As Boruto becomes suspicious of Naruto's practices and beliefs, the footage continues.

Naruto and Sasuke began to collide even more violently.

In the process of the collision of huge fists, they played back scene after scene of memories in their minds.

Or the classic childhood scene:

Naruto and Sasuke looked at each other from a distance when they got out of school.

But at this time, when they grew up, they all stood in each other's positions and began to experience each other's feelings.

Adult Sasuke came to the side of the young Naruto.

Adult Naruto also came to the side of young Sasuke.

Looking at each other's lonely and lonely scenes, they both fell into deep thought.

Best friends who really understand each other, but they have to fight at this time, and they are very uncomfortable in their hearts.

Naruto and Sasuke are reminiscing while fighting mercilessly in real space!

The chakra broadsword, which is completely sassed, slashed at the nine-tailed Naruto!


Susano directly split the surface of the lake and the ground in half, revealing a deep ravine.

Every time they draw A is a devastating attack!

And after that, the complete body Susa can continue to attack again and again without stopping!




However, Naruto only blocked it with the Nine-Tails' chakra hand and did not fight back.

"What are you doing? Naruto! If you do that, I'll kill you. "

Sasuke roared hoarsely.

Seeing that Naruto was unwilling to fight him with all his might, Sasuke was very annoyed.

He had to end his wish to fight Naruto with all his might.

It's a pity that Naruto still can't make up his mind, and he can only focus on defensive attacks.

Sasuke's mood is very complicated.

I don't know if Naruto can't bear to attack him, or if there's no need to use all his strength.

"Naruto !!"

In a roar, Sasuke swung his chakra broadsword heavily, splitting the ground in two again.

Heaven and earth fall!!

Huge Waves Rolling!!

The huge chakra caused a blazing heat wave, which directly dried the surface of the lake!

Eventually, Naruto had to start fighting back too!

With the massive tail of the Nine-Tails, he grabbed Susanoo's feet and threw them out hard.


Susanoo fell on the surface of the lake, and the earth shook!

And Naruto came to Sasuke's front and looked at him condescendingly.

This posture reminded Naruto of the scene when he and Sasuke faced off here.

A tailed beast jade is also slowly forming.


The six-path immortal mode tailed beast jade containing the terrifying chakra formed a terrifying vortex that the chakra rushed into.

The tailed beast jade emitted a heart-palpitating light, shining on Sasuke below.

But at this moment, Naruto still didn't launch the Tailed Beast Jade quickly.


He still can't bear to kill Sasuke!

After seeing Naruto's weakness and hesitation.

Sasuke snorted coldly, stretched out his palm, and directly began to launch his ultimate.


He resonated with the thunderclouds in the sky.

The power of heaven and earth that surged out directly made the sky surging in an instant, and the clouds were thick!

Immediately after, a bolt of thunder fell from the sky, shooting towards Naruto in an instant.

Kirin !!

Sasuke uses the thunder and lightning in the atmosphere to guide it to create a mimic unicorn with the thunder attribute, like an ancient thunder beast, with lightning speed, attacking the enemy!

This is the real power from nature, and Sasuke is only guiding him to attack Naruto.


Thunder Chakra quickly wrapped around Naruto's body, making his body numb!

Naruto of the Nine-Tails was disturbed by this blow, and he couldn't continue to attack Sasuke for a while.

Sasuke took the opportunity to fly into the air and once again confront Naruto at a distance.

He rubbed a thousand birds out of his full body Susa.


Naruto was also in a state of nine-tails, rubbing out a spiral pill.

The fateful battle between Spiral Pill and Chidori happened again.

And this time, the power is far greater than in the past.

Sasuke questioned Naruto sharply:

"Naruto, why are you still reluctant to unleash your full strength?"

Naruto still said bitterly:

"Because, I don't want you to go back to that lonely and painful state again. "

"No one understands your pain better than I do. "

"How can I watch you actively seek solitude again. "

Sasuke didn't say more, and directly controlled the complete body of Susa Nenghu, flying down!

Naruto had no choice but to follow and collide head-on!

At this time.

The Spiral Pill in the state of the Six Paths Immortal Mode, and the Chidori in the state of the complete body Susa Nenghu, collided violently.


A dazzling white glow envelops the entire screen!

No one could see the battle between the two sides!


in a chat group.

The exclamations of the crowd came and went, and they couldn't stop at all!

[Onoki: It's terrifying, it's not a power that ordinary people can use. 】

[Terumi Ming: Finally stop talking about love, are you going to be serious? Compared to the previous attack, it is indeed not the same!]

[Senju Tsuruma: This is beyond the battle between the two of us, Madara. 】

[Madara Uchiha: Yes, their fight is finally a little interesting, Sasuke Kid can burst out with such strength, and it is indeed not insulting the name of the Reincarnation Eye and the Uchiha. Let's teach this Naruto a hard lesson. 】

[Thousand Hands Pillar: Alas, Madara! I really hope that the grievances of our countless generations can be completely settled in this generation. 】

[Madara Uchiha: Hehe, you want to be beautiful!]

[Thousand Hands Pillar: You don't look at the statues erected for us by our descendants, just hoping that we can achieve true peace!!Are you embarrassed to continue to stand there and watch Konoha Village from afar with me?] (Read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

[Madara Uchiha: Hehe, this is a statue you built, does it have anything to do with me? I don't want it! Although it looks quite imposing... Wait!Can you be careful when you fight?The Tailed Beast Jade almost destroyed my statue just now!]

[Senju Pillar: Haha, Madara, you really care about combining with my statue! But you really should be careful, can't you fight in another place? I and Madara finally managed to have such a little commemoration, and it would be a pity to destroy it. 】

Madara Uchiha and Senjutsu are full of resentment!


in the picture.

In the communication of the mental space.

Sasuke began to press hard.

"Naruto! The battle at this time is different from the past, and I understand your thoughts very well. You should be able to understand my thoughts, too. "

Naruto's eyes were full of pain.

"In that case, why do you want to do it with me?"

Sasuke sighed and said:

"It's because you're such an important bond that I have to kill you. "

Naruto clenched his fists and gritted his teeth:

"I know you're trying to kill me! "

Sasuke coldly explained:

"Don't worry, I'll keep the world in check and let him go on the track I envisioned. "

Naruto asked, puzzled:

"Why? Five villages have come together with great difficulty, why are you breaking it all?"

Sasuke reveals the truth in one word!

"Because their unity is only superficial, how could they be united if it were not for the emergence of a powerful enemy. "

"But sooner or later, these enemies will disappear again. "

"So sooner or later they will be in the middle of war again. "

At this time, Naruto had to admit that his mouth escape technique had no effect on Sasuke at all!

Even, he vaguely felt in his heart that what Sasuke said was probably right!

However, Naruto still couldn't approve!

"But what about you, aren't you going to die?"

Sasuke went on to explain, "I now have the power of the eye of reincarnation, and there is a way to live forever. Future wars will not be the same as they used to be. "

Naruto asked hoarsely, "But are you really going to carry these hatreds again and return to that hellish world?"

Sasuke nodded firmly.

"That's right, that's what I call Hokage!!"

As he spoke, the two sides withdrew from the mental space.

Sasuke's momentum in reality skyrocketed suddenly, and he said coldly:

"Naruto, hurry up and get real!"

Naruto still said with a pained face:

"I... I don't want to kill you. "

Sasuke's eyes were cold, since Naruto was unwilling to make a move, let yourself force him to use all his strength.

"Now I will be stronger than ever, let me put an end to this. This will make me the first step towards Ei. "

Sasuke slapped his palms and began to seal!

I saw that the nine tailed beasts floating in the distance quickly floated over, suspended behind the complete body Susa Nenghu!

At the same time, Sasuke's Eternal Kaleidoscope Writing Wheel Eye, as well as the Six Hook Jade Reincarnation Eye Pupil Power Bloom!!


In the midst of the earth-bursting stars, the chakra of the tailed beast surged out in an instant!

And then suddenly gathered on top of the complete body Susanoh!

Sasuke began to frantically devour these tailed beast chakras, and his strength increased rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye!

The complete body that was still a little damaged is gradually being repaired!

From the head, hands, torso to the feet, Sasuke's Susano is thoroughly strengthened from beginning to end!

Every part of the armor shimmered with dazzling mysterious light!

And in the left hand of the complete body, a chakra tin staff also appeared, as if it could dominate the world and rule the ninja world!


The skin is cold and creepy!

Sasuke fused Chakra into Susanoo, a perfect combination of the power of the Tailed Beast and the full body of Susanoo!!

The Nine-Tails all made a very terrifying evaluation of this!

"It's terrifying, these scattered tailed beast powers have fused together again. "

"Naruto, this guy's strength at this time is almost comparable to that of the old man of the Six Paths. "

"Sasuke didn't bear these chakras with the Outer Path Golem, but with Susanoo. "

"The next blow, you must not underestimate!"



The nine-tailed beast chakra and the form of the complete body Susa Nenghu completely shocked the ninja world!

[Madara Uchiha: Sasuke, this kid has an idea! On his own, he has made such a strong Susanoo! I would like to call you the strongest complete body Susanoo! Although there is still half of the Yin Nine-Tailed Chakra, plus a little chakra from other tailed beasts, it is almost equivalent to the ten-tailed human pillar power!

At this time, Madara Uchiha couldn't help but be full of praise!

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