In the spectrum analysis room on the other side, Academician Shen Gensheng, dean of the School of Physics, was also here. He stood in front of a Fourier transform infrared spectrometer and said in surprise: "This is Thermo Fisher's Nicolet iS50 FTIR spectrometer. ?”

A professor next to him also nodded repeatedly: "Yes, it is the iS50, or the top configuration... I also contacted Thermo Fisher to ask for a quote, and the top configuration costs 1 million!"

They all showed envious expressions.

Even the Fourier transform infrared spectrometer is so expensive...


They all had the idea of ​​living here directly.

In addition to the microscopy room and spectrum analysis room, other functional rooms such as the sample preparation room, thermal analysis room, chemical analysis room, etc. were all visited.

Spending 500 million yuan just to build a laboratory, if you include the land under your feet, it would cost 800 million to 900 million yuan.

The specifications were so high that they couldn't help but feel envious of Xiao Yi for a moment.

Of course, one good news and one bad news.

The good news is that they will have the opportunity to use this laboratory in the future.

The bad news is that it will take a while before it can be used, because Xiao Yi said that in the next period of time he will concentrate on conquering one of his topics.

Therefore, until his project is completed, others will not be able to rent these laboratories for the time being.

Xiao Yi, the director of the Science Island Laboratory, was also wandering around the laboratory.

"Very good, starting from tomorrow, we will officially start the research and development of high-temperature superconducting materials!"

Thinking of this, his eyes also glowed with confidence.

In the past almost a year, he has done countless experiments in order to write "Principles of Experimental Analysis".

Through [Material Mastery], he has almost reached a new level of understanding of high-temperature superconductivity.

Now it's time to conduct more detailed experiments.

This is the top condensed matter-materials laboratory in the world, and it was built for this original purpose!

At this moment, he suddenly looked out of the corner of his eye and saw Sun Lina and her students.

After thinking about it, he also needs assistants for experiments, not many, just a few people. Maybe he can borrow Xu Ming and others from Sun Lina.

He walked up and said hello: "Professor Sun."

"Professor Xiao." At this moment, Sun Lina was about to leave this place that was full of temptation for her. After seeing Xiao Yi, she could only stop.

Xiao Yi made his intention clear.

Sun Lina nodded repeatedly and said, "Of course, no problem. Xu Ming and the others are yours now."

Xiao Yi thought about it and felt a little embarrassed not only to borrow someone else's laboratory for so long, but also to borrow it from someone else now, so he said: "How about this, Professor Sun, you can also come here during this time, what are these instruments?" Yes, if it doesn't work for me, you can do your experiment."

Sun Lina suddenly took a breath of air in her heart.

Xiao Yi actually came to seduce her!

She absolutely couldn't agree, otherwise these brand-new experimental instruments would inevitably drag her to carry out new projects. She immediately waved her hands and said: "No, no, no, I have something to do now. My friend asked me to hunt monsters. First, Let’s go, Xu Ming, you just stay here and listen to Professor Xiao’s command.”

After saying that, she ran away quickly.

Xiao Yi and the others were left looking at each other.

Xu Ming shrugged at Xiao Yi and said, "Teacher Sun is like this."

Xiao Yi shook his head helplessly.

It seems that without Luo Mingya, no one can restrict Sun Lina.

"Xiao Shen, tell me, what subject do you want to lead us on?"

At this time, Xu Ming and the others rubbed their hands and looked at Xiao Yi expectantly.

This is my first time doing a subject with Xiao Shen. It must be a particularly important subject, right?

Xiao Yi smiled slightly and said to them: "Synthesize a high-temperature superconductor, and my goal is to make this high-temperature superconductor replace the niobium-titanium alloy!"

Xu Ming and the others' eyes widened immediately: "Huh?"

For Xu Ming and others, they never expected that Xiao Yi would play such a big role when he first came up.

Can this really be done?

However, it was the invincible Xiao Yi who thought of taking them on a project!

They couldn't help but have fantasies about the person who was more awesome than their senior sister.

Maybe it really works?

In this way, their experiment began on the second day.

Once again, various types of high-temperature superconductors were prepared and then measured using these new devices.

Xu Ming and the others are indeed very good assistants. It is also thanks to Luo Mingya's training that her junior brothers and sisters are all good at doing experiments.

Just like that, after getting a bunch of brand new experimental data.

Xiao Yi activated [Material Mastery] again.

When his vision entered the microscopic world again, his eyes lit up.

"This is……!"

Under the experimental results with higher resolution than before, Xiao Yi seemed to see a perfect world.

The various microscopic compositions of materials are almost invisible to him.

Here, the atomic arrangement of the crystal is like exquisite jewelry, and the regular lattice structure shines with indescribable symmetrical beauty; here, the grain boundary is like a mysterious border, separating countless orderly grains, revealing the toughness and strength of the material. Fragile secrets.

Point defects are like black holes in the starry sky, interstitial atoms are like meteors that suddenly appear, and dislocations dance on the slip plane, weaving a magnificent chapter of material deformation.

The roughness and irregularity at the nanoscale are like mountains and rivers in nature, and the brilliance of surface plasma resonance allows metal nanoparticles to show charming colors and optical properties under the irradiation of light.

There are also the mysterious quantum phenomena, which are like a dream here. The transition of electrons in the energy band is like flowing light, the light emitted by quantum dots is like stars in the night sky, and the tunneling effect reveals the mysterious path of electrons crossing obstacles.

"This is really..."

Xiao Yi fell into a moment of shock.

"It's so beautiful."

But soon, he came back to his senses from this shock.

What followed in his heart was a stronger self-confidence.

Being able to directly observe such a perfect world, he has a high degree of confidence in synthesizing the high-temperature superconductor he wants.

Just like that, after observing for a while, he reluctantly withdrew from this world, smiled slightly, and said to Xu Ming and others: "Prepare for the experiment!"


Time passed quietly.

Just one month later.

In the mechanical performance test room.

Xu Ming looked at the data sheet in his hand and exclaimed: "The critical superconducting temperature is 92K, but the critical current density is as high as 10^7A/cm^2, and the critical magnetic field intensity is as high as 27T!"

"In addition, there are good mechanical strength, environmental resistance, and easy processing!"

"Probably, the only problem is the trouble of the manufacturing process."

And Xiao Yi smiled slightly, at this time, he was holding a metal wire in his gloved hand.

"It doesn't matter, although it is troublesome, it is also within the acceptable range."

"There is no doubt that this silver-doped hexagonal close-packed FeSe is the most perfect superconductor in the world today."

Chapter 189 Shocked Scientific Community

FeSe is the simplest type of superconductor among iron-based superconductors. Through different preparation and synthesis methods, its internal superconducting properties can also be changed.

For example, under normal pressure, it can only be superconducting at temperatures below 8K; but by embedding or quenching under high pressure, its superconducting transition temperature can be sharply increased to 38K, and if it is a combination of embedding and high-pressure quenching, the superconducting transition temperature will rise to 48K.

Later, scientists discovered that the FeSe single atomic layer grown epitaxially on SrTiO3 has superconductivity, with a transition temperature of 70K, and later even reached above 100K.

For example, Xiao Yi previously studied FeSe/SrTiO3 single-layer superconductors and their mechanisms in the research group of Academician Pang Cheng.

It was this research that made him aim at the material FeSe.

Of course, the most important thing is that this material is simple enough, requiring only two elements, unlike other high-temperature superconductors, such as yttrium barium copper oxide, which requires four elements.

After such a long period of research and experiments, Xiao Yi finally found the most perfect form of superconducting FeSe in his constant attempts.

"Unlike FeSe with a PbO structure under ordinary synthesis methods, the hexagonal close-packed FeSe has a stronger coupling form of electron-spin density waves, which can make it reach a superconducting state at a temperature of 92K."

"This is still the case of silver doping. The doping of silver elements weakens the coupling strength of its electron-spin density waves. Otherwise, the superconducting critical temperature can be raised to more than 110K."

"But it's worth it."

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