-year-old Fields Medal winner who can make everyone admire him.

From his mathematics, anyone can only see his incredible way of thinking, and as for learning this way of thinking...

it is completely impossible.

After sighing, Parisi's attention was refocused on Xiao Yi's conclusion.

Strict or gorgeous derivation process has never been the focus of physics, but the conclusion is.

So letter-style journals like "Physical Review Letters" can become top journals in the field of physics, because physicists only need to publish the conclusions, as long as the conclusions can be consistent with the experiments, the process is not important.

It's like a person who suddenly gets a system, and the system tells him the theory of everything, which can unify the four fundamental forces, and then publishes this conclusion. As long as it matches the experiment, it is enough for physics.

"So according to the conclusion, if we measure the relevant data of the electron density wave through the experiment and then substitute it into this model for calculation, we can get the relevant information of the spin density wave."

"Similarly, by substituting the spin density wave, we can also get the data of the electron density wave."

This is the simplest way to verify this model.

Thinking of this, George Parisi immediately made a phone call.

"Lumet, prepare the material laboratory for me, I need to do an experiment."

"In addition, you should also call Jobana and others, because this experiment needs to be done more."

The students were arranged to prepare the laboratory, and Parisi printed out the paper first, and then walked to the laboratory.

Since winning the Nobel Prize in Physics last year, George Parisi has become one of the most famous people in the Sapienza University of Rome, so his laboratory was quickly arranged.

The experiment began.

Although he is a theoretical physicist, George Parisi is naturally familiar with experiments. There is no physicist who really doesn't understand experiments at all. After all, physical theories need to be verified in experiments.

Soon, the results came out.

"It's so consistent?!"

After the experiment was completed, George Parisi substituted the experimental data into the model in the paper and immediately obtained a result that surprised him.

The error is less than one percent...

This kind of accuracy is like fraud in physics.

George Parisi didn't mean that Xiao Yi was faking it. After all, it was just a model, and the model would not be faked, so he faked it himself...

Of course, this is even more impossible. After all, whether it is spin density waves or electron density waves, they are all freshly baked. How could they be faked?

"Incredible... Incredible..."

George Parisi's heart became more and more excited.

Could it be that the high-temperature superconductivity mechanism is really going to be mastered by humans?

"Continue the experiment!"

He called on the students in the laboratory to continue the experiment, prepared quite a few samples of high-temperature superconductors, and then inserted the experimental data into Xiao Yi's model for verification.

Whether it is cuprate high-temperature superconductors or iron-based high-temperature superconductors, he has tried them all.

Just like that, after conducting almost 20 sets of experiments, “all of them are in line with the predictions of the XSC theory!”


Looking at the various calculation results on the scratch paper, George Parisi's eyes showed shock.

Undoubtedly, all these results prove one thing, that is, Xiao Yi is right again!

The high-temperature superconducting mechanism is really mastered by them!

For a moment, George Parisi couldn't help but think back to that morning a year ago.

That morning, he came to the Institute of High Energy Physics in China for exchange and study, and happened to come across Xiao Yi's report. Then Xiao Yi revealed the problem of the mass of the W boson at that report meeting.

At that time, he only thought that Xiao Yi was a genius who was also very talented in physics.

As a result, a year later, the other party finally predicted the existence of X particles through the problem of W boson mass, and it became something that even he was spending energy on studying.

But now, the popularity of X particles has not passed, and he has solved one of the hottest problems in condensed matter physics.

Until the end, he sighed: "The world of physics is about to change again!"

Just like that, about half a month later.

The latest issue of "Nature" is out.

The blue cover shows a three-dimensional crystal structure model representing a high-temperature superconductor. Around or inside the crystal structure, there are green wave lines representing electron density waves, and red lines representing spin density waves. Wave lines, on or around the surface of the crystal structure, and some silver streamline patterns representing superconducting current, symbolize low-resistance and lossless current flow.

Of course, if you just look at the cover, you may not be able to tell much, but the main title on the cover directly reveals the meaning of the cover.

【Revealing the Mechanism of High-Temperature Superconductivity】

Revealing the mechanism of high-temperature superconductivity!

The subtitle is: [Unveiling the Role of Charge and Spin Density Waves in High-Tc Superconductors].

Revealing the role of charge and spin density waves in high Tc superconductors!

These two titles, as well as this cover, instantly detonated the entire scientific community.

The mechanism of high-temperature superconductivity has been found? !

Chapter 185 The tangle of the Nobel Prize Committee

"Teacher Pan! Teacher Pan!"

Huaguo University of Science and Technology, Department of Quantum Information Research.

Pan Wei, who was thinking about the design of quantum computers, turned to look at the person who called him after hearing this voice.

His most popular disciple, Lu Zhao, is also very talented in the field of quantum information, which makes him feel like he was like that back in the day.

He smiled and said, "Oh, Lu Zhao, what's the matter? Are you so anxious?"

Lu Zhao ran up to him with excitement on his face, holding a magazine in his hand.

Pan Wei took a look. The magazine seemed to be "Nature"?

"Teacher Pan, have you read the latest issue of Natur?"

Lu Zhao pointed to the "Nature" in his hand and said.

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