"Sesshomaru, it's been twenty years, are you sure that little human girl you're looking for has really been born?" Lying on the bed formed by Sesshomaru's fur, covered with fur bedding, Kikyo leaned on Sesshomaru's body, looked up at the bright stars in the sky, and asked Sesshomaru a faint question.

Tsuiko is on the other side, and at this time it is the same shape as Kikyo, both wrapped in fur and leaning on Sesshomaru's arms.

At this time, the three of them were lying on the corridor outside a long-abandoned temple.

Time flies, time flies.

Twenty years have passed since the Onyx Pill incident.

In the past twenty years, Sesshomaru has been wandering on the Dongying Continent without stopping, wandering back and forth several times.

In the past twenty years, Tsuiko and Kikyo have also followed silently, and they also know that Sesshomaru's purpose is to find a little girl who has a deep fate with Sesshomaru in the human village.

Less than two years after the Onyx Pill incident, Kikyo and Tsuiko have already merged with Sesshomaru and become Sesshomaru's woman.

The two of them accompanied Sesshomaru to search for twenty years, but they didn't find it.

So, today, Kikyo finally brought up the matter.

As for the fact that Sesshomaru traveled with the two of them to find a little human girl, neither Kikyo nor Tsuiko was angry.

Because after they merged with Sesshomaru, Sesshomaru confessed Rei's existence to the two of them.

They also knew about Rei, the little girl who had been in their hearts since Sesshomaru was born.

Moreover, they also know that Sesshomaru does not have a relationship between men and women in his thoughts about Ling, at least for the time being, and it is only because of some special reasons that this situation occurs.

This is a special existence called fate in their cognition.

Moreover, even if Sesshomaru really had feelings between men and women for that little girl named Rei, they were not qualified to say anything.

Because, that is the existence that Sesshomaru has been thinking about for hundreds of years since he was born.

Earlier than either of them, he entered Sesshomaru's heart.

Even if this were the case, they would not be jealous.

Because, they can feel that their existence in Sesshomaru's heart is not inferior to that of Rei, who has not yet met.

This alone is enough.

"I don't know. Sesshomaru replied lightly.

"I'm not sure if Ling was born. "

"I'm not sure, Sesshomaru, is it the same as the nature of your prediction that Kikyo's sister Kana's reincarnation would come to this era through the Well of Bones?" said Tsuiko in a soft voice.

"Well, same. Sesshomaru bowed slightly.

Rei's existence Sesshomaru naturally knew when it would appear.

However, after experiencing the butterfly effect twice, Sesshomaru is not sure that Rei will definitely appear in ten years, and maybe it will appear on this continent early because of the butterfly effect.

Therefore, after coming out twenty years ago, Sesshomaru gave up his plan to retreat and wandered around the mainland, looking for Rei's existence.

I'm afraid that Ling will change because of the butterfly effect.

However, judging from the search situation in the past twenty years, Ling's appearance should not have encountered the butterfly effect.

"It should be born in a few years. Murmuring silently in his heart, Sesshomaru put this matter aside for the time being.

Now, there's another thing that Killing Pill needs to do.

"Tsuiko, Kikyo, we'll go back to the West Country tomorrow. Sesshomaru said lightly.

"Hmm, what's wrong?" Sesshomaru's sudden decision puzzled both Tsuiko and Kikyo.

"This world has undergone some changes, and it is very unfriendly to youkai, so it's time to go back and set it up. Sesshomaru glanced at the sky and said lightly.

"Change?" Kikyo and Tsuiko glanced at each other, both seeing the confusion in their eyes.

Because none of them felt any change.

However, although they were puzzled, the two didn't ask much.

They haven't been back for 20 years.

It's time to go back, too.

"Is it the end of the law?"

"And it's also a special method for youkai. "

"If you don't make a move, half of those youkai in the West Country won't survive. "

"This is my power, and outsiders are not allowed to interfere casually. Looking at the sky, Sesshomaru thought silently.

That's right, the unfriendliness in Sesshomaru's mouth is officially called the end of the law era.

And this era of the end of the law is still aimed at the monsters.

There is a sense of anger in the heavens and the earth.

If this anger is not controlled, then it will affect all the monsters in the Dongying Continent.

All the monsters in the demon world will be affected by the anger and become brutal, under this anger, in the last few decades or even hundreds of years, the monsters will fight each other, and wars will break out, until the number of monsters is greatly reduced to a certain extent.

The youkai under Sesshomaru's command are no exception.

Therefore, Sesshomaru must also take action.

Otherwise, the entire western kingdom should be messed up.

Since the existence of the West Country is recognized, then Sesshomaru will be responsible for the West Country.

In the past, it was okay, it was not a big deal, and many youkai in Nishinokuni were able to deal with it on their own.

Even if it is the attack of the big monster, Sesshomaru's command is enough to deal with it.

However, this time, even those big monsters will be affected if they are not careful, and they will enter the catastrophe of the end of the law and disappear.

Sesshomaru didn't want his subordinates to fall into the catastrophe of the end of the law and lose their lives.

"According to the degree of accumulation of this anger, the real time for the outbreak should be ten years later. "

In other words, when the plot of Inuyasha officially began. "

"There should be some correlation between them. "

Speaking of which, Inuyasha and his party in the original book have been chasing Naraku since the beginning of the plot, and have eliminated youkai everywhere. "

"Many of the great youkai who were defeated by the Inuyama were defeated and destroyed by the Inuyasha and his party after they were revived. "

"It's also a calamity in a way. "

"Moreover, Naraku's existence is also constantly devouring all kinds of monsters, greatly reducing the number of monsters. "

"Do you use Inuyasha's hand to kill some powerful youkai?"

"Do you use Naraku to reduce the number of youkai?"

"They really complement each other. "

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