The screen continues to play.

The Six Paths Immortal asked both Naruto and Sasuke at the same time.

"What are your goals, and what are you going to do when this war is over?"

Naruto replied very honestly:

"Although I am very similar to that asura, I am different from him, I am very stupid and very naïve. But I know what it means to be a companion, and I want to protect them. "

This answer is normal and very much in line with Naruto's character.

And when it came to Sasuke, his answer was shocking!

"Now that the Uchiha Itachi is gone, I feel like I'm finally alone. "

"As for Naruto, I have to kill him. "

"Only when I cut off all the bonds and am left alone will I be able to achieve my Hokage goal!!"

Sasuke's words are loud!

Let the entire ninja world stir up a thousand waves with one stone!


in a chat group.

Everyone was shocked.

[Boruto: Even if you kill other people, you have to kill even your best friend? Uncle Sasuke, is this crazy?]

[Zoryana: Dad, what exactly do you think?]

[Sasuke: It's a long story...]

[Bo Feng Shuimen: I didn't expect Sasuke-kun to have a big fight with Naruto, and sure enough, I still haven't been able to understand their inner thoughts. 】

[A Thousand Hands: These two brothers are really different. Could this be the long-cherished wish of Indra and Asura?]

[Onoki: Could it be that it was because of their chakra that Naruto and Sasuke made such a choice?]

[Terumi Aki: It's like Senju Tsuruma and Madara Uchiha, even if you die and come back to life, do you have to continue fighting?]

[Madara Uchiha: Don't think of the old man so badly, do you think that I want to fight with Hasi's hot mother simply because of Indra's chakra? 】

[Senju: Okay, I can't really see it. 】

[Senju Pillar: Although I may not be able to fully understand Madara, I also want to work with him from the bottom of my heart out of recognition and admiration for Madara, have our common crystallization, and build a new world, so I have been trying to change him. 】

[Uzumaki Mito: ??? Pillars!What crystals?Use the words carefully!]

[Madara Uchiha: Hmph, in order to create a world that belongs to me, in order to make Hasi's hot mother's ideal truly realized, that's why I have to defeat him!]

Madara Uchiha said secretly in his heart:

"No way, who let the Thousand Hands Pillar be my best friend. "

[Senju Pillar: I also wanted to kill Madara in order to completely establish the ideal world, because I knew that he had gone mad!

At the same time, Thousand Hands Pillar also sighed in his heart:

"Well, who made Madara Uchiha my best friend?"

Indra and Asura are both awkward people, and they are saying things we don't understand. 】

[Terumi Ming: Please stop quarreling and fighting, and get married on the spot!]


While everyone was talking, they continued to watch the edited video.

in the picture.

The Six Paths Immortal once again asked Naruto and Sasuke a joint question:

"Why did you answer like that?"

Naruto replied:

"Sasuke and I are not brothers, but we are good friends, and we will definitely reconcile..."

Sasuke's answer was exactly the same as the famous scene he had previously mentioned.

"I'm going to be the Hokage! completely change this village, change this ninja world... You have to kill Naruto!"

And after that,

Naruto and Sasuke, in different mental spaces, said the same thing in unison:

"Because, we've always been best friends!!"

Naruto's choice over this bond is eternal protection.

And Sasuke's choice is to cut it off completely!!

Although he heard Sasuke's shocking answer, the Six Dao Immortals continued to stick to what they had done before.

"I used to give everything to my brother, and the Asura didn't look at my brother Indra. "

"I'm not going to repeat the same mistakes this time. "

"This time, I intend to divide my power equally among you. "

In the end, the Six Paths Immortal met with Naruto and Sa's assistants at the same time and began to pass on the gong!!

A classic picture, this is born!

Six Naruto and Six Sasuke are officially here!


in a chat group.

[Madara Uchiha: It turns out that this is the process of obtaining the power of the six paths of Naruto and Sasuke, which really makes me unhappy!

[Thousand Hands Pillar: Madara! Respect the Six Dao Immortals! You are a person who endangers the peace of the ninja world, how can the Six Dao Immortals give it?]

[Madara Uchiha: Hehe, I think his actions may not be able to achieve true peace!]

[Jiraiya: Naruto is so persistent in pursuing Sasuke, and Sasuke is so determined to cut off this relationship, I don't know what to say. 】

[Senju Tsuruma: But this should be Sasuke's temporary second illness, right?After fighting side by side with Naruto, he can't have such an idea again, right?]

[Bo Feng Shuimen: The Six Dao Immortals are so relieved to give their power to Sasuke, there shouldn't be a problem, right?]

[Onoki: Well, we're all so peaceful now anyway, so it's definitely not a big problem!]

[Terumi Ming: Yes, let's pay attention to the picture at this time!] I suddenly felt that the picture of the six immortals giving Naruto and Sasuke the power of the six paths seems to be the six witnesses, hahaha. 】

[Black soil: Wow! This CP photo is so beautiful! Naruto and Sasuke are one left and one right, and they are really a perfect match. 】

[Yamanaka Ino: I agreed to this marriage!]

[Naruto: ...]

[Sasuke: ...]

At this time.

The process of Sasuke's strength improvement has basically been summarized. .

Everyone also has a very intuitive understanding of Sasuke's strength at this time.

To everyone's surprise, the picture once again returned to the end of the 4th Ninja World War.

Naruto had just made his final goodbye to the wave of wind and water...

After seeing this situation, everyone was still a little puzzled.

The Fourth Battle of the Ninja World is over, right?

Could it be that after Sasuke, there is something important going on?

in the picture.

With the departure of the Hokage.

The Six Dao Immortals began to ask the Tailed Beasts where they wanted to go next, and they all said that they wanted to return to their hometowns.

The Nine-Tails began to question the Eight-Tails.

"Eighty-tails, where do you want to go?"

Yao is honest with each other:

"I'd better go back to Kirabi, listening to that annoying guy's rap is addictive. What about you? Nine-Tails. Where are you going?"

The Nine-Tails immediately fell into hesitation and looked at Naruto with expectant eyes.

The Six Dao Immortals saw the Nine-Tails' careful thoughts, and began to say:

"Naruto's body has gathered all the tailed beast's chakras. "

"Naruto is your meeting place, and you can discuss it later through Naruto with chakra. "

"Nine Lamas, you just stay in Naruto's body and take care of them. "

"Then it's not a painful thing, is it?"

The Nine Lamas looked left and right and said to him:

"Well, since the old man has said so, then I will reluctantly agree. "

The other tailed beasts all laughed at the Nine-Tails:

"Nine Lamas, you are still as dishonest as ever!"

Naruto also smiled faintly, he had long been accustomed to the character of the Nine Lamas, who was cold on the outside and hot on the inside.

The Six Dao Immortals smiled, and suddenly asked:

"Naruto, Sasuke, I've already asked you before, after your battle with my mother, is your answer still the same?"

Naruto stole a glance at Sasuke, a sunny smile on his face.

"Naturally, I won't change the answer, I think it's really nice to be able to meet my mother, Kushina Uzumaki, and Otsuki Kaguya is too indifferent and completely heartless. "

The Six Dao Immortals let out a long sigh.

"Mother was originally a goddess who was deeply revered by the people, but unfortunately, she became a demon in people's mouths later,"

"Maybe it's because she's gained a lot of power, but Naruto, you're not like my mother,"

"Even if you have all the tailed chakras, you will stick to your heart. "

"Next, all that's left is to lift the infinite monthly reading. "

The Nine-Tailed Beast asked:

"Do you need our strength?"

六道仙人 says:

"You don't need to make a move, you just need Naruto, who has all the tailed beast chakra, and Sasuke, who has the eye of reincarnation, to form the seal of the child together. "

"I've looked into it very clearly. "

"By the way, Sasuke, what's your answer?

The Six Dao Immortals had a complicated expression, looking at Sasuke's biggest variable.

Sasuke said (okay, okay) Rock Breaker with a look on his face:

"Yes, I'll follow to lift the Infinite Moon Reading, but first I'm going to kill all the current Five Shadows. "


After hearing Sasuke's words, everyone was shocked!!

Whether it was Naruto, Kakashi, Sakura Haruno, or everyone in the ninja world who was watching the live broadcast at this time.

in a chat group.

[Onoki: We heard you right, this Sasuke can't be insane, right?]

[Terumi Ming: Why did he do this? Does he have any deep hatred? Even if there is, it's just that Konoha Village has a grudge against him. 】

[Senjukuma: The people of the Uchiha clan will always be unexpected by ordinary people, and there is no way to know how extreme their actions are!]

[Uchiha Itachi: Sasuke, you're actually...]

[Uchiha Fugaku: Is this the result of my son Sasuke's careful consideration? In the past, I may have only thought about one village at most... But you're thinking of the entire ninja world! It seems that you've surpassed your brother. 】

[Uchiha Zoryana: Dad, you have ever thought about such a thing, I really can't understand it!]

After seeing that her father wanted to be Hokage, Zoryana was originally very happy, feeling that he had the same dream as herself.

Unexpectedly, his father even wanted to kill the five shadows!!

Is this what Dad was aiming for after becoming the Hokage?

What exactly does he want to do?

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