Looking at the metal wire in his hand, Xiao Yi smiled slightly.

It is enough for the superconducting critical temperature to be above 77K. After all, liquid nitrogen is 77K. Any higher temperature is considered redundant. Compared with 77K, 92K is just 15K higher. It can be regarded as a high temperature from both an experimental and industrial perspective. Very nice redundancy.

"Silver doping can enhance the mechanical strength and processability of the superconductor itself, making up for the brittleness caused by the hexagonal close-packing type."

The hexagonal close-packed structure, also known as the HCP structure, is a typical example of magnesium. It is well known that magnesium is quite brittle, so much so that there are even videos on the Internet of specifically crushing magnesium metal to decompress it.

By doping silver, this brittleness is changed and its slip coefficient is increased, giving it the ability to plastically deform.

"It's perfect."

At this time, Xiao Yi had unknowingly activated the material control effect, and his vision entered the microscopic view of the alloy wire in front of him, appreciating the perfect world within it.

Of course, he felt more and more deeply in his heart that mastering materials was really a super skill.

If he had not mastered the materials, he would not have been able to discover FeSe in this structural form.


But considering that mastering the material is his own fault.

He was able to cheat based on his ability, so this silver-doped FeSe was developed based on his ability!

"Brother Xiao, what should we do next?"

At this time, the voices of Xu Ming and others came from the side.

Xiao Yi withdrew from the field of view of material control and looked at Xu Ming and the others.

At this time, Xu Ming and others looked at Xiao Yi as if they were looking at gods.

In this month, they could almost say that under the leadership of Xiao Yi, they synthesized this new superconductor as if with divine help.

Well, it can't be said that it was with the help of a god. It should be said that Xiao Yi was that god, because every step they took was almost under the guidance of Xiao Yi's immortal guidance, gradually leading to success.

This feeling is simply more exciting than following their senior sister to do experiments.

After all, with their senior sister, there is a possibility of being stumped by a problem for a long time, but with Xiao Yi, they don't seem to know what failure is.

Now, this result that is almost worthy of winning the Nobel Prize in Physics is in their hands, and the excitement in their hearts is simply uncontrollable.

When hearing their questions, Xiao Yi just smiled, and then said: "Of course I will publish the paper. "


He pinched his chin and said: "Don't mention the preparation method in the paper, just give the experimental results."

Xu Ming and the others were stunned for a moment, and then they all nodded and expressed their understanding.

If it is just a high-temperature superconductor, the preparation method can be disclosed casually, and there will be no problem.

But for the FeSe superconductor they have synthesized now, it is completely different. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that once this superconductor can be produced on a large scale, it will definitely become the only choice in today's superconductor market.

Whether compared to niobium titanium alloy or yttrium barium copper oxide, this new FeSe superconductor has absolutely leading comprehensive advantages.

Considering the economic advantages alone, its preparation method is not suitable for publication.

There is no need to apply for a patent. Because of the complexity of the preparation process, there is basically no need to worry about others being able to find out how to prepare the material through reverse engineering.

It is even more important to consider its strategic value. After all, there are still quite a few technologies that can use superconductors in the world.

For example, nuclear magnetic resonance instruments. Current nuclear magnetic resonance instruments basically use low-temperature superconductors, such as niobium-titanium alloys, niobium-tin alloys, etc. As for high-temperature superconductors such as yttrium barium copper oxide, due to some internal defects , and its critical magnetic field strength is not high enough, so it does not enter the technical range of nuclear magnetic resonance instruments.

However, according to the properties of FeSe, it will be enough to completely replace low-temperature superconductors such as niobium-titanium alloy and niobium-tin alloy and become the core component of the superconducting system of nuclear magnetic resonance instruments.

Maybe they can take this opportunity to help domestic nuclear magnetic resonance instruments enter the world market.

In addition, there are many other industries that will also be able to use this new superconductor.

Not to mention, it can also help important scientific research projects.

Quantum information is one. In addition, the EAST controllable nuclear fusion reactor on the Science Island is also one of them.

"I'm going to write it now!"

Xu Ming said.

Xiao Yi nodded, and this matter was left to him.

According to what he said before, besides him being the first author of the paper, Xu Ming and the others can be assigned to the second author.

With such an important achievement, it’s pretty good that they can get a second game.

Even when the time comes to judge the Natural Science Award, they will be able to take part.

Xiao Yi didn't mind taking them with him.

"Besides, I have to contact Principal Bao and tell him the good news."

Xiao Yi smiled slightly. Back then, the fat principal supported him and gave him a total investment of 300 million. Now it is time to let Principal Bao know how valuable those 300 million are.


Even the entire Science Island Laboratory, plus the land below, is completely worth it.

He immediately took out his mobile phone and called Principal Bao.

Soon the call was connected, and Principal Bao's hearty laughter came from the other side: "Professor Xiao, why are you free to call me today?"

"Don't you have something to do with Principal Bao?" Xiao Yi also said with a smile: "Haha, I didn't disturb you, did I?"

"That's not true. Tell me, what's the matter?" Bao Hexin said.

Xiao Yi said: "I would like to ask Principal Bao to come to the Science Island Laboratory and show you something."

"Oh?" Bao Hexin said with a raised tone, "If it wasn't a surprise, I wouldn't come."

Xiao Yi smiled and said, "Don't worry, you won't regret coming."

"Okay, I'll come right away."

Bao Hexin said with a smile.

Then they didn't say anything more and hung up the phone.

Putting down the phone, Xiao Yi thought for a moment, and then made another call.

This time, he told Pan Wei.

The new FeSe superconductor, according to their experimental measurements, also has excellent quantum communication properties, such as high coherence time and low noise properties, which are the most important features for becoming a superconductor for superconducting quantum computers.

So thinking about it, this new superconductor can also bring huge surprises to people like Pan Wei who study quantum computers.

Half an hour later.

"What? 92k superconducting transition temperature? Even the critical current density is as high as 10 7th power amperes, and the critical magnetic field strength is at least 25T?"

"And it also changes the original brittleness of FeSe itself? Has good processability? "

"Are you sure you're not kidding??"

When Bao Hexin came to the Science Island Laboratory and looked at the experimental report Xiao Yi handed him, his eyes widened and he looked at the data listed on the report in disbelief.

Next to him, Pan Wei's face was even more incredible.


"The energy relaxation time is between 20-100 microseconds, and the phase coherence time is between 10-50 microseconds... This is a coherence time at the level of pure aluminum! How does this high-temperature superconductor do it?"

"The quality factor is also around 10^5 to 10^6, and the degree of energy loss and signal attenuation is actually so low!"

"There is also this tunnel junction characteristic...R*C is approximately equal to 1-10Ω·fF, which..."

For a moment, he couldn't help but stretched out a hand and touched his head, feeling deeply unbelievable.

This stuff is so much better than the pure aluminum, pure niobium and other superconductors they used before.

This is basically the best superconducting material for current superconducting quantum computers!

"How on earth is this done..."

The data was so good that he almost didn't suspect it was fake data.

The shocked looks of the two people entered the eyes of Xu Ming and others who were watching from the side.

They all couldn't help but snicker.

These two big figures in the school actually have such moments of instability.

Not as good as them!

They completely forgot how shocked they were when they saw the experimental results for the first time.

Finally, Bao Hexin and Pan Wei both looked at Xiao Yi, who was beside him and even had a cup of tea in his hand, and asked: "Xiao Yi, where is this thing?"

Xiao Yi chuckled, then put down the teacup in his hand and said, "Come on."

Finally, he took two people to the sample storage room, took out the new FeSe they synthesized, and showed it to them.

"You two can take two samples and go back for experiments."

The two looked at the samples in their hands.

There are no protective measures at all, which also shows that this material has good environmental resistance.

To put it simply, it is durable.

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