"You're not lying, are you?" Liao Huan said suspiciously: "It's a small paper, right? Whether it can be published in a general journal is a question."

Hu Guangde laughed loudly. He was about to say that what Xiao Yi sent was IHES, but then he thought about it. Xiao Yi had not been sent an email confirming receipt, so he should be sure of it first.

So he said: "Don't worry. What I can say is that when his paper is published, it will definitely cause some fluctuations in our mathematics community."

"Oh, by the way." Hu Guangde raised another finger: "Also, there is one more thing I forgot to mention. Xiao Yi finished writing and submitting this morning's test paper in 20 minutes."

This time, the academicians present were shocked again.

The morning test paper was finished in 20 minutes?

Although the test papers in the morning were far inferior to the questions they asked in the afternoon, the difficulty of those questions was also recognized by them.

If you can finish it in 20 minutes...

"Quickly, send this student's answer sheet over and take a look." Liao Huan said immediately, could this student really be able to answer the questions asked by so many of their academicians?

"Uh... Academician Liao, this may not work." Professor Liu Min from Qinghua University said, "The exam is still in progress and it is not over. Candidates' test papers cannot leave the examination room."

"However, according to the cross-marking groups we divided by lot, it seems that the University of Science and Technology where Academician Hu is located and the Peking University where you are academician Liao are exchanging test papers for marking, so you can still see this test paper when you grade today. "

After hearing Professor Liu's words, Liao Huan could only give up the idea of ​​reading Xiao Yi's test paper now.

However, not being able to see it for a while only made him more and more curious about Xiao Yi's test paper.

Of course, academicians from other major universities were also very curious. They finished writing this new type of question they asked in half an hour. This student named Xiao Yi was indeed a bit extraordinary.

Other academicians all said to Liao Huan: "Old Liao, remember to tell us the results when you get the results during the evening marking to see how many points this person named Xiao Yi can get."

Seeing that everyone else showed interest in Xiao Yi, Hu Guangde smiled.

Stay interested!

Anyway, Xiao Yi is now a student of their HKUST, and they will all be envious of HKUST by then!

Especially for Liao Huan, an old man, Hu Guangde felt so relieved when he saw the impatient expression on his face!

At the same time, on the HKUST campus.

Xiao Yi, who had finished his exam, didn't know that there was an online conference room, and even a group of academicians were remotely monitoring the exams of their fifteen universities. Now these academicians are still concerned about his test paper. interested.

At this time, he was walking around the campus aimlessly.

However, his eyes showed that he was deep in thought at this time.

At this moment, his mind was filled with the second question in the exam just now.

In that paper, Zhang Yitang developed a stronger version of the Bombieri-Vinogradov theorem and the method used in the [Dispersion Method] section.

Today, after carefully thinking about the fragment selected by the academicians and the prompts given on the test paper, Xiao Yi's once piecemeal thoughts gradually formed a unified prototype of an idea.

Where this unified idea will eventually lead, he has no idea yet.

If it hadn't been for this incident, he could actually have left the examination room 10 minutes earlier.

"But one thing is for sure, I'm getting closer to the answer to a question!"

Wisdom shone in his eyes.

Chapter 52 The confusion between the academicians of Peking University and the editor-in-chief of IHES [Additional update]

The afternoon exam finally came to an end with the ringing of the bell.

Subsequently, all test papers were scanned and uploaded, and each cross-marking group began to exchange the test papers of students from each school for correction.

The correction of test papers does not take much time. After all, only about 45 students in each university take the exam. With such a small number of people, any professor can quickly complete the correction.

It's just that this time, not only professors, but also academicians from major universities participated in the marking of the test papers.

For example, Academician Hu Guangde of the University of Science and Technology of China personally came to grade the test papers of Beijing University students.

There are many academicians in mathematics at Peking University. Four academicians, including Academician Liao Huan, participated directly.

There are only two reasons. The first reason is that they who study mathematics have been relatively idle recently. There are no important mathematics academic conferences to be held anyway, so of course they have this time to join in the fun. The second reason is that These academicians were all aroused by Hu Guangde's words.

Is that kid named Xiao Yi really that awesome?

"The answer papers of these students from HKUST are just like that. The first question is very reluctant." In the marking room of Peking University, Academician Wang Jianxin said after correcting several papers: "Not even half of them were completed. "

"Old Liao, are you sure what Hu Guangde said is true?"

Liao Huan shook his head and said: "That guy, I'm quite familiar with him. If it's something he's not sure about, he won't say anything. And the student named Xiao Yi is indeed very powerful, as you all know."

Several other academicians also nodded.

Can a student who can win the title of "National Number One Scholar" not be awesome?

Liao Huan did not say much and turned to the next chapter of the test paper.

When he saw this test paper, he narrowed his eyes.

Because this was the first full test paper he encountered.

Because the marking system automatically blocks the information of candidates, and it is cross-marking, the real information of the candidates on these test papers is on the original school side, and they do not know who the owners of these test papers are.

However, Liao Huan felt that he had found his target test paper.

Started from the beginning.

And the more he read, the more his eyes narrowed.

Because the answers on this test paper, first of all, the first part, that is, the mathematical method analysis of [Theorem 1] and [Lemma 8] and [Lemma 9] proved by Mr. Chen Jingrun in the thesis selection, even from the perspective of him, an academician, has reached a perfect level.

This almost shows that this candidate has completely understood this segment and has a deep understanding of the mathematical knowledge shown in this segment.

If he can achieve this level in the first part, what difficulty can there be for the second part, that is, the problem-solving part?

He looked over, and as expected, the student solved the question perfectly again.

Even better than the standard answer.

After taking a deep breath, Liao Huan was now basically certain that the candidate for this test paper was definitely Xiao Yi.

But... this student could actually do it to such an extent that he couldn't even find any possible mistakes. This was really incredible.

What about the second clip?

The first clip was relatively easy, otherwise there wouldn't be so many students who could give answers.

But the second clip, Zhang Yitang's twin prime paper clip, was definitely more difficult.

Could this student still be impeccable?

He immediately looked at the second clip.

However, he was stunned after a while.

Good guy, this student can't even say that he is impeccable on this question, but it can even be said that he, the academician, can't understand it.

This student actually surpassed Zhang Yitang's method on this question and gave his own thinking!

Liao Huan was not studying number theory, and he only had a little understanding of the twin prime conjecture, so he could not understand the extra part.

Are you trying to turn the tables?

He hurriedly shouted: "Old Wang, come here quickly, I should have found Xiao Yi's test paper, you help me look, I can't understand it."

Academician Wang Jianxin was studying number theory, he should be able to understand it.

However, his words immediately made the other three academicians in the room, as well as several other professors who were also marking the test papers, a little unresponsive.

"What did you say, you can't understand it? What a joke." Wang Jianxin said as he left his seat.

Even if Liao Huan was not a specialist in number theory, it wouldn't be that bad. How could a student who didn't even have an undergraduate degree write something in-depth?

Other academicians and professors gathered around him. This was probably the first time that a test paper of a student who was not even a freshman could attract the attention of so many academicians and professors of Peking University.

However, after Wang Jianxin looked at it for a while, his eyes narrowed like Liao Huan before, and he moved closer to the screen: "There's something, let me take a look."

After another while, his eyes stopped narrowing, but gradually widened, and he moved closer again: "Wait, it seems to be a little different, let me take a look again."

After a while, until everyone present suspected that Academician Wang might put his eyes into the computer, he finally retracted his body and exclaimed: "Genius! A real genius!"

"He actually changed his perspective to think about Zhang Yitang's method. To some extent, he is no longer analyzing Zhang Yitang's method on this question."

"He is improving Zhang Yitang's method!"

Everyone present was confused.


At the same time, the editor-in-chief of the editorial department of "The Publications Mathématiques de l'IHS" at the Institute of Advanced Scientific Studies in France, Bo Jielun, was also confused.

Just after lunch, he returned to his office and saw that he had received a notification of a new email.

For people working abroad, reading emails is a very common thing, and for editors like them, it is even more common.

So he opened his email, took a look, and then was stunned.

Because this was an email from Peter Schultz, and the content of the email was much longer than the previous ones.

The previous emails were as follows:

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