"What about the peak and invincible of the big monster?" The bland words came out of Sesshomaru's mouth, and Sesshomaru's expression was very subtle.

"This..." Tsuiko's face was also very subtle.

He could feel that the strength of the Onyx Pill in front of him was at the peak level of the Great Youkai.

This level of youkai was able to be defeated with some effort before she could obtain the Demon Breaking Sword.

Now that she's got the Demon Breaker Sword, it's even easier to defeat the big monsters of this level.

Where did this guy come from to say that he was invincible.

Kikyo: "..."

"Sesshomaru, and those two witches, let's die!!" After laughing, Onyxmaru rushed out of the sealing ball directly, and rushed down at the three Sesshomaru, wanting to kill the three Sesshomaru.

Onyx Maru knew that his strength could continue to rise, as long as he used the power of the Age Tree and the unique secret recipe of the Flying Demon Moth to absorb a large number of souls, his strength could also be enhanced by more than one level.

However, he was no longer willing to wait.

Whether it's the annoyance and anger caused by the previous jealousy of Sesshomaru or the fact that Tsuiko and Kikyo are competing for him as an opponent like grabbing goods, this is a shame for Onyxomaru.

He can't wait now,

The huge demonic qi overturned with the impact of the agate pill, and the entire atmosphere trembled at this moment.

However, in the next moment, Agate Pill's pupils tightened, his throat was fishy, and a mouthful of blood spurted out directly.

I saw that the huge demonic aura of the Agate Pill was directly broken at this moment, and an even more terrifying demonic aura was directly broken, and the shattering of the demonic qi also caused the onyx pill's body to be implicated and reversed.

And these agate pills didn't care, at this time, the agate pills only had the white figure in their eyes.

Because, it was that figure that shattered his demonic energy.

"How is it possible, I have inherited the power of my father's big monster, how can I !!" The swooping body forcibly stopped in mid-air, and Onyx Maru looked at Sesshomaru's figure with a trace of horror in his expression.

"At the level of a mere big monster, why do you think you're invincible?"

As soon as he opened his mouth, Onyx Maru was stunned.

What does it mean, what is the level of a mere big monster.

"After absorbing my father's demonic power, I should have surpassed my father to become a king-level monster, and my terrifying demonic power is proof of this. Onyx Maru was stunned for a moment, then yelled in disbelief.

"I see, because I don't know the power of the king-level big monster, do you think that the peak of the big monster is the king-level big monster?"

"It's pathetic. Sesshomaru said lightly, and the unsheathed iron tooth in his hand slowly raised.

Burst !!!

A huge tornado of demonic power rose into the sky, drowning the agate pill that doubted life.

The screams of Agate Pill echoed in the air, coming from far, far away, alarming countless beings.

Blast Burst, a move that can only explode with the help of the air flow of the wind wound to rewind the demonic energy, and the killing pill can be used without a prelude at all.

This is the embodiment of the powerful demonic power of the Killing Pill.

The two hosts of Iron Shattering, whether it is Inuyasha or Inu-Shogun Fighting Tooth King, cannot use the Blast Stream Burst without Wind Damage.

Sesshomaru is the only one that doesn't require any foundation to use the powerful move of Blast Burst.

"Ding!!!The story mission is completed, congratulations to the host for obtaining the ability life sharing. "

Life sharing lv.1: 0/10

"Gone. After hearing the system's prompt, Sesshomaru put the iron tooth back into the sheath, shouted at Kikyo and Tsuiko, and turned to leave.

When Kikyo and Tsuiko heard this, they also turned around and followed.

The figures of the three of them quickly disappeared into the rubble.

And not long after the three of them left, an incredibly small figure quietly appeared on a piece of rubble.

Flea Hades, the retainer of the Dog General Fighting Tooth King.

"I didn't expect the new generation of big monster Flying Demon Moth to be destroyed by Sesshomaru-samaru so easily. "

"It's better than blue. "

"It's much stronger than the old man. "

"However, I don't want to get close to Sesshomaru-sama. "

"That guy was imprisoned by Sesshomaru-sama and sent to the castle of Nishino Country. "

"If I'm found, then it's miserable, and I don't want to stay in that dark place. Shenjia looked at the Agate Pill that had completely turned to ashes, leaving no trace, and was full of emotion, but he was also frightened, and after muttering a few words in a low voice, Shenjia disappeared from the ruins.


"Life sharing, is there still a level?"

"And this number, does it mean that Lv.1 level life sharing can allow ten people to share my lifespan?"

"And if I upgrade to lv.2 or even higher, it means that there will be more people who can share my lifespan?"

"Speaking of which, when I was in the Demon High School World before, why did I have such a strong throbbing for this ability?"

"Is it really because of that little girl who hasn't been born yet?" Walking on the dense forest path, Sesshomaru was silent, silently thinking.

Tsuiko and Kikyo beside him didn't speak, and the three of them walked quietly.

Rei, this little girl who completely changed Sesshomaru in the original book.

Ever since Sesshomaru knew that he was very throbbing about the ability to share life, Sesshomaru had been thinking about the reason.

In the end, it came to the conclusion that Ling was up.

At that time, she didn't have Tsuiko and Kikyo by her side.

The only ones who have been in contact with each other are the twelve gods.

After that, a group of subordinate youkai.

None of these guys need to worry about their lifespan.

The only thing that might have made him worry about the limit of his life span was the little girl he had kept in his heart since birth.

Knowing everything about the original book, Sesshomaru naturally would not abandon Ling, a lonely little girl.

For hundreds of years, Sesshomaru has never forgotten this little girl who has not yet been born.

"Now, though, there are two more people who need to share my lifespan. With a low whisper, Sesshomaru glanced at Kikyo and Tsuiko out of the corner of his eye.

"Hmm, what's wrong, Sesshomaru?" Although she was looking at it from the corner of her eye, how keen Tsuiko's senses were, she immediately knew that Sesshomaru was looking at her, and she suddenly spoke gently.

"If you want to see it, just look at it openly, don't use those afterglows to look at it, Sesshomaru, you're not such an awkward person, right? Kikyo is different from Tsuiko, and directly reprimanded Sesshomaru, and the tone seemed to have a kind of hatred for iron and steel.

Sesshomaru: "..."

There was no response, and Sesshomaru silently used the ability to share life on the two of them.

Life sharing lv.1: 2/10.

At the moment when the ability effect took effect, both Kikyo and Tsuiko exclaimed in unison.

They felt the change in themselves, but they didn't know what it was.

However, they had some guesses about the changes in their bodies, and their eyes were all on Sesshomaru's body.

However, Sesshomaru didn't mean to explain it to them.

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