As a result, Uchiha Zoryana and Mitsuki and others are full of fighting spirit!

They all promised to work hard to complete this task.

So that they will not have any regrets about the future.

It was at this time.

Kawaki suddenly and keenly discovered a very important piece of information with his eyes.

That is, behind the Uzumaki Boruto, there was a big wooden peach-like appearance.

Big barrel wood reappears!

This is an extremely unbelievable situation.

Could this big peach pose appear casually? But this big peach pose only appeared for a second.

After that, it quickly disappeared.

Boruto Uzumaki himself didn't seem to be aware of such a scene.

It seems that the heart of Boruto Uzumaki is not casually able to feel this big barrel of peach.

Come to think of it.

Kawaki, opposite Boruto Uzumaki, fell into deep thought.

It looks like a lot of things are going to happen next.

You have to think about what you want to do in order to solve all this.

I'm faced with Ada's boring and speechless task.

And Boruto Uzumaki also has his own troubles.

It can get out of control at any time.

They all have extremely uncomfortable things for each other!

Come to think of it.

Kawaki's mood was very bad.

will only use the same disease to describe their things at this time.

It seems that they have more to accomplish, and it is not very easy.

Kawaki knows it very well.

It's up to you to do it all.

You'll have to plan it well.

Although he is very unruly on the surface.

But it's about the future of the village.

He's still a little bit rational.

In the process of them.

Sasuke Uchiha and Naruto Uzumaki were also having their conversation.

Boruto Uzumaki at this time, it will make them very worried.

But with this Nara Shikamaru here, they will still be satisfied.

Nara Shikamaru is indeed a very qualified person.

Able to assist them in all this. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Nara Shikamaru even after that, began to plan in earnest.

What can be done to make the best use of this Ida to contribute to Konoha Village?

Of course, Uchiha Sasuke also saw through everything that Nara Shikamaru did.

Even at this time, he spoke to Naruto Uzumaki.

"If nothing else, this time things are really not as simple as they seem on the surface.

Nara Shikamaru is in addition to using Ada.

In fact, it is also a house arrest Boruto in disguise, as well as Kawaki.

And it also uses the name of a so-called mission.

In this way, they are burdened with a heavy responsibility.

They'll be happy to accept it too.!"

Boruto Uzumaki was also lost in thought here.

So this Nara Shikamaru's ingenuity.

So Uchiha Sasuke is indeed very admired.

But even Naruto Uzumaki agreed to do so.

Of course, Sasuke Uchiha has nothing to say.

Naruto Uzumaki couldn't agree more.

This time in Nara Shikamaru.

It really played the role of a staff officer of his own.

It's a good thing to get them to do the next thing.

"'After all, according to the character of Boruto and Kawaki.

Let them stay in one place honestly.

That's just an unbelievable thing.

Therefore, only by such means can all these bets be accomplished well.

Both of them are extremely unstable guys.

So it's important to keep them in this place. "

It was in the middle of the conversation between Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha.

Sasuke Uchiha suddenly noticed something was wrong.

Extremely shocked, he turned his head and looked over.

Sasuke Uchiha's mood at this time was very uneasy.

He also noticed the appearance of the big barrel peach!

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