This is their closest chance to this new superconductor!

It was so missed.

"If you have another chance next time, please remember us!" April asked.

"Next time for sure, next time for sure!"

James said helplessly.


Now there is no laboratory in the world that doesn't want this sample. All the laboratories of those Nobel laureates are asking for it.

They almost had a fight when they met internally to decide which laboratories to designate.

You two, please stay back a little.

But no matter what, since a laboratory is about to verify it, Epley and Schilling are also looking forward to the result.

By the way, they also asked Opple for a few more copies of "Principles of Experimental Analysis". Opple was helpless, why did he still eat and take them?

He didn't even have a few copies at his place. Finally, he said that Springer was printing the first batch of books. When they were ready, he would help them contact the printing house and ask for a few copies.

Epley and Xilin also knew that they would be embarrassed if they asked for it again, so they expressed their gratitude and looked forward to the printing of the first batch of books there.

And no matter what, at least the two of them have obtained a book each, allowing them to study it first.

Just like that, a few days flew by in the blink of an eye.

The fact that "Nature" designated a laboratory to verify Xiao Yi's new FeSe quickly spread, and it immediately attracted the attention of many people in the academic community.

Although Xiao Yi relied on his credibility in the academic world, the papers he published had gained a certain degree of trust in the academic community even though there were no preparation methods.

However, it is obvious that trust alone is not enough. Only these verification results can play a decisive role.

While people were waiting for the results, news came out from ETH Zurich that Xiao Yi's recent book "Principles of Experimental Analysis" may contain the important information that Xiao Yi developed for this new type of FeSe. Experience, or process.

This news has made many people doubtful. Is it true or false?

For a while, there were some people who wanted to buy this book, but then I got the news that this book was still in the process of being published. It would probably take a while before the first batch would be officially put on the shelves, but more and more people asked. , so Springer said it would expedite the printing of the first batch.

Of course, there are still quite a few people who maintain a wait-and-see attitude. At least, it remains to be determined whether this new type of FeSe has the performance described in Xiao Yi's paper until the verification results are released.

Just like that, another few days passed.

Finally, major laboratories that have obtained samples are gradually getting results.

And these results are still from those world-famous laboratories.

The first one to produce results was Qinghua University. After all, because it is located in China, it became one of the clients of "nature" and was also the first to get samples.

Although Qinghua University has already conducted experiments before, this time it was an official commission from Nature, so Qinghua’s laboratory also conducted another complete experiment on the new FeSe.

The final result is naturally: completely consistent with the data published by Professor Xiao Yi's team.

This result shocked the entire academic community again.

But after all, Qinghua Laboratory is also a Chinese laboratory, and has communicated with Xiao Yi before, so some people still maintain a wait-and-see attitude, waiting for more laboratory verification results to come out.

Soon, verification results from other laboratories gradually came out.

"Nature" commissioned 10 laboratories from 7 countries. In addition to China's Qinghua Laboratory, there are also laboratories in Russia, Singapore, Japan, the United States, France, and Sweden.

The first to come out with confirmation news were laboratories in Russia, Singapore and Japan that are relatively close to China.

Laboratories from these three countries have expressed their opinions: Xiao Yi’s new FeSe high-temperature superconductor does have the excellent performance described in the paper, whether it is in the three basic properties of superconductivity, or in terms of mechanical strength, environmental resistance and durability. In terms of processability, they have reached the level of industrial production.

The results of these three countries finally convinced those who were still waiting to see.

Later, experimental results from the United States, France, and Sweden once again verified the same results.

So far, the results of a total of 10 laboratories have all recognized the properties of the new FeSe. At the same time, it also declares that humans have truly mastered high-temperature superconductivity!

For a time, major media outlets published relevant articles one after another, spreading the matter around the world.

"From low-temperature superconductivity to high-temperature superconductivity, today's humans are no longer far away from true room-temperature superconductivity!" 》

"Welcome to the era of high-temperature superconductivity!" 》

"Join the glorious superconducting evolution!" 》

"High Temperature Superconductivity!" We are only half a step away from the future! 》

"Xiao Yi's high-temperature superconductor leads the advancement of mankind!" 》

"Shock! This thing developed by Xiao Yi actually changed the times! 》

In addition to news from major media, it has also caused various discussions on various platforms around the world.

For example, in China.

【I'll blanch it! Have high-temperature superconductors really been developed? how did you do that? 】

[It’s not that high-temperature superconductors have actually been developed, but that a nearly perfect high-temperature superconductor has been developed! 】

[Nearly perfect? What does perfection look like? 】

[Then it must be at least a room temperature superconductor]

[What is the difference between room temperature superconductors and high temperature superconductors? Aren’t high-temperature superconductors enough? Didn't I read in the news that as long as the temperature is below 92 degrees, this new type of superconductor can superconduct? 】

[Good guy, do you really know nothing? What is lower than 92 degrees, that is 92k, the Kelvin temperature, which is -181 degrees Celsius when converted into degrees Celsius. This high temperature is relative to absolute zero. Any superconducting transition temperature higher than the 77k temperature of liquid nitrogen is a high-temperature superconductor. Therefore, the temperature of room-temperature superconductors is higher than that of high-temperature superconductors]

[Okay, okay, room temperature is higher than high temperature]

[By the way, if we give samples to foreign laboratories for research, will it lead to leakage of the preparation method? 】

[Haha, good question, but in fact, there is no need to worry about this problem at all. Reverse engineering of materials can be said to be the most troublesome problem in the world. Even if it is an ordinary piece of material, it is already quite troublesome to reverse it. Not to mention superconductors, one of the most complex materials among all materials, just ensuring their superconductivity is a problem.

Moreover, the full name of this new type of FeSe created by Xiao Shen is HCP-type silver-doped FeSe. You must know that ordinary FeSe has a PbO-type tetragonal structure, and the HCP type is also called the densest hexagonal structure in translation. Two complete The different structure is enough to show that the preparation process, whether it is temperature, pressure, chemical environment and other aspects, is completely different from the normal preparation process!

Based on this, it is basically impossible to reverse engineer this new type of FeSe, not to mention that it also needs to be doped with silver! Once doping elements are involved, let me tell you, even if a universal quantum computer is built, it will be blind.

So don’t worry, not to mention that the current samples are nothing. Some products designed in the future will be exported abroad sooner or later. If people really want to reverse engineer, they can do it at that time. In short, there is no need to worry. 】

[Don’t worry, Xiao Shen must have thought more about it than you. Otherwise, guess why Xiao Shen didn’t publish the preparation process in the paper? 】

[That’s good, then I’ll be relieved. 】

[Damn it, isn’t Xiao Shen really cheating? 】

The direction of foreign platforms is different.

[So what are our scientists doing? Everyone has created such practical high-temperature superconductors, but what are our scientists still doing? 】

[Our scientists have all gone to an island to have fun! 】

[Why doesn’t Xiao Yi publish the preparation process? How could he be so selfish? 】

[How about you sell the lithography machine to us first? 】

[You think people are stupid. For a truly useful achievement like this, people would not be stupid enough to publish the preparation process, just like the original atomic bomb. 】

[This thing is worth hundreds of millions of dollars. Why do they want to announce it? 】

【How many billions? Tens of billions! 】

[Let me find a way to tell Xiao Yi that as long as he is willing to publish the preparation process, the Nobel Prize in Physics will be awarded to him. 】

【good idea! 】

[Laughs, do you really think Xiao Yi cares about the Nobel Prize? 】

[I think it’s better to just send the black widow to sneak into China and capture Xiao Yi. If that doesn’t work, you can also seduce her. I heard that Xiao Yi is not married yet]

[You already have Black Widow, why not just ask Tony Stark to hand over his Ark Reactor? You have nuclear fusion, so why do you need to care about high-temperature superconductors? 】

[Please don’t send Black Widow, I love Scarlett very much, I kneel down for you! 】

[Everyone is already married, you loser! 】

【waste! 】

[I heard that Xiao Yi recently published a book called "Principles of Experimental Analysis", which may contain the preparation method of this new type of FeSe. 】

【real or fake? Then I'm going to buy a copy. 】

【I want to buy one too! 】

Chapter 191 What did I do to make you disrespect me so much?

While the whole world is excited about the advent of the era of high-temperature superconductivity, a discussion about Xiao Yi's paper is also going on in the editorial department of Nature.

"Okay, now that 10 laboratories have given positive results, I think we can also prepare to send Xiao Yi a copyright transfer agreement."

At the head of the conference room, Magdalena Skip, editor-in-chief of Nature, said to the people present.

The other editors present also nodded.

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