Pinch it, bend it, and it has good flexibility, which is not like a HCP structure material at all.

"Amazing." Bao Hexin couldn't help but sigh.

His own direction is also closely related to materials, and he knows how amazing Xiao Yi's achievements are.

Pan Wei also nodded and said to Xiao Yi: "Thank you, Professor Xiao, I will try it when I go back now."

"In addition... when the production is increased, can you give priority to our laboratory to provide a batch?"

Pan Wei asked.

They want to build a superconducting quantum computer, so they naturally need a certain amount of superconductors.

Xiao Yi smiled and said: "Of course no problem."

"Although the synthesis method is slightly complicated, there is no need to worry about the yield rate. Even if you want to mass produce, it will not be too difficult."

"That's good."

Pan Wei nodded.

Afterwards, Bao Hexin and Pan Wei did not stay for long, and returned to their laboratory with samples to verify the properties of the samples.

The verification process did not take long, and soon they came to the same conclusion.

This new FeSe superconductor is the most perfect superconductor in the world!

And their experimental results were immediately spread.

The most perfect high-temperature superconductor!

What an amazing result!

Almost within a day, some laboratories in the top universities in China knew about this matter and sent applications to the Science Island Laboratory, hoping to get a sample for measurement.

Xiao Yi naturally did not refuse these applications, it was just a sample, it was not a problem.

As for asking about the preparation method, no one asked, because Xiao Yi had clearly stated that he would not disclose the preparation method.

The preparation method of this thing probably has the qualifications to become a state secret.

However, in the first few days, it was only circulated in a small range and did not spread widely.

It was not until three days later, after Xu Ming completed the paper, that they first posted the paper on arxiv.

With Xiao Yi's name, this paper spread all over the world on the day it was issued.

In an instant, the entire scientific community was shocked.

"The new FeSe superconductor synthesized in Xiao Yi's laboratory? Can it replace the most commonly used superconductors?"

"The most perfect superconductor in the world at present?"

"92K superconducting transition temperature, 10^7A/cm^2 critical current density, and 27T critical magnetic field strength?"

"Oh my god!"


Whether it is the physics community, the materials community, or the chemistry community, the life science community, etc., all were stunned by this news.

Although a considerable number of new high-temperature superconductors have been born due to the XSC theory, these high-temperature superconductors have not received much attention due to various shortcomings.

Of course, this did not make people lose confidence in the XSC theory. After all, the real heavyweight results are never afraid of coming late.

But what no one expected was that it just appeared like this, and it was almost impeccable.

Probably, except that it is not a room-temperature superconductor, this superconductor is no different in terms of application.


Chapter 190 The era of high-temperature superconductors

In a materials laboratory at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich.

Professor Andreas Schilling held a printed paper in his hand, his eyes full of surprise.

This paper was exactly the one that Xiao Yi and his team had posted on arxiv. Although this paper had been submitted to Nature, it would take some time for the review, so for now people could only find it on arxiv.

"How is this possible? FeSe can have such a magical performance? Even its ductility is so good?"

"HCP structure... I have never heard of HCP structure having such plastic deformation ability!"

"Moreover... How did FeSe synthesize HCP structure?"


Schilling couldn't help but look at another professor standing next to him, "Professor Epley, don't you think this is nonsense?"

This paper was brought by Professor Gabriel Epley, who was one of the first people in the academic community to know the news.

As a top scholar in the field of condensed matter physics at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, he took this paper to find Professor Andreas Schilling, who also has many achievements in condensed matter physics, to communicate.

In response to Schilling's question, Epley just shrugged and said, "I don't think it's possible, but the author is Xiao Yi, he is not the kind of person like Ranga Dias."

Ranga Dias is the one who "created" room-temperature superconductors. In 2020-2021, this guy made this big news, which shocked many people at the time. As a result, some time ago, in July 2023, his room-temperature superconductor paper published in Physical Review Letters has been retracted.

Basically, this guy's reputation in the academic world has been ruined.

But Xiao Yi is different!

He is still so young this year, there is no need to make such big news to pollute his reputation.

Silin was silent for a while about what Epley said, then he took the paper, flipped through it, and finally pointed at it and said: "He didn't even explain the preparation process, how can we believe it?"

Epley spread his hands and said: "There is really no way. If I can really make this kind of thing, I probably won't announce it. This can make me at least billions!"

Silin thought for a while, then said: "By the way, I remember Professor Opley went to China some time ago? I heard that he also met Xiao Yi because Xiao Yi wrote a book. Why not ask him?"

Epley nodded and said: "Okay, I'll contact him now."

Soon, Professor Opley came to their laboratory, but there was another person who came with him, an editor of "Nature".

"Professor James, why are you here too?"

James is the editor of Nature. He said, "Professor Oplai is our special consultant for Nature. This time I came to ask him some questions about a book."

Ople smiled and explained to April and the others, "It's the book "Principles of Experimental Analysis" written by Xiao Yi that I told you about at the beginning."

"Because this book is signed by Springer, I also hope to promote it through Nature. I want to write a few comments or something."


April and Schilling were immediately surprised.

"Do you take it so seriously?"

Although Nature is a publication under Springer, a book that can make Springer arrange for Nature to advertise must not be simple.

At least, this book is indeed worth promoting like this.

"Of course." Oplai said, and then he praised the book again. Whether it was from the heart or because he recommended the book to Springer, he highly praised the book.

Professor James beside him also nodded with a smile: "I have also read this book. The content inside is indeed worthy of the promotion of "Nature". I even believe that this book has the potential to become a basic textbook for all natural science majors in the world."

James is an editor, although he is a journal editor rather than a book editor, but his opinion is definitely not aimless.

For a moment, April immediately said to Opley: "In this case, please help me find a copy, Professor Opley, and I will study it later."

"And me." Schilling also said.

Ople smiled and nodded: "Of course it's no problem! I just happen to have a few copies, and I will bring them to you when the time comes."

April and Schilling thanked him repeatedly.

After talking about the book, April also explained the purpose of inviting them here.

"If you ask me this, I'm not really sure."

Opley shook his head and said, "But one thing that can be explained is that in the book "Principles of Experimental Analysis", many of Xiao Yi's examples are from condensed matter experiments. Perhaps, the experiments he did in the process of writing this book are also preparations for the synthesis of this new superconductor."

Apley and Schilling's eyes lit up: "It means that if we study this book, we may be able to find out how this new FeSe high-temperature superconductor is synthesized?"

"Uh..." Ople was stunned and said, "I didn't say that. Did you misunderstand something?"

But the more April and Schilling thought about it, the more they felt so. They immediately decided to go back and make a few more copies of this book, and then find someone to study the experiments in it together to see if they could dig out the secrets of the new FeSe.

Opley and James looked at each other and felt that the two people had misunderstood something.

But it seems that it seems to be beneficial to the sales of this book?

James returned to the topic just now: "Let's talk about Xiao Yi's paper. He has submitted it to us now. Whether it will be accepted is still a question."

"After all, this paper does not contain the specific preparation process, so it cannot be regarded as a rigorous article. It can only be regarded as a letter, and it is still a little short of it."

"Xiao Yi also sent a statement, saying that this new superconductor belongs to confidential technology, so the key technology will be retained. Such papers also exist, but he agreed to provide samples, and then they will be verified by our designated laboratories."

"Now, we have also sent people to get samples from him and sent them to some of our designated laboratories. Perhaps the results can be determined within a week."

Apley and Schilling said in unison: "Can we also give one to our laboratory?"

James smiled awkwardly and said: "For this, we have already designated a laboratory, and the samples are limited, so..."

Apley and Schilling couldn't help showing disappointed expressions.

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