Boruto was also in a deep shock at this time!

Before, Sasuke said that he was going to kill Naruto, and he was already shocked!

But now Sasuke, even more exaggerated, wants to kill Gokage!

It would be terrible if he did succeed!

What happened to Uncle Sasuke in the past?

Boruto also remembered Sasuke's vow to be the Hokage!

Could it be that this is another meaning of the Hokage?

What does Sasuke's understanding of Hokage look like?


The screen is still playing.

Sasuke continued to say to everyone coldly:

"Besides, tailed beasts, I want you to accept my bondage. Someday, I'll put you all to death. "

The next moment!

Sasuke's reincarnation pupil power is unleashed!




Sasuke has taken control of all the tailed beasts!

As long as the tailed beast that stares at him will be controlled in an instant.

This is the power of the eye of reincarnation!

The Six Dao Immortals sighed and said:

"Naruto, that's right, I'll have to leave it to you, I won't stay in this world for long, I have to leave quickly. "

Naruto patted his chest and said:

"Don't worry, old man, we won't be like your sons. I'm not Asura!!Sasuke isn't Indra. "

Kakashi also wants to stop Sasuke.

"Sasuke, is that what you want? Do you still want revenge?"

Sasuke said in an indifferent tone:

"Yes, but I'm not the same person I used to be! "

"Now I just want to rebuild a new order, so that there will be no dark villages in this world. "

"Naruto 933! My idea is revolution. "

Sasuke's words resounded in the sky!

Sakura Haruno and the others also remembered what Sasuke had said:

"It's the five shadows of the past that created the situation at this time, so I was asked to be the Hokage and change the village. "

Could it be that Sasuke thinks like this?

While everyone was still shocked, Sasuke slapped his palms.

"Earthburst stars. "

Boom Boom Boom !!

The ground beneath the feet of the nine tailed beasts collapsed and disintegrated, and then rose into the sky without the control of the tailed beasts!

Bang Ta Bang Ta!

Clods of dirt and boulders surround the tailed beasts!

Nine Earthburst Celestial Stars formed in an instant, floating in the air!

Naruto gritted his teeth and swore:

"Nine Lamas, I will definitely release you all, you wait a while. "

Naruto immediately looked at Sasuke with a cold gaze, trying to get an answer from Sasuke's eyes.

Sasuke just said lightly:

"After this battle, I have thoroughly mastered the use of the Samsara Eye, and there are no people who are in the way. Except for you, Naruto. "

The Six Dao Immortals could only sigh with emotion about this.

"Everything always goes unplanned, I used to give power to the asura, and there was hatred... Now give the same strength to both sides, and the result is still the same. "

Naruto hurriedly said:

"No, Old Man of the Six Dao Immortals, I will let the battle between the brothers end here. Sasuke: Release these tailed beasts, I can't keep them bound. I've befriended them, and I know very well that they're not going to do bad things anymore. "

Sasuke sneered.

"Naruto, you don't seem to understand yet, you are now the human pillar force of all tailed beasts, and I will also dispose of the tailed beast chakra in your body. "

"Therefore, you, I will kill too!!"

Sasuke's words, like a knife, pierced Naruto's heart fiercely, making his heart ache instantly!

Is Sasuke really going to kill himself?

Sasuke continued slowly:

"The Six Dao Immortals have said that to lift the Infinite Moon Reading, you don't need the Tailed Beast Chakra in your body. So just use the tailed beasts I caught, and I'll keep them alive until then. "

Naruto shouted in a deep voice:

"But you should know that I wouldn't let you do that, would I?"

Sasuke sighed, as if disappointed.

"Sure enough, I'll fight you to the death, let's talk in another place, you should know where it is. "

With that, Sasuke turned and left.

And at this time, Kakashi had just lost his sharingan, so there was no way to continue fighting.

Although Sakura Haruno wanted to stop Sasuke, she was also directly stunned by Sasuke.

Naruto recalled the promise he made with Sakura, and his heart was filled with grief!

But soon, he clenched his fists, and his eyes were full of confidence again.

He said to Kakashi-sensei:

"Don't worry! I'll definitely bring Sasuke back. "

This is his oath to the seventh class!!


in a chat group. .

Everyone was in mixed moods, and there were many discussions.

[Onoki: Seeing this situation, I wonder if I am dead at this time, but I am still in a dream?]

[Terumi Ming: So next, it's Naruto's shot that can save us from the Five Shadows, right?]

[Four generations of Thunder Shadow: It seems that this hateful Sasuke's crime is far deeper than we imagined!]

[Senju Tsuruma: It seems that what we said to Sasuke still didn't make him completely wake up. 】

[Madara Uchiha: Hahaha, Sasuke, you kid! 】

In Madara Uchiha's heart, Sasuke's ideals do have many similarities with the ideals he has constructed.

It seems that Sasuke saw the essence of all this clearly because of the war, and he came up with his current thoughts.

[Senjukuma: Is this the fateful battle between Asura and Indra?]

[Senju Pillar: Before I ascended to heaven, I thought that it would be completely ended between Naruto and Sasuke, but it seems that I was still too naïve. 】

[Madara Uchiha: Hashi hot mom!Hehe, I said you were naïve a long time ago. How can this world stop strife so easily?]

[Senju Tsuruma: Hmph, I believe that Naruto and Sasuke will be able to completely solve this battle. The old feud between Indra and Asura will come to an end. 】

(chai) Wave Wind Water Gate: Naruto's pain at this time is definitely deeper than when he fought against Otsuki Kaguya. It's like Kakashi's duel with Obito in the first place. 】

[Kakashi: If your friend has done something wrong, then you must be conscious and completely redeem him. I'm sure you'll be able to do it!Naruto!]

[Madara Uchiha: Sasuke, this kid is kind of interesting. But don't be like Obito, who is persuaded by a few casual words. 】

[Uchiha Obito: It seems that Sasuke and I have similar thoughts. You probably want to change this dark ninja world, but in a more extreme way. I don't know what to say about you. Let's hope you don't make a choice that you regret. Moreover, it's really hard for you to win with your own strength. 】

[Senju Pillar: Actually, Madara once said that this method should be unified through force, but I didn't agree with it. I think this kind of path is absolutely wrong. 】

[Madara Uchiha: Hehe, your own path didn't succeed either, Hashi Hot Mom! After you died, didn't the ninja world immediately fall into chaos? After all, wasn't the peace you had during your life also maintained by force? Although you may not recognize it. 】

[Uzumaki Kushina: Although the battle between Naruto and Sasuke made me feel very worried, if nothing else, they finally reconciled. 】

[Terumi Ming: But through this system, we do understand a lot of secret things, many things have always surprised us, maybe the outcome of this battle will be far beyond our imagination. 】


At this moment, in the picture.

Looking at the departing figures of Naruto and Sasuke, the Six Paths Immortals were still chatting with Kakashi.

"Love, it's really a troublesome thing, I used to love my two sons very much!"

"They also loved me very much, I just gave my power to my brother, but it turned out that my brother started to hate me and his brother, and love turned into hate. "

"The reason why Sasuke has become the way he is is because of the loss of love in the past. "

"Madara Uchiha is like that. "

Kakashi wondered:

"You're saying that Sasuke and Madara Uchiha will only end up in the same place?"

The Six Dao Immortals shook their heads.

"No, in order to make the future different from the past, I gave the power to the two of them equally. I hope they can change the past. "

Kakashi asked suspiciously:

"Why do you think Naruto can have such power?"

The Six Dao Immortals said slowly:

"He once saved the Nine Lamas, who were full of hatred, and became friends with him. "

"So I can only trust Naruto. "

"Hopefully, this time, he will be able to turn hate into love. "

"Oh no, to be precise, take the love back!!"

"Because Sasuke is also different from Kaguya Otsuki, he, like Naruto, understands what love is!"

The words of the six immortals lingered.


in a chat group.

[A Thousand Hands: The love of the Uchiha clan is really terrifying. 】

[Four generations of Thunder Shadow: In the face of my best friend, I even want to kill him in order to cut off the bonds, this brain circuit shocked me for 10,000 years. 】

[Terumi: Indeed, it's scary to think about. Love is so extreme, and hate is so extreme. 】

[Uzumaki Kushina: That's why the Uchiha clan in Konoha Village is so difficult to make friends. 】

[Onoki: Indeed, the friends and apprentices of Konoha Village are too terrible, and without adequate mental preparation or strong strength, you must not make friends with the Uchiha clan!]

[Boruto: Ahhhh Zoryana, I'm a little panicked!]

[Zoryana: Boruto, what are you panicking about? I won't hurt my friends, and I don't have a dispute with you about ideas. Besides, this is not the war-torn period of the past. 】

[Boruto: Well, hopefully...]

Looking at Zoryana, who also wanted to be the Hokage, Boru's heart was full of mixed feelings, and even faintly afraid.

Uchiha Obito was a good boy who once wanted to be Hokage.

Madara Uchiha also once wanted to be Hokage.

Uchiha Itachi is also a person who is recognized by the Hokage.

There is no need to repeat what terrible things these people have done.

Sasuke Uchiha also wanted to be the Hokage, and now he is also known as the "Shadow" of Konoha Village!

So the Uchiha clan wants to be the Hokage, it's really a bit scary!

At this time, Boruto felt that his opinion of the Hokage had once again taken an important turn!。

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