The powerful wind wound slammed into the Tree of the Times, and the roots wrapped around the seal were suddenly destroyed, and the seal was broken.

Purple evil demonic aura instantly filled the entire cave, rolling up gusts of wind, and the rock walls continued to collapse, as if they would be reduced to ruins at any time.

"It's undone, the seal is unsealed, hahahahaha. Looking at the huge seal that exuded purple demonic light, Onyx Pill looked excited, trembled, and walked over with a slight trembling.

The next moment, Onyx-maru flew up and flew towards the top of the seal as fast as he could.

In the blink of an eye, the agate pill fell on top of the seal.

The cave also completely collapsed and turned into ruins.

The huge era tree also began to grow under the influence of demonic power, and the huge roots of the tree rushed straight up, dragging the huge seal to the sky.

On top of the seal, Onyx Maru couldn't wait to pull out the sword on his waist, insert it into the seal, and quickly dissolve.

A huge demonic qi rushed out from the cracked gap, completely enveloping the agate pill.

Onyx Pill's body also slowly sank into the seal.

Su Zi and Onyx Pill entered the seal, and the violent demonic qi also spread out in an instant, sweeping out in all directions.

A violent demonic aura swept through, and the entire forest was directly reduced to a huge ruin.

However, this kind of demonic qi flow could not have any effect on the Killing Pill and them.

Kikyo and Tsuiko landed lightly on the ground.

"Oh, have you already done it?" Looking at Tsuiko and Kikyo who came to him, Sesshomaru asked lightly.

"Ah, it's been solved, those two guys seem to rely on the power of this seal and have immortal bodies, so we sealed these two guys and turned them into our Shikigami. Tsuiko nodded, looking at the huge seal above her head.

"Speaking of which, it's the first time I've made a Shikigami, and the strength of these two guys is barely okay. Kikyo also spoke.

"Yes. Sesshomaru nodded slightly, and then slowly walked towards the Time Tree.

"System, check-in. Reaching out and stroking the tree of the times, Sesshomaru said silently in his heart.

The Era Tree, the Age Tree that seals the Demon Moth, is also a special check-in place.

Sesshomaru knew about it after he came here.

"Ding!!Sign in successfully, congratulations to the host for obtaining the Divine Weapon: Demon Breaking Sword. "

Sesshomaru: "..."

It was the Demon Breaker Bow before, but now it's the Demon Breaker Sword?

System, you really like to give me things I don't need.

No, it doesn't seem to be needed.

"Tsuiko, this is for you. Sesshomaru directly took out the Demon Breaking Sword, the reward he had just signed.

I can't use it myself, but Tsui Zi can use it.

The Demon Breaking Bow that was given to Tsuiko before was given to Kikyo to be used by Tsuiko.

Because of this, the strength of the bellflower will surpass the Teng Snake, which has reached the rear level of the Great Youkai, and become the third strongest person in the West Country.

And after handing over the Demon Breaker Bow to Kikyo, the longsword, the weapon that Tsuiko is now using, is just an ordinary double-edged sword.

Although there is a imprisoned Dao Dao Zhai in the castle, it is impossible for this guy to only create demon weapons and spiritual weapons.

As a shrine maiden, it is impossible for Tsuiko to fight with a weapon such as a demon sword.

Seeing the sword that suddenly appeared in Sesshomaru's hand, Tsuiko and Kikyo suddenly had a gleam in their eyes, and Tsuiko stretched out her hand to catch the Demon Breaking Sword handed over by Sesshomaru.

This is a double-edged sword that is not outstanding, and it is no different from any other longsword except for the two orbs embedded in the sword grid and sword spike.

However, it was these two orbs that directly enhanced the power of this sword.

In the eyes of Tsuiko and Kikyo, they clearly saw that the orb exuded a strong divine power.

The same breath as the Demon Breaker Bow in Kikyo's hand.

"Divine Equipment?" Tsuiko pulled out the Demon Breaking Sword and gently flicked a sword dance, then smiled at the corner of his eyes.

"Thanks, Sesshomaru. Putting the Demon Breaker Sword into her sheath, Tsuiko smiled.

For Sesshomaru to hand over such a powerful and precious divine tool to herself again, Tsuiko will not have too much gratitude.

Because for the current Tsuiko, the relationship between the two will break through at any time, and it is natural for Sesshomaru to give her something, and it is natural for her to accept it.

Therefore, Cuizi will not be extremely excited at all because it is a divine device, just a bland thank you is enough.

"Hmm. Sesshomaru also knew, nodded lightly, and then stopped speaking, and his eyes fell on the huge seal in the sky.

"Sesshomaru, leave this guy to me, it just so happened that I obtained such a powerful divine artifact, let me practice my hands. Tsuiko also looked over, and then said to Sesshomaru.

"No, I'll do it. Kikyo held the Demon Breaking Bow in his hand, and also took the initiative to ask for help.

"Next time, I'll have to take this guy down. Faced with the initiative of Tsuiko and Kikyo to fight, Sesshomaru shook his head lightly and rejected the invitation of the two.

The plot check-in task is for him to defeat with his own hands and kill Onyx Pill, and Killing Pill doesn't know, Tsuiko and Kikyo intervened, will it cause the task to be unable to be completed.

"yes, forget it. Tsuiko smiled and shook her head, regretful.

"The next time you encounter such a powerful youkai, please let me come. Kikyo looked at Sesshomaru and said with a serious expression.

In the past twenty years, she has obtained the spiritual power cultivation method given to her by the Killing Pill, and her cultivation has improved a lot, and she also has a magic tool like the Demon Breaking Bow, she doesn't know how strong her current strength is.

So I really want to find a powerful youkai to test it out and see how strong I am.

"I see. Sesshomaru glanced at her and nodded in agreement.

Agate Pill is the target of sign-in, and it must be killed by him, and the others are not targets, anyone can do it.

And this scene, the Agate Pill that absorbed the demonic power in the seal could hear it clearly, and it immediately made the Agate Pill smoke in the seven orifices.

Forget about Killing Pill, this guy's strength is definitely a king-level monster, otherwise he would not be able to kill the beast king of Kirin Maru.

But what are you two mortal witches?

And still scramble?

Onyxmaru felt that he had been greatly insulted.

He really wanted to rush out and kill Tsuiko and Kikyo, but he also knew that since Sesshomaru brought the two of them over, he would never let him kill these two shrine maidens.

Unless he kills Sesshomaru.

Therefore, he forcibly held back the anger in his heart and increased the absorption speed of demonic power.

As time slowly passed, on top of the huge seal, the huge demonic power of the flying demon moth became more and more terrifying, and the aura of the agate pill in the seal became more and more powerful, and it had reached the peak level of the great monster.

At a certain moment, the flying demon moth in the seal opened its eyes, and a huge demonic power turned into a terrifying impact and swept out directly.

Boom Boom Boom !!

Under this terrifying impact, several surrounding mountains exploded directly.

"Hahahahahaha, this powerful demonic power, I am already invincible. Feeling the powerful power in his body, Onyx Pill, the new generation of Flying Demon Moth Great Youkai roared with a hideous expression.

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