Eight days passed quickly.

Xiao Yi's blood was boiling, and he finally waited for the day of the joint exam of college mathematics classes.

The exam location of the University of Science and Technology was naturally in the teaching building of the University of Science and Technology.

The exam time was nine o'clock.

He walked into the campus of the University of Science and Technology and looked at the scene in front of him.

As a university named "Science and Technology", the campus of the University of Science and Technology does not have any famous scenery. It is like a rigorous science and engineering man who does not care much about his appearance.

But the good greening also makes this "science and engineering man" more gentle.

This is not the first time Xiao Yi has come to the University of Science and Technology. As a person born in Fei City, the probability of never visiting the University of Science and Technology is very low.

Not to mention that he was studying in the Affiliated High School of the University of Science and Technology before, and their school naturally organized activities to visit the University of Science and Technology.

Without dwelling too much on these scenes, he went directly to the School of Mathematical Sciences.

The examination venue was upstairs in the School of Mathematical Sciences. After all, there were only 45 people participating in this written test, which was not too many people. All 45 people were arranged to take the exam in a large lecture hall.

Soon, they arrived at the examination room, where many students were already sitting, and there were even a few "kids" who looked younger than them.

Obviously, these kids were geniuses from the junior class, and they might be only about 14 or 15 years old.

Xiao Yi couldn't help but sigh. After coming to such a place, he knew that there were actually many geniuses in the world.

Of course, he was also confident that he would not lose to any genius.

Are geniuses as good as cheaters?

At this time, the young students present were also communicating, probably considering that two-thirds of the people in this examination room would become their future classmates, so they got to know each other in advance.

Even if they did not become classmates, they would be alumni in the future. After all, even if they were screened out, it would only be the junior class returning to the junior class and the mathematics school returning to the mathematics school, which was not much different.

Xiao Yi quickly found his seat, sat down, and began to wait quietly for the exam to begin.

But at this time, a "kid" who was probably from the junior class and sat next to him came up and said, "Xiao Shen?"

Hearing this title, Xiao Yi immediately felt ashamed.

Someone called him this in the chat group before, but it was okay online and acceptable, but now it's offline and he's still called this, and he immediately felt ashamed.

Turning his head, he glanced at the "kid" and said, "Just... don't call me Xiao Shen, just call me by my name."

The kid said carelessly, "What's the big deal? I heard from the seniors in the junior class that they all call each other gods, so you can also call me Ye Shen, my name is Ye Cheng."

Xiao Yi held his forehead, "Okay, Ye Shen."

Everyone has become a god.


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Chapter 48: Submit in 20 minutes

Chapter 48: Submit in 20 minutes

Chapter 20 minutes Submit in 20 minutes

However, although Xiao Yi was a little ashamed of these nicknames like "X God", he also remembered the identity of Ye Shen in front of him... Oh no, Ye Cheng, this name is quite like a...novel protagonist.

He asked: "By the way, are you the genius who is 14 years old this year and scored 680 in the college entrance examination?"

"It's me." Ye Cheng nodded, but then said: "But I think your 741 points are more impressive, Xiao Shen, you are more talented than me, my mother asked me to study with you."

Xiao Yi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, this child, he was really a bit straightforward when he spoke.

"You're only 14."

"Only 14." Ye Cheng shook his head. "My idol is Terence Tao. He won the IMO gold medal at the age of 13, but I tried to do this year's IMO test questions, and the final result was only a silver medal, one point short of the gold medal."

"That's pretty good. Terence Tao also won the gold medal in his third IMO." Xiao Yi said, "Don't be too strict with yourself."

"No, it's still too far away." Ye Cheng shook his head and said, "So after entering college, I will do my best to graduate within three years and then go to Princeton. I will study mathematics at the University of Paris or the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris, because I heard that the mathematics majors of these two schools are the best in the world. After that, I will strive to get a master's and doctoral degree in four years. After that, I will not have to worry about my studies. I will devote all my time to mathematics, hoping to win the Fields Medal before I am 40 years old. "

"I have calculated that I am 14 years old this year, and I can still go through 7 International Congresses of Mathematicians. There happens to be one when I am 40 years old. The Fields Medal requires mathematicians under 40 years old to win the award. I have a certain age advantage. "

Listening to the ambitious words of this child, Xiao Yi was silent for a while.

Good guy, is this the world of geniuses?

Even the future life plan is ready.

Looking at himself, what is the future life plan?


It's probably: solve difficult problems → solve more difficult problems → solve problems that many people can't solve → solve world-class problems →...

Maybe the next step is to "solve human problems"?

"But now the only problem is how can I pass this exam." Ye Cheng's voice, which was originally full of confidence in future plans, became hesitant at this time: "I am not sure about the exam this afternoon, because I haven't read any papers on mathematics yet."

"This change is a bit beyond my control. I really don't know why those academicians suddenly made such a decision."

The genius finally showed the nervousness of a child on his face.

He asked Xiao Yi: "Xiao Shen, are you sure about this exam?"

Xiao Yi quickly knocked the wooden fish in his heart again, and then gave a panacea answer: "Uh... I don't know, it depends on the situation."

Ye Cheng nodded, "Okay, fortunately my teacher said that there may not be too many students who can get points in the exam this afternoon. The probability is still to look at the exam results this morning."

Xiao Yi nodded, it was true.

For the vast majority of students, the final score of the morning exam still accounts for the majority, so doing well in the morning exam is the key.

Just then, the bell rang, the invigilator entered the examination room, and the two stopped talking.

All candidates hand in items not related to the exam, are prohibited from talking, and wait for the exam to officially begin.

There are three invigilators, as well as various surveillance cameras, plus signal blockers, which basically eliminate all possibilities of cheating.

Of course, for these geniuses present, they probably won't do such things as cheating.

At 8:55, the test papers were distributed.

Xiao Yi quickly got the test paper, took a look at the three questions, and then shook his head.


The format of these three questions is basically the same as that of the math competition, and in the end, it is still the same routines as the test.

And because there are only two hours, unlike the math competition where there is four and a half hours to do the questions, the difficulty of the questions is relatively reduced.

However, for Xiao Yi, the situation is the same.

He only took 20 minutes to finish the three questions. There are fewer questions and less things to write, which is convenient for him.

And the most important thing is...

This exam allows you to hand in the paper at any time!

This is much more humane than the rule in high school that you have to wait until the last half an hour to hand in the paper!

So Xiao Yi stood up and walked to the front.

The invigilator at the front was a professor from their School of Mathematics, surnamed Xu. When he saw Xiao Yi, he immediately recognized him.

Because he was the professor in charge of Hua Luogeng's class. He had attended the mathematics academic conference with Liu Bin, and had already seen this genius boy through the video of Liu Bin and Xiao Yi.

"Are you going to... turn in the paper?" Professor Xu asked, looking at his watch, "It's only 20 minutes since the exam started."

Xiao Yi nodded and said, "Yes, turn in the paper now."

Professor Xu said no more, took Xiao Yi's paper, "You can leave first."

Then he looked down at the paper and was shocked. Although he had expected it, he still felt incredible when he saw the answers written all over the paper.

It's 20 minutes!

Although the three questions this time were not as difficult as those in IMO, it was too outrageous to finish them in 20 minutes.

It's almost the same as...

Basically spent time writing?

Didn't think much at all?

"Really... amazing."

Professor Xu shook his head helplessly. Liu Bin had asked him to see how amazing Xiao Yi was, and now he has really seen it.

At the scene, many math geniuses also noticed the movement. Seeing Xiao Yi hand in the paper directly, they all showed unbelievable expressions.

They didn't even finish the first question, and they were even stumped by the first question, and someone handed in the paper?

What a joke?

No one thought about whether it was a blank paper handed in directly, because they basically recognized that the person who handed in the paper was Xiao Yi.

How could the "national champion" with 741 points hand in a blank paper?

There is only one possibility. For him, it only takes 20 minutes to finish this paper.

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