At this time, Nara Shikamaru also hurriedly told Boruto Uzumaki another important piece of information.

Give him his own tasks.

The people of the Uzumaki Boruto can't be idle.

"Boruto Uzumaki, you can't do nothing at all.

Your task is also very important.

You don't just have to keep an eye on this Ida.

And if you can, you have to find a way to match the two of them.

After all, these two of them also have a stake in the future of our village.

So if you can help, you still have to help. "

Boruto Uzumaki: "???"

Boruto Uzumaki was speechless at this moment.

He even showed a very constipated expression.

It has become a meme-like existence.

Let people see the last and just want to complain to him desperately 08.

Boruto Uzumaki was speechless.

"It's really boring!

I've never done anything like this in my life.

Let me do such a task.

It really makes me very unhappy!"

After all, for someone like Boruto Uzumaki.

He just wanted to fight well.

The rest of the tasks will only make him complain.

I don't think he has any thought at all.

Think of these things.

He could only be extremely unhappy to the extreme.

Usually at this time, I don't bother to pay attention to the complaints of this whirlpool Boruto.

He began to look at Uchiha Zoryana and the others.

I asked them seriously.

"You also have a very important task to accomplish.

Therefore you cannot be idle.

Do what you're supposed to do. Really ......"

Nara Shikamaru is the one who wants to let Uchiha Zoryana be in charge of assisting Naruto Uzumaki.

Boruto Uzumaki and Kawaki.

If something goes wrong with them, they should report it to Konoha Village as soon as possible.

So that Konoha Village can prepare accordingly.

You can't have a previous accident.

At this time, Kawaki may be very unhappy.

May throw a tantrum.

So the others need to be comforted well.

Let him not do anything excessive.

And Kawaki's next move. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Of course, it will also make countless people impossible to guess at all.

Because Kawaki is a very speechless existence.

So it's completely understandable that Kawaki would make such a move so often.

And at this very moment.

Kawaki's face has always been very dark.

It is estimated that it is really on the verge of an outbreak.

If he continues to look at it like this, his mood will really be worse than ever.

It will also make him extremely depressed.

Boruto Uzumaki also had a black line on his face at this time.

After seeing it, they all wanted to complain about their difficult brothers.

And at this time.

Nara Shikamaru also began to speak seriously to Uchiha Zoryana's people.

"You have to worry about this Boruto, too.

If something goes wrong with him, he's in trouble.

If he goes on a rampage, then our whole village won't be able to stand it.

So you have to watch his activities as well. 723 if he finds out he's going to lose control.

You have to tell our village about this right away. "

Speaking of which, in the end.

Nara Shikamaru began to summarize the conversation this time.

"Anyway, no matter what kind of situation arises, we need to analyze it calmly.

You can't lose your ground because of that.

You have to think carefully about how your actions will affect the future.

Are you all ready? I hope you can do this well. "

At this time, Boruto Uzumaki's expression is also very firm.

They are reluctant to accept these boring things though.

But for the sake of the village.

As a person from Konoha Village.

They're still willing to work hard to get it done.

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