[This paper has a good idea. ]

[This paper does not have a good idea.]

[This paper has a very good idea. ]

[This paper may be right. ]

[This paper is very likely to be right. ]

And the content of this email is: [This paper is undoubtedly correct and has extremely high value in far Abelian geometry - I am not referring to his conclusions, but to the amazing mathematical ideas and analytical methods he showed in the paper. I used the ideas and methods he showed in this paper and found the key to prove that Shinichi Mochizuki was wrong.

Of course, adhering to academic ethics, I will not use the author's ideas and methods to disclose any conclusions before this paper is published. In the next period of time, I will communicate with Jacob Stix first. After this paper is published, we will probably hold a mathematical exchange meeting to mainly carry out the final denial of Shinichi Mochizuki's conclusions. I also hope that your journal can publish this paper as soon as possible, so that I can cite it at that time (it is best to suggest to the author to post the paper on arxiv in advance in the future:)).

Finally, I would like to thank Mr. Bo Jielun for handing me this paper for review. I am very grateful. 】

[Additional update, this is the third update today, please collect it! ! Please recommend it! ! Please monthly vote! ! 】

[There will be an explosion after it is put on the shelves. There are usually two updates during the new book period. Please forgive me. ^-^】

Thanks to wind650417 for the 1000 starting coins reward

Book friend 20210310004801464 for the 100 starting coins reward

Chapter 53 Paper Acceptance

Gifts are special.

I bought it.


At this moment, after reading this email, Bo Jielun's full sentence is these three brains.

Ahem, let's not talk about why he, a Frenchman, has these three sentences in his mind.

But in short, the situation he never imagined happened just like that.

A paper on far-Abelian geometry written by a young high school graduate actually directly inspired Peter Schultz, a Fields Medal winner and recognized mathematical genius.

It can even become the "final spear" to end the eight-year controversy in the mathematical community about the ABC conjecture!

At the beginning, he would not think about such a thing, nor dare to think about it, but now...

He can't help but think about it.

That high school student from China really did such an incredible thing.

His old friend, Hu Guangde, what kind of genius did he meet? !

The shock in his heart made him unable to recover for a while.

Until a moment later, someone knocked on the door of the office.

After calming down, Bogeron said, "Come in."

The door opened and Evans walked in.

At this time, the young man who graduated from the Mathematics Department of the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris was also full of surprise on his face: "Mr. Bergeron, I just received an email from Peter Schultz, he said..."

"He recognized the value of the paper, right?"

Bergeron continued Evans's words.

"Yes... yes." Evans nodded, and it seemed that their editor-in-chief had also known the news.

"I really didn't expect that the paper actually did what we guessed at the beginning..."

Evans' face was full of excitement.

Although so many weeks have passed, he still remembers many details of this paper in his mind. After all, this paper has brought him back to the interest of studying far Abelian geometry, and now it seems that this paper is not in vain for his long-term concern and has achieved the results it deserves.

Recalling Peter Schultz's evaluation of this paper in the email.

[Very amazing mathematical ideas and analysis methods].

Such a high evaluation, and it comes from Peter Schultz!

Even though he was not the one being evaluated, Evans seemed to be able to put himself in the shoes of the author and feel the genuine excitement.

Bogeron, who was standing next to him, could see Evans' excitement at a glance, but there was nothing much to say about it, after all, he felt the same way.

He took a deep breath, then waved his hand and said, "Okay, since Schultz has approved this paper, let's start the next process."

"Send a notice to the Chinese high school student named Xiao Yi."

"In addition, after he pays the page fee and signs the contract, we should also publish this paper in the article column of the official website as soon as possible and open the link to it online as soon as possible. This is what Schultz asked us to do."


Evans nodded immediately, and he was not unfamiliar with this matter.

Because they attach great importance to the quality of the papers that have been accepted, their journal has very few articles that can be accepted every year, so their journal is not like other journals that are published once a month or even once a week. They are published once every six months, in June and December.

Of course, this time is obviously very long, so in order to facilitate the author's paper to be read and studied by peers as soon as possible, they will often make the paper public on the official website in advance. In addition to the paper journals that are printed regularly in June and December each year, electronic journals can be found directly on their official website.

Then Evans left the office and returned to his seat.

He opened his mailbox and began to compose an email to reply to Xiao Yi.

He did not use a template. For such a paper, it was obviously more sincere to write it in person.

[Dear Mr. Xiao Yi, hello, I am Evans, the editor of "Publications mathématiques de l'IHS". First of all, I would like to thank you again for your manuscript. Congratulations! After the review by the experts we contacted, your paper has been confirmed to be correct and error-free, and the quality has met our requirements for publishing papers.

This is something worth congratulating, especially since you are even just a 17-year-old high school student - of course, according to your personal information, you are about to study for an undergraduate degree, but no matter what, you have also created the history of our "Publications mathématiques de l'IHS" and perhaps even the history of the mathematics community. There is no doubt that you are a talented mathematician, and IHES is also happy to continue to cooperate with you.

Next, please click on the following link, where you need to pay the page fee, and then you can sign the copyright transfer agreement. We will arrange online publication as soon as possible, and the specific paper journal will be printed and mailed to you free of charge in December this year. 】

After editing and checking, Evans remembered something that Schultz emphasized in the email, and then continued to edit.

[In addition, I would also like to tell you that your reviewer is Peter Schultz, who asked me to give you a suggestion. I hope you can publish your paper on a preprint website like arxiv in advance in the future, because he plans to use your paper to do something big. Unfortunately, since your paper has not been published yet, he can only wait until we make your paper public before he can officially cite it.

Therefore, after you sign the contract, we will also publish your paper in our online journal as soon as possible. 】

Complete, click send.


"This email is..."

Hua Guo Fei City, Xiao Yi's home.

It was already past 11 o'clock in the evening. After finishing a day's study and simply tidying up the various draft papers on the desk, Xiao Yi saw a prompt on his mobile phone that he had received a new email.

After opening it, he was stunned.

Although the email was in English, his English ability was not bad at all, and he had basically no difficulty reading it.

"My paper passed the review?"

Then he looked back.

"Peter... Schultz? Isn't this the Fields Medal winner?"

Thinking of this, his eyes widened immediately.

Then, he took a screenshot of the email and sent it directly to Liu Bin's WeChat.

Although I don't know if Liu Bin has rested, he is resting now, and he can see it first tomorrow morning.

After sending it, I sent Liu Bin a text message to further inform him of this matter.


Liu Bin didn't rest at this time. After all, today was the joint exam for the mathematics class, and he was also responsible for the correction work, so he only returned home to rest now.

Before going to bed, he took out his mobile phone and planned to watch short videos to relax.

However, he suddenly saw the message from Xiao Yi.

His eyes widened and he clicked in to take a look.


Chapter 54 Full marks, I got 101?

Chapter 54 Full marks, I got 101?

Chapter 54 Full marks, I got 101?


On the other side, Hu Guangde returned home, looking very proud.

When his wife saw him return home, she came up to help him take off his coat and asked, "What's wrong? You're so happy."


Hu Guangde continued to laugh.

How could he not laugh?

While marking the papers today, he was paying attention to the group of their mathematics scholars, waiting for the old man Liao Huan to send a message.

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