Looking at the iron broken teeth in his hand, the glass was stunned, and the glass was also stunned.

No, you're so resistant, you suddenly threw our goal at us, which makes us feel very unfulfilled.

This is the inner thoughts of the two of them at this time.

The feeling of 100,000 divine beasts galloping past made them stunned.

However, despite thinking so, the two of them had no idea of doing anything to Sesshomaru.

Holding the iron shattered teeth in his hand, the two of them took a deep look at Sesshomaru, and then turned into an afterimage and disappeared.

The monster group of the confused foursome is gone.

Now there's the Witch Mistress Group left.

"Sesshomaru, you shouldn't see that the two of them are beautiful female monsters, so just hand them over the Iron Broken Teeth. "Tsuiko's personality has changed the most in decades, and this guy has been teasing Sesshomaru since he saw Sesshomaru again.

Even Kikyo's gaze at this time was full of suspicion.

Sesshomaru: "..."

"The smell is in this direction, gone. Glancing at Tsuiko slightly, Sesshomaru sprang up and flew out in a certain direction.

Seeing this, Tsuiko also hurriedly flew up, followed by Kikyo.

The two quickly caught up with Sesshomaru and then grabbed the fur on Sesshomaru's shoulder.

The fur on Sesshomaru's shoulder instantly turned into a blanket with a diameter of more than five meters.

The two of them sat down on their knees.

Sesshomaru: "..."

According to the original plot, Sesshomaru's fur is exclusive to the little monster of the evil view, but now it has become Tsuiko and Kikyo.

"Sesshomaru, did you deliberately let them go, ready to smash Huanglong?" Tsuiko also understood Sesshomaru's thoughts, Sesshomaru was preparing to capture the enemy, and wanted to wipe out the enemy.

"That guy is too cautious, I came out this time to lure him out, but after all this time, I sent my men over. "

"You can't find that guy's hiding place without this method. Sesshomaru explained lightly.

It's been a few months since he came out, and this guy didn't dare to do it, and he was only afraid that his subordinates would come over, so he didn't dare to show up at all.

If you can't catch it all and let that guy escape, then this mission will fail.

Because this guy with Onyx Pill may hide and never appear again.

"Yes. Tsuiko and Kikyo glanced at each other and said softly.

On the other side, when Sesshomaru followed the scent of the glass and Ruri, Ruri and the glass had already returned to Onyxmaru's side.

"Onyx-maru-sama, the mission has been completed, and we have obtained the strongest tooth iron crushing from Sesshomaru. Glass and Liuli knelt on one knee, and Glass presented the iron broken teeth in their hands with both hands.

In front of them was a youkai with a large green back, cyan skin, two red tentacles on his forehead, cyan eye lines, and armor.

Onyx Pill, the son of the Flying Demon Moth.

This guy is exactly what Sesshomaru is targeting.

And behind the agate pill is a behemoth, a rare and rare era tree, under the era tree, a huge, shimmering demon light seal is being wrapped in intertwined branches.

Onyxmaru turned around slowly, looking at the glass and glass with a smile on his face.

"Well done, you two. Looking at the iron shattered teeth presented by the glass, Onyx Maru praised the two without hesitation.

Afterwards, Agate Maru picked up the Iron Broken Tooth.

"The most destructive fang, as long as I use this tooth blade, I will be able to break my father's seal, inherit my father's demonic power, and become the most powerful youkai. Looking at the iron shattered teeth in his hand, Onyx Pill looked extremely excited.

Then, slowly, he reached for the hilt of the Iron Broken Fang.



With a muffled sound, a thunderbolt flashed, and Onyx Pill's hand was directly bounced away, and a thunderbolt fell on Onyx Pill's hand, and Onyx Pill's hand was suddenly scorched.

"Rejected!!" Onyx Maru was stunned for a moment.

As the son of the Demon Moth, he is well-informed, so he naturally knows what is going on.

He was rejected by Broken Teeth.

In other words, he can't use Iron Shatter Fang, and he can't use Iron Shatter Fang to cut out wind wounds to break the seal.

Thinking of this, Onyx Maru's face suddenly sank.

If that's the case, then wouldn't the point of him risking the glass and glass to snatch the Iron Broken Tooth from Sesshomaru's hands!!

If Sesshomaru finds here, then he'll be finished.

He didn't inherit the demonic power, but he was no match for Sesshomaru.

Didn't you see that the Kirin Pill, who was as famous as the dog general, died in the hands of the killing pill?

Thinking of this, Onyx Pill was stunned for a moment, and in an instant, he came to his senses, and a terrible thought flashed through his mind.

Yes, even Kirinmaru died in the hands of Sesshomaru, how did Glass and Ruri get the Iron Broken Tooth from Sesshomaru's hands.

"Glass, glass, how did you get the Iron Broken Tooth!!" Agate Maru roared angrily.


"Lord Onyx-maru, my subordinates also think it's strange. "

The subordinate just said that he wanted to kill the pill's teeth, and then the killing pill threw the iron broken teeth to the subordinates. The glass was slightly stunned, and then reported truthfully.

Receiving this answer, Onyx Pill felt his brain blood pressure surge instantly.

No matter how you look at this situation, it's a trap, why are these two of my subordinates so stupid, and they don't even see it.

He also brought back the Iron Broken Fangs.

There is no need to guess, Agate Pill knows that the Killing Pill should have been killed.

The Lunar Eclipse Tengu clan is best at smell, and he has forgotten about that.

"Sure enough, it's an idiot. An indifferent voice came, causing Onyx Maru to tremble and quickly look towards the source of the voice.

At this glance, Agate Pill's pupils suddenly shrank into a small dot, his teeth clenched, and his hatred came out infinitely.

"Sesshomaru !!"

"I really don't know why a generation of big monster moths gave birth to a stupid son like you. Sesshomaru said lightly, and then slowly floated down with Tsuiko and Kikyo.

"Tsuiko, Kikyo, the two of them will be handed over to you. After landing, Sesshomaru commanded Kikyo and Tsuiko.

"Leave it to us. "I don't know what Sesshomaru is going to do, but since Sesshomaru has said it, then just do it.

"Sesshomaru !!" Onyx Maru stared at Sesshomaru with a gloomy expression.

Sesshomaru ignored the guy and walked slowly over to the Iron Broken Tooth that had been stuck in the ground by the catapult.

"Sesshomaru, are you ignoring me!!" Seeing Sesshomaru ignoring himself and walking towards the Iron Broken Fang, Onyximaru's anger became even stronger.

However, Sesshomaru still ignored this guy, but slowly grasped the hilt of Iron Shattered Tooth and pulled it out. ,

With a soft thud, the rusty iron teeth turned into giant tooth blades.

At this time, Onyx Pill's face became even more gloomy.

He was rejected, but as a result, Sesshomaru was easily pulled out.

"Onyx Pill, give you a chance to inherit the demonic power. Sesshomaru turned around, looked at Onyx Pill and said lightly.

"What are you talking about!!!" Onyx Pill was stunned for a moment, and looked at Killing Pill in disbelief.

Sesshomaru didn't pay attention to it, but slowly raised the iron broken tooth in his hand and gently swung it out.


Wind Wound, Activating !!

In Onyx Maru's shocked gaze, a powerful wind wound rose into the sky and landed directly on the huge seal of the purple youkai.


The seal is officially lifted.

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