"Sesshomaru-sama, do you know how long it's been since you've been back?" In the hallway, Gojin followed Sesshomaru's side, muttering tirelessly to Sesshomaru.

Sesshomaru was expressionless, silently bearing the nagging of the Gou Array, but in his heart he was thinking about when this guy from the Gou Array would become Tang Sanzang.

However, bearing the nagging of the hook formation, Sesshomaru did not mean to refute it with words.

After all, he has been a hands-off shopkeeper.

The management of the West Country was either lost to Gou Zhen or to Tsuiko and Kikyo, and he barely interfered with anything.

The only time was just to take the youkai of the West Country to fight a battle that was sure to win.

Disappearing twice, once for more than seventy years, once for more than twenty years, twice in a row, it's normal for the hook array to nag, right?


Well, that's not about it at all.

Already nagging.

Silently endured the nagging of the hook array for a whole day, Sesshomaru was finally freed.

"How it feels. "On the Tsutenkaku, Kikyo leans against a pillar with a smiling face of schadenfreude.

"Don't gloat over there. Sesshomaru glanced at her faintly.

"You've been gone for twenty years. "

"But I'm not the general of this country, am I?" said Kikyo with a slight smile in the face of Sesshomaru's throw.

Sesshomaru: "..."

"You are the woman of this country. "

Hearing this, the bellflower was slightly stunned, and then a flush rose on his face, and he stopped speaking.

"Sesshomaru, the order has been given. As soon as Sesshomaru won a game, Tsuiko's voice entered Sesshomaru's ears, and then Tsuiko's figure appeared in the corridor not far away and walked over slowly.

"yes, I see. Sesshomaru bowed slightly.

"What the hell is going on, you want to summon all the youkai outside?" Coming to Sesshomaru's side, Tsuiko wondered.

"The calamity of the end of the law, the calamity of the end of the law against the monsters. "

"The anger between heaven and earth is getting stronger and stronger, and the filth is also getting stronger and stronger, don't you think that the birth of monsters during this period is too fast, too much?"

"This world is cleaning up the monsters, cleaning up the filth. "

"A large number of monsters are born, and under the influence of the hostility between heaven and earth, monsters will conquer each other and fall. "

"This end-of-law calamity, even the big monster has little chance of surviving. "

"I summoned them back to save them. Sesshomaru explained softly.

The advent of the calamity of the end of the law, Killing Pill relied on his own strong strength to perceive it.

It's uncertain if anyone else sensed Sesshomaru, but he was the only one in Nishinokuni who sensed it.

Even if their strength has improved again, Kikyo and Tsuiko, who are already able to kill king-level monsters, have not perceived this catastrophe of the end of the law.

"The calamity of the end of the law?" Hearing such a word, both Tsuiko and Kikyo were full of question marks, not knowing what it meant.

But after Sesshomaru explained, the two also understood some of the situation.

They knew that this time the catastrophe of the end of the law was aimed at monsters, even if it was a big monster, they would be affected by the anger between heaven and earth, enter the catastrophe, and then fall in the catastrophe.

"Ah, Tsuiko, Kikyo, although it is a calamity of the end of the law against youkai, it may also affect humans, so you should not leave the country of the west in the last few decades. "

"I will lay a great barrier in the country of the west that can resist the calamity of the end of the law. "

"As long as you're in the Great Barrier, you won't be affected. Sesshomaru instructed Tsuiko and Kikyo.

"I see. Tsuiko and Kikyo replied in unison.

"By the way, what about Shirley and Yachi?" Sesshomaru nodded slightly, and then asked.

He hadn't seen the two of them when he had left the customs twenty years ago, and at that time, they were okay wherever they wanted.

But this time, Sesshomaru won't let them go out and run around.

After all, they are also their own people, and the Killing Pill will not let them fall because of the Tribulation of the End of the Law.

"Shirley and Eight Feet are with their mother in Asgard. "

"I heard Taiyin say that the two of them haven't come down since they went to the Immortal Palace. Tsuiko replied.

"They really like to accompany their mother, so I'll go up there." "

"It just so happens that I also need to arrange a big barrier for my mother's fairy palace, and envelop the fairy palace as well. Sesshomaru nodded slightly, then took off into the air and flew in the direction of the Heavenly Immortal Palace.

"Good all the way. Tsuiko and Kikyo put their hands in front of them, looked at Sesshomaru's back, and said softly, as if the wife was saying goodbye to her husband who had left home, no, the two of them didn't behave like that, but that's it.


"Mother-sama, it's been more than twenty years since Sesshomaru-samaru left, and he hasn't come back to see you. Above the Asgard Palace, in front of the main hall, Xue Li complained while practicing her ability to blow the snow.

As Xue Li's breath of cold air was gently blown out, the front of the main hall suddenly turned into a field of ice and snow, and the demon soldiers guarding around were trembling.

It's just a breath of cold air, and the huge territory in front of the main hall has become ice and snow, and even the clouds are frozen, which is enough to see how strong Xueli is now.

has already stepped into the ranks of the big monsters.,And it's also one of the best among the big monsters.。

As early as after the combination of Xue Li and Sesshomaru, Xue Li's strength has become stronger under the operation of the Demon God Record, reaching the level of a big monster.

In the past 40 years, Shirley's strength has also gone further.

And the same is true of Eight Feet, who have already become big monsters.

"Well, I think you want to see that kid. Leaning lazily on the throne, Ling Yue Xianji looked at Xue Li with a smile, beside her, eight feet stood quietly, with a gentle face.

"Hey, hey. Being exposed by Ling Yue Immortal Ji, Xue Li immediately scratched her head in embarrassment.

"Well, your wish has come true, and I feel the breath of Sesshomaru. Glancing faintly at the sky in front of her, Ling Yue Immortal Ji said with a smile.

"Eh, really, where is it?" Hearing this, Xue Li was suddenly very excited, and turned to look.

"It's really Lord Sesshomaru!!" Soon, Xue Li saw Sesshomaru's figure and immediately flew out excitedly.

"Sesshomaru-sama!!" Xue Li soared into the sky as fast as she could, and threw herself into the arms of Sesshomaru in flight.

Sesshomaru: "..."

This guy with a runaway personality.

"Mother. Without resisting, he let Xue Li stay in his arms, and Killing Pill fell in front of the main hall and greeted Ling Yue Xianji.

"Sesshomaru, what's the matter?"

"You have nothing to do but go to the Three Treasures Palace. Ling Yue Immortal Ji teased with a light smile.

"The doomsday against the monsters is coming, and I came over to lay an enchantment for Asgard to resist the catastrophe. Sesshomaru replied calmly.

"Huh, the catastrophe of the end of the law?"

"I remember that I seem to have heard it, and when I think about it, Park Xian Weng seems to have said, what, Killing Pill, do you have the ability to resist?" Ling Yue Immortal Ji was slightly stunned, thought carefully for a while, and then suddenly realized that she said to Killing Pill.

"Hmm. Nodding slightly, Sesshomaru didn't continue to speak, and directly began the arrangement of the enchantment.

"Sesshomaru, don't run around all the time, I've been in Asgard for a while recently, and some people are looking forward to it, and your mother and my ears are about to grow calluses. Looking at the Killing Pill that had begun to lay out the enchantment, Ling Yue Immortal Ji spoke.

Sesshomaru: "..."

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