For a time, these teenagers, who were very confident in their mathematical abilities, began to doubt their abilities.

The power of the great devil of mathematics is beginning to take shape at this moment!

Ye Cheng also glanced at Xiao Yi's empty seat blankly. After being shocked for a while, he finally sighed.

He was truly worthy of being admired by Xiao Shen!

Chapter 49 News about Schulz

The morning exam ends and the afternoon exam starts at 14:00.

As time passed quickly, at 13:30, all candidates entered the examination room again.

But this time, as soon as Xiao Yi appeared in front of everyone, he immediately received all the attention.

Xiao Yi shook his head helplessly, as expected.

He was just an ordinary student who finished the exam in 20 minutes.

Why so much concern?

As soon as he moved, the heads in the examination room followed him until he sat in his seat.

"Xiao Shen, you are so awesome!"

Ye Cheng next to him looked admiring: "You must have ranked first in the exam this time! Maybe you will also be ranked first in all joint exams!"

Xiao Yi laughed: "That's not the case. Maybe someone else can get full marks."

"That's true." Ye Cheng nodded, as if he was somewhat sure of getting full marks, but he was not sure whether he had made any mistakes in the specific details, but then he said: "There is still another exam, you You should be able to get high scores, right?”

Xiao Yi said modestly: "I haven't taken the test yet, and I don't know what questions they will ask. Let's take a look first and then talk."


Ye Cheng nodded, then said no more and quietly waited for the exam to begin.

At the same time, an online conference room called [Remote Invigilation for the 15th College Mathematics Class Entrance Examination] was opened.

Soon, many people joined the on-site meeting room.

And if the names of these people were placed in the domestic mathematics community, they would all be well-known big names.

Almost all are academicians, and only a few are professors.

Academician Liao Huan from Beijing University: “Hey, everyone is here.”

Danfu-Academician Chen Yaozhong: "The exams for those young people should have started, right?"

Qinghua Professor Liu Min: "Yes, Academician Chen, the exam starts at two o'clock. It starts in 10 minutes now."

Academician Danfu-Chen Yaozhong: "Okay, I'm already looking forward to their exam results."

Peking University - Academician Liao Huan: "Where's Lao Hu? Didn't you say that there is a great candidate at your University of Science and Technology? Let's see if it's the candidate from your University of Science and Technology, or the candidate from our Peking University? Hu Guangde, speak up!"

University of Science and Technology - Academician Hu Guangde: "Liao, I know you are in a hurry, but don't be anxious first. You wait until they finish the exam. In addition, in terms of overall quality, our University of Science and Technology is indeed not as good as your Peking University, but your Peking University students are better Even one piece is not enough to beat our student!"

Beijing University-Liao Huan: “So confident? ”

Academician Hu Guangde from USTC: "What else? Don't worry when the results come out. In fact, this student was almost poached by you, but he chose our USTC."

Beijing University - Liao Huan: "That would be tragic. If he is really a genius, will he be mistaken for your disciples?"

Academician Hu Guangde from the University of Science and Technology of China: "Let's wait and see. Don't be anxious later and cause trouble with your school's admissions office."

The two academicians started quarreling as soon as they came in, and the other academicians in the meeting immediately started to have fun.

There is a saying that the deeper reason why this joint examination can be held is because the two old enemies, Academician Liao Huan and Academician Hu Guangde, had a quarrel among the academicians in mathematics, so the two academicians wanted to prove that their candidates were excellent. That’s why we instigated this joint examination.

These two have been looking down upon each other for many years, and they are unable to persuade each other.

Until finally, an academician finally interrupted their quarrel and changed the subject: "Okay, Lao Hu and Lao Liao, you two, stop arguing, there are so many people."

"Speaking of which, Peter Schultz suddenly said on his blog today that he may be able to find conclusive evidence that proves Mochizuki Shinichi is wrong, and he will definitely be able to make everyone admit it. Do you have any news?"

As soon as this topic was raised, the academicians in the conference room immediately became interested.

"Is this happening again? This has been going on for several years, and it's finally concluded? How did he find the evidence?"

"I saw it too, and after asking people I know there, it seems that Schulz recently read a paper on far Abelian geometry and found the key from that paper, but which paper it is is unclear. Not sure anymore.”

After hearing their discussion, Hu Guangde stopped arguing with Liao Huan and asked, "What about far Abelian geometry?"

He is a little sensitive to these words now.

However, it should be different from what he thought.

He shook his head, such a thing was simply impossible.

"Yes, Mochizuki Shinichi's cosmological theory is based on far Abelian geometry. As long as the errors in his theory are found, it will naturally mean that his method of proving the ABC conjecture is wrong."

After hearing Hu Guangde's question, the academician also gave an answer, and then asked: "Old Hu, do you have any news here?"

Hu Guangde smiled and waved his hands: "No, no, Schultz and I are not familiar with each other. It's just that when I heard about far Abelian geometry, I remembered that a student of mine recently wrote a paper on far Abelian geometry."

Hearing this, the academician Liao Huan from Beijing University immediately laughed: "Old Hu, Old Hu, you just thought in your mind that Schultz was inspired by the paper written by your student, right?"

Hu Guangde's face suddenly sank: "Mr. Liao, don't talk so much nonsense."

And Liao Hua continued to laugh, making the entire online meeting seem to be full of joy.

Until the end, the previous professor Liu Min from Qinghua came out to interrupt them: "Academician Hu, and Academician Liao, let's not quarrel for now. The students' exams have already started. Let's take a look at their exam situation."

Liu Min's words made the two people quiet down temporarily.

Afterwards, this online meeting also began to broadcast the exam scenes of their 15 universities.


USTC examination room.

The test papers began to be distributed.

There are two test papers, each with only one question, which is the process of the two mathematical papers selected by the academicians.

As the candidates in the examination room received the test papers, various sounds of gasping began to be heard in the examination room.

Obviously, they were at a loss after seeing the questions.

In such an atmosphere, Xiao Yi immediately looked at the test paper after getting his test paper.

But after seeing the first fragment, his eyebrows were raised.

It was written on it [Selected from Chen Jingrun's "Large Even Numbers are the Sum of a Prime Number and the Product of No More than Two Prime Numbers\

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