Seeing Sakura Haruno's bare hands cardiac resuscitation, but also artificial respiration, after kissing affectionately,

Everyone was in high spirits and looking forward to what was next.

[Boruto: Aunt Sakura is amazing!In order to save my father, she will do whatever it takes! Thank you so much!]

[Bo Feng Shuimen: Haha, I still have to thank Sakura for her dedication, otherwise, Naruto may not be able to use the power of the Nine-Tails to save him. 】

[Uzumaki Kushina: Ahem, it seems that Naruto is really a good fortune!]

[Ziraiya: Sure enough, he is the son of prophecy, and he is completely a winner in life! Compared to my failed life, I don't know how much better it is!]

[Onoki: I see. It seems that one of the extra variables is Sakura-chan. In that case, the answer should be three. Alas...]

[Naruto: It turns out that Sakura treated me like this, haha, what an unexpected surprise!]

[Sasuke: What's the surprise?]

[Naruto: Ahem, it's surprise... Oh, by the way, Sakura, why don't you tell me about this?

[Sakura Haruno: Stupid, in public, I... I'm so embarrassed, who knew that the system would have such a problem, and such a video would be played. Besides, we were in the Fourth Ninja World War, so where did we still have the heart to remember the first kiss or something?]

In reality, Naruto and Sakura Haruno and others used flustered words to hide their inner thoughts.

[Naruto: Hahaha, okay, thank you!]

[Kirabi: Naruto is so cool, completely charming and handsome, first kiss harvester!]

[Terumi Ming: Hehehe, Sasuke is no worse than Naruto, after all, he was able to snatch the first kiss of the first kiss harvester, and compared to other people's status, it is still much higher than 27, so Naruto's heart lingers!]

[Bo Feng Shuimen: Naruto, seeing your expression, I really want to ask, at that time, were you moved?]

[Naruto: Of course, it's very exciting.] 】

[Sasuke: ?????]


[Onoki: The seventh generation Hokage stopped recruiting himself so soon?]

[Naruto: Ahh 】

[Yamanaka Ino: Naruto is already incoherent and inconsistent?

[Naruto: I! I mean, I almost died, but it was Sakura's kiss and the heart that brought me back to life!

If it weren't for Sakura Haruno, Naruto would probably be dead or alive, thanks to Sakura Haruno appearing in Naruto's life!]

[Uzumaki Kushina: Haha, Naruto's eloquence is not very good, and his expression skills are not very good, everyone forgive me. 】

Uzumaki Kushina played a round for her son at a very timely time.


While everyone was excitedly talking, a new scene appeared in the picture.

Naruto Uzumaki and Hinata Hinata!!

On the moon.

Hinata was taken to the moon by the Otsuki Kisha, and Naruto came to the moon to heroically save Mei, and finally saved Hinata.

In the wonderful space above the moon, surrounded by countless colorful bubbles, the scenery looks extremely beautiful.

At the same time, just after the end of the Great War on the Moon, the space behind it is rapidly collapsing.

But Naruto still pulled Hinata and ran forward with ease.

During the run, Naruto said softly to Hinata:

"Hinata, who would you most like to be with when the teacher asked us to write about the end of the world?"

"I didn't write anyone's name. "

"I didn't have any friends and didn't know my parents, and if I had to write it now, I'd be willing to live with you. "

"I want to be with you until I'm old. "

Hinata nodded heavily, her heart filled with joy.

They began to leave the moon in preparation for their return to Earth.

Naruto suddenly said to Hinata:

"Hold me tight! "

Hinata said firmly:

"Don't worry, I'm not going to let go. "

Naruto suddenly created a spiral pill.


Naruto took the Spiral Pill directly as a counter-propulsion, and quickly leaped upwards, breaking through the surface.

Finally, I escaped from the perilous environment.

Even above the surface, it still flew towards the sky, without stopping at all.

Eventually, in a sweet and greasy atmosphere, Naruto and Hinata finally started a deep kiss in the air!!

Time and space seem to stand still.

It seems that this moment is eternity!!

This time, it may also be Naruto's rare genuine kiss...


in the real world.

Everyone looked at Naruto and Hinata and smiled.

[Orochimaru: I have devoted my life to scientific research, which means that they are floating in the air because of love, which is very scientific. 】

[Bo Feng Shuimen: Yes, the existence of love is the most unscientific. 】

[Uzumaki Kushina: Naruto! You really learned the essence of your father, at the beginning, your father was flirting with girls under the moon, and now you are flirting with girls on the moon, you have gone further, haha. 】

[Terumi Ming: The Spiral Pill of the Seven Generations Hokage is really innumerable. 】

[Bo Feng Shuimen: Hahahahaha, I'm familiar with this! This is the correct usage of the Spiral Pill, Naruto. 】

[Boruto: Dad, Grandpa! I'm going to learn this.] 】

[Metaru Lee: I want to learn too! Forget it, if you can't learn it, you can't learn it, you need a spiral pill. 】

[Boruto: You all look so good, Dad, Grandpa, then it will be more difficult for me to flirt with my sister in the future. What other tricks can I play?

[Nine-Tails: I'm familiar with this! I'm very embarrassed in Naruto's body. 】

[Uzumaki Kushina: Oh, Naruto still has the Nine-Tails in his body! Hahaha, then you're really a vixen.] 】

[Yao: Haha! You can't be jealous of other Hinata.] 】

[Nine-Tails: Hmph!]

[Nara Shikamaru: Naruto, a straight man, has finally opened his mind, which is not a very easy thing to do. 】

[Yamanaka Ino: Sasuke scolds and quits the chat group.] Sure enough, love will go bad?] (Read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu Novel Network!)


The video in the live broadcast room ended slowly, and everyone was full of dog food.

[Terumi Ming: I've already eaten the dog food punished by the system.] It's not to the point where it's unpalatable and completely unpalatable. 】

[Tian Tian: Well, it's true that I'm full of dog food. 】

[Black Jedi: Anyway, how am I going to eat this dog food? Otherwise, I wouldn't even be able to move my mouth. 】

[Thousand Hands: The Black Jedi Seal must not be lifted, lest he continue to cause trouble to the ninja world! 】

The system emits the following sound:


[There is no problem, then give Hei Jue other punishments, so that Hei Jue will lose his immortal body. 】

【Black Absolute ?????】

Black Jedi is on the moon, almost mad.

This hateful Naruto and Hinata!

What a dog man and woman!

It's embarrassing to be on the moon and love love.

For this romantic scene, the entire moon was destroyed.

I don't know that I have been punished so severely because of you.

You must know that my attack ability is close to nothing, and it is my immortal body that I have been able to live for so long!!

If even this immortal body is lost, then in this ninja world, is there still a place for me?

Will I be able to make waves in the future?

At this time, the black absolute in the space of the big barrel wood Kaguya Night Origin Ball, with a desperate face!!


And after the inventory of the complex feelings of Naruto and Sasuke and others ended, the system continued to take stock of Sasuke's strength growth experience.


It's a brotherly battle between Uchiha Itachi and Sasuke!

Sasuke defeated Itachi Uchiha hard, thinking he had achieved true liberation.

However, the "masked man" tells Sasuke the true identity of the Uchiha Itachi and the truth about the night of the extermination!

Sasuke was struck by lightning and believed the words of the "masked man"!

Under the mixture of grief and anger, Sasuke opened the kaleidoscope writing wheel!

He decided to kill the culprit of the persecution of Uchiha: Shimura Danzou and three other Konoha village leaders!

Even to destroy Konoha!


The picture flashed again.

After a battle, Sasuke finally killed Shimura Danzo!

And after that, Sakura Haruno, Kakashi Hachiki, and Naruto Uzumaki came one after another, and the seventh class was reunited.

Sasuke uses his own Chidori to start a showdown with Naruto's Spiral Pill!

Afterward, the two talked in a mental space.

Although Sasuke did not give up his hatred, Sasuke also agreed to the final battle with Naruto!

And this, 463 also laid the groundwork for the battle of the end valley later.

After that, Sasuke and "The Masked Man" leave the area.

At this time, Sasuke, because he had used the Kaleidoscope Writing Wheel Eye many times, had seriously consumed his pupil power, so he made a decision:

To officially transplant Uchiha Itachi's kaleidoscope writing wheel eye!

The fusion of the brothers' pupil power upgraded Sasuke's eyes to an eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye!!


At this time.

This video of just a few minutes has already summarized the evolution process of Sasuke's strength very well.

Compared to other people who are making steady progress, Sasuke's cultivation speed is indeed far behind others!

And after that.

The scene cuts to a yellowish spiritual world, where Naruto and Sasuke open their eyes together.

In front of them was an old man dressed in white, with reincarnation eye stripes on his back, and he didn't know how old he was.

This is the big barrel of wooden feather coat, the six immortals.

Naruto was a little baffled at first, and slowly accepted the words of the Six Paths Immortals.

As for Sasuke on the other side, he accepted what the Six Dao Immortals said very calmly.

They also all understood that they were the reincarnations of Asura and Indra.

I also learned about the mother of the Six Dao Immortals and others.

It is also known that Madara Uchiha, as the reincarnation of Indra, took away the power of his younger brother Asura's reincarnation, Senju Pillar.

That's why the six immortals' own chakras were introduced, and the eye of reincarnation was opened.

The Six Immortals thought that what their mother and their son Indra were doing was very wrong.

If all the power is concentrated on one person, then he will fall into a superstitious belief in power and become arrogant.

And at this time,

A part of the chakra of the Eight-Tails and the One-Tails, as well as the chakra of the Nine-Tails, appeared in the form of spirits, telling Naruto:

Because of Obito's help, Naruto was able to collect all the chakras of the tailed beasts.

Naruto has the qualifications to inherit the abilities of the Six Paths Immortals!

Sasuke was also able to come back to life because of Yakushidou's rescue, which was the power of the interpillar cells, that is, the asuras.

He also obtained the qualification to inherit the abilities of the Six Dao Immortals!.

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