in the picture.


In the murderous physical contest, Sasuke found an opportunity and kicked Naruto directly

But in mid-air, Naruto also found an opportunity to seal and used the Shadow Clone technique!




The shadow clones collaborated with each other and directly threw several Naruto into the air and continued to fight Sasuke.

Sasuke continued to use his physical skills to compete with Naruto's shadow clones, knocking them away one by one.

But Naruto's body had already seized the opportunity, grabbed Sasuke's feet, and with the help of his strength, he threw Sasuke out and smashed it on the cliff with countless love somersaults!

Immediately after, Naruto was also holding the Spiral Pill and was ready to smash at Sasuke!


A deep crater followed!

Cobweb-like cracks spread everywhere.

Sasuke dodged at the last moment to avoid being hit by the spiral pill.

Before Sasuke could find a respite, several Naruto reappeared, each holding a spiral pill and starting to attack Sasuke.

But Sasuke quickly fought back and fought back and forth with these Narutos.


Bang bang bang!!

4 Naruto surrounds Sasuke!

But Sasuke, with the powerful insight of his own eyes, still finds an opportunity to fight them off one by one, so that their Spiral Pill cannot be effective.

Although with the 3 shadow clones, Naruto has the ability to grapple with Sasuke, but Sasuke immediately uses Vientiane Tianyin.


The pupil power of the six-hook jade reincarnation eye is activated instantly!

Naruto's body and shadow clone could not resist this powerful suction and were sucked through.

At the same time, Zuo's Hengkaleidoscope Writing Wheel Eye also activates the ability!

"Yan Dun!!" 27 "Yan Thor!"

Ho Ho !!

The black sharp form Amaterasu centered on Sasuke burst out in all directions, mercilessly piercing the chests of the four Narutos!

Naruto's shadow clones were all defeated and dissipated.

And Naruto's body can only use the power of the Nine-Tails to block Sasuke's blow.

After seeing that Sasuke was the killer, Naruto roared angrily and blasted at Sasuke with the chakra hand of the Nine-Tails!

Sasuke dodged quickly, and only then did he avoid the move.

After the battle of physical arts, the two sides also entered the battle of ninjutsu!!

Naruto has entered the Six Paths Immortal Mode!

The cool yellow coat appeared, and Naruto began to burst out with six-level power!

Sasuke's eyes were also cold, and he immediately used a large-scale fire escape ninjutsu!

Boom –

An endless wave of fire came overwhelmingly, enveloping Naruto completely!

While Naruto used the Nine-Tails Chakra to fend off this blazing wave of fire, Sasuke exchanged with Naruto's Seeker Jade with a heavenly hand and teleported behind Naruto.



Sasuke's Chidori was instantly activated and blasted Naruto into the water.

Sasuke also directly turned on Susanoh and shot out the Heavenly Maga Ancient Bow!

The battle has been further escalated to the battle of the Gundam level!

Naruto could only use the Seeker Jade to stop Sasuke's Chakra Arrow.




Naruto was very extravagant and wasteful in using up his Seeker Jade, neutralizing Sasuke's attack.

After all, continuing to keep Seeky Jade by his side would only become a springboard for Sasuke's tenjury.

Followed by!

Sasuke drove Susanoh down from the sky, with overwhelming momentum, and shot out violently, wanting to kill Naruto completely!

After seeing Sasuke move his real style, Naruto also immediately used the Nine-Tails Transformation State and turned into a huge fox no less than Susano's size.

Complete Nine-Tails Mode!!


With the power to destroy the world, both sides began to fight in the Valley of the End!

Every normal attack of theirs is enough to change the terrain here!

Let the water surface of the two sides evaporate instantly, and the ground is torn apart!

The staggering collision is vigorously staged!


After seeing this scene, everyone couldn't hide the amazement in their hearts!

[Onoki: Have you finally started a formal contest? What did you do with those physical techniques before?, I really thought it was a shinobi duel. 】

[Kakashi: Actually, it's really a shinobi duel...]

【Onoki: ???】

[Four generations of Thunder Shadow: It's really amazing power, even if they don't use the giant mode, they are far beyond me in speed and strength!]

[Yamanaka Ino: For people like me, I can't even see their attacks clearly. 】

[Terumi Ming: If the picture is not slow, I guess there are many attacks, and I am baffled. Sasuke suddenly disappeared in the last second, and in the next second, he had already exploded into a confrontation with Naruto. 】

[I'm Airo: Yes, I almost thought that they were exhausted after the battle with Otsuki Kaguya, so they used physical arts, but I didn't expect that both sides still had spare strength. 】

[Black soil: Haha, this is normal, no matter how fierce the battle is, there must be a slow foreplay!

[Kakashi: This seal of love... It reminds me of the battle with Obito. 】

Everyone expressed strong indignation at Naruto and Sasuke's previous behavior of showing affection all the time!

There are very few people who seriously discuss their battles.

[Senjuma: Madara Uchiha fought with my eldest brother, and it was a magnifying move at the beginning. What like them!]

[Madara Uchiha: Sasuke Uchiha, show your momentum and let them see the strength of our Uchiha clan!

[Thousand Hands Pillar: Their configuration seems to have a lot of similarities with the original configuration of me and Madara, as the reincarnation of Asura, Naruto and I both have huge chakras, as well as the blessing of immortal chakra! But Naruto's six immortal arts should be much stronger than me!]

[Madara Uchiha: And Sasuke's external force is similar to me. It's really a bloody battle, if only I had the opportunity to fight them, it's really my important regret!!]

[Senju Pillar: Madara, Naruto is not ruthless at this time, he should be the same as me in the past, he is not willing to be ruthless to his former best friend!

[Madara Uchiha: Hmph, you didn't kill me in the end!]

[Thousand Hands Pillar: Ahem, that's also forced. It can be seen that Naruto's strength at this time should still be slightly superior. 】

[Madara Uchiha: However, if you really want to compare the attack power, you may not be able to beat me, but your chakra is endless, and your endurance is stronger than mine. I think Naruto is also trying his best, just using strategy to slowly consume Sasuke's strength, you Asura, are all fighting like this, which is unpleasant. 】

As soon as he remembered that he was restrained by the blue amount between the Thousand Hand Pillars, Madara Uchiha was still a little uneasy.

[Thousand Hands Pillar: Hmph, this is called combat IQ, and it pays attention to strategy. 】

[Boruto: It really makes me uncomfortable to see Uncle Sasuke and Dad fighting, and I don't even know who to cheer for. 】

[Zoryana: Yes, the palms and backs of the hands are full of meat, I can only hope that the two of them can be completely reconciled! 】

At this time.

Boruto and Zoryana's hearts can finally be said to be deeply shocked at this time!

Zoryana's heart was full of emotion:

Every Hokage has gone through a hundred difficulties!

The first, sixth, and seventh generations of Hokage have to fight against their best friends. .

The third and fourth generations of Hokage also have to fight their own disciples.

Every Hokage has to go through a difficult confrontation for the belief in his heart!!

There is no way to convince the other party in terms of ideas, so you can only use your fists to fight.

And Sasuke's concept of peace also shook the hearts of Zoryana and Boruto.

They finally understood that Sasuke was going to become Hokage in this way.

Silently guarding the village in secret, allowing himself to bear the hatred of so many people.

The only thing I can't forget is Naruto Uzumaki!!

Bo people's hearts are mixed:

For the sake of his beliefs, Uncle Sasuke also had to kill his father, who can understand the pain in this?

When I was with Sasuke before.

Boruto doesn't know why, but he has a little heart to heart with Sasuke.

Maybe it's because of his disgust with the Hokage, so he yearns for Sasuke's way of living.

Boruto in the past, although I had heard of Sasuke Konoha Village's "shadow in the shadows",

But only now did I fully understand the meaning of this title.

Sasuke is indeed well deserved!!

It's hard to imagine how Sasuke had to endure all this pain in the past.

The experience of not having his father by his side is not worth mentioning compared to him.

In the past 677 years, Sasuke has basically not been seen in Konoha Village, and even Aunt Sakura has been with Sasuke a lot.

This is because Sasuke is silently guarding Konoha Village in secret.

I don't know what kind of things he has experienced along the way.

Although at this time, Boruto is not clear about the outcome of the battle between Naruto and Sasuke.

But Boruto knew that Sasuke was silently protecting Konoha Village at this time.

I guess Sasuke was finally convinced by Naruto.

So Uncle Sasuke's belief was ultimately lost to his father?

Could it be that Uncle Sasuke is really wrong?

Thinking about it, Boruto shook his head.

In fact, in Boruto's heart, he also understands his Sasuke's thoughts very well.

Why was the ninja world peaceful when the first Hokage was in the ninja world?

It's because of the existence of the first Hokage!

And after that, only the presence of strong enemies such as the Ten Tails, Uchiha Obito, and Madara Uchiha was able to unite the countries.

This relies on extremely powerful force!

If you think about it carefully, isn't this actually similar to the state of Senju Tsuruma and Madara Uchiha when they were alive?

With them, the world would not have been at war.

If both Naruto and Sasuke leave...

Even Boruto, who has lived in a peaceful environment for a long time, can't imagine what the world will become!!

After that, can there be other common enemies in the ninja world?

Boruto suddenly remembered something!

4 What Thunder Shadow scolded Naruto at the beginning really made sense.

Peace cannot be achieved with mouths, everything can only be solved with fists!!

Even, Boruto began to think about conspiracy theories, at this time, several other ninja villages, can they really understand each other?

As the reincarnation of Asura, his father and the Thousand Hands Pillar are very naïve.

They are very kind, but others may not be able to do it.

Even if peace is achieved for the time being...

But who knows if there will be an undercurrent beneath this calm water?

It's scary to think about!

Watching the battle between Naruto and Sasuke, Boruto and Zoryana, they all have their own thoughts and understandings!

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