Good boy, isn't this a coincidence?

The second clip is actually Zhang Yitang's paper on the twin prime conjecture!

How to say it?

In this exam room, no one knows this paper better than me!


I'm afraid that the academicians who set the questions may not know it better than him.

He has read this paper too many times, and he can tell which page of the original paper the clips taken by these academicians are on.

Then he took a look at this clip, and sure enough, he knew directly that this clip was on page 26.

The dispersion method, the dispersion method used by Zhang Yitang.

In addition, a part was added, which is also a key part of this paper, about the Bombieri-Vinogradov theorem.


Xiao Yi shook his head.

However, this is the case for him, but for other candidates who have not studied this paper, this clip may become their nightmare tonight.

It seems that although the academicians were more merciful in choosing the first fragment, they were full of malice in the second fragment.

He could almost call it: bullying of mathematics beginners by mathematics predecessors.

Although the candidates present could not be called mathematics beginners, they were not much different from beginners in front of the academicians.

In short, if you want to write this second fragment, unless you are very talented or have studied this paper before, there is a 90% probability that you will not understand it at all.


The bell rang, indicating the official start of the exam.

Xiao Yi no longer thought about it, turned back to the first test paper, and directly picked up the pen to answer, without even thinking about anything.

After all, the things that should be thought about were all thought out when he saw this paper.

And next to him, Ye Cheng, who had been looking at the questions for a few minutes but was still confused about the fragment on the paper, couldn't help but turn his head to look after hearing the sound of writing next to him.

Then, he was stunned.

What the hell?

What did he see?

Xiao Yi... started answering questions right now?

In fact, the only sound in the whole room was Xiao Yi writing.

"Squeak, squeak..."

Although the sound was very small, it was particularly obvious in this quiet examination room.

If Xiao Yi only took 20 minutes to finish the morning exam, it would be acceptable in their eyes, because they heard that Wei Shen from Beijing University, who won the IMO gold medal on behalf of China, could also finish all the questions in just a few dozen minutes.

But now, if Xiao Yi can even answer such a super-standard question, isn't it a bit...


As a 14-year-old genius boy, he felt that his worldview was distorted at this time!

Looking back, he looked at the excerpt of Chen Jingrun's paper again, and then hugged his head with both hands, as if he was going crazy.

However, not long after, he heard the sound of turning the test paper next to him.

No way...

He turned his head carefully little by little, looked at Xiao Yi, and then his eyes widened.

Xiao Yi had actually finished the questions in the first section?


Right, the second section looks much more difficult than the first one. In this case, Xiao Yi should not be able to...

The next moment, Ye Cheng's eyes widened even more, because after Xiao Yi turned to the second test paper, he actually started writing again!

Ye Cheng rubbed his eyes, suspecting that he had seen it wrong.

But when he opened his eyes again, Xiao Yi had already written several lines.

Please, can you do it without even thinking? !

He was stunned for a moment, and suddenly he realized that he had been staring at Xiao Yi for too long. Would he be discovered by the invigilator?

He immediately came to his senses, glanced at the front of the examination room, and then was stunned.

Oh? Where is the invigilator?

They have three invigilators, why can't they be seen?

He turned his eyes, until he caught a glimpse of Xiao Yi's back, and was stunned again. Wow, these three invigilators had gone around to the back at some point, and were now watching Xiao Yi do the questions, their faces full of surprise.

Okay, okay, the invigilators are joining in the fun, right?

Ye Cheng covered his face.

He really deserves to be the "national champion", and he easily did something that so many of them couldn't do.

After calming down in his heart, he finally put his hand down.

No matter what, he has to work hard!

Lowering his head and looking at his test paper again, Ye Cheng stopped being distracted and started thinking seriously.

Although he was hit by Xiao Yi, he was not so unbalanced. On the contrary, Xiao Yi's image in his heart became taller, and maybe one day, he could catch up with his admiration for Terence Tao.

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Chapter 51 The embryonic form of an idea

Time passed quietly, and the same scene was constantly being played out in the math exam rooms of 15 universities: the examinees looked at the questions on the test papers with a difficult expression on their faces, as if they had something to suffer but could not express it.

Basically, more than 95% of people are like this, and the remaining less than 5% of candidates have been exposed to mathematics academics before and have read several mathematics papers.

But even if I have read several mathematics papers before, I feel uncomfortable when faced with such a question.

However, just like Xiao Yi's judgment, the first clip is after all a clip where the academicians are more unrestrained, and among the students taking the exam, there are also many geniuses of all kinds, such as those from Beijing University , even more so.

After all, the School of Mathematics at Beijing University is known as the first department of the first university. The most basic requirements for their mathematics classes are students who have achieved good enough rankings in mathematics competitions.

Therefore, some students gradually connected with the principle of inclusion and exclusion based on the methods used in it, and then, students who came in second place, third place... finally answered on the test paper.

As for the first student...

"Huh? There are students in the HKUST exam room who have handed in their papers."

Someone said in the remote proctoring online conference room.

"Hand in the paper now?"

Others were confused.

This exam has only passed for half an hour, and someone has already handed in the paper?

Could it be that you gave up?

While everyone was thinking, the surveillance screen of the HKUST examination room was also brought up and placed on the main screen of the conference room.

Sure enough, they all saw a student standing up from his seat and walking to the front of the examination room with his test paper.

When Academician Liao Huan from Peking University saw it, he immediately laughed: "Hahaha, Lao Hu, the psychological quality of the students you recruited this time is not very good, so you are giving up now?"

However, facing Liao Huan's ridicule, Hu Guangde was not anxious at all.

He first glanced at the student, and then a smile appeared on his face: "Old Liao, Old Liao, you made a mistake this time."

Liao Huan was stunned for a moment, then frowned. How could this old guy not be angry in the face of his ridicule, but still look like he was sure of victory?

"What do you mean?"

Hu Guangde laughed, and then introduced him calmly: "This student's name is Xiao Yi."

Liao Huan immediately thought about it: "Oh, that's what you said before, your Hui Province's top pick this year was originally going to come to our school?"

Hu Guangde nodded slightly.

Liao Huan frowned: "The exam has only started for 30 minutes. Do you think he has finished writing?"

"It's not impossible. Although these two questions seem scary, they are only for these freshmen. For those who have really entered the academic research of mathematics and have written papers. "The difficulty of these two questions is relatively low." Hu Guangde smiled and said: "I forgot to tell you, I just said that I recently read a paper written by a student, and that paper was written by Xiao Yifa."


Upon hearing Hu Guangde's words, not only Liao Huan was surprised, but other academicians and professors in the conference room also looked surprised.

A high school student wrote an essay?


How can it be? !

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