in a chat group.

Everyone continued to be excited, and there was a heated discussion about the battle between Naruto and Sasuke!

[Senju Kakuma: At this time, Madara Uchiha has almost most of the chakras in the world, which is indeed difficult to resist!

[Uchiha Obito: Moreover, this is completely Susa Neng, and it will not be swallowed by the will of the Ten Tails!Although it is not as good as the hearts and minds of Naruto and the Tailed Beasts, it can also exert a very terrifying and terrifying power!]

Senju Tsuruma: yes, I remember the battle with Madara. I have to use thousands of hands to fight against Madara!Whether it is the amount of chakra that Sasuke has at this time, or Sasuke's complete body at this time, it is far better than the original powerful Susanoo!

[Madara Uchiha: Hmph, I still admit this, but I have no chance to see the complete body of my six-path mode, and you haven't had a chance to see it! These hateful tailed beasts should be completely enslaved and transformed into their own power!Sasuke boy, defeat this Naruto well!!]

At this time, Madara Uchiha, after remembering the concept explained by Sasuke and Naruto, cherished Sasuke even more!

Whether it is in strength or faith, Madara Uchiha also recognizes Sasuke very much!!

"Sasuke in the picture has the same idea as me an hour ago, and wants to use this absolute force to intimidate the ninja world. "

"This is the best way to solve the peace of the ninja world,"

"If I have the ability to use the power of the six realms to deter the ninja world, I even have the ability to give birth to a few six-level characters between the Thousand Hands Pillar..."

"Ahem, ahem!"

"Then I'll be completely invincible in this world. "

"And with the power of the six realms, he does have the ability to achieve immortality! Just like the six realms of immortals who can still transmit 450 skills at this time, they will stay in the ninja world forever!"

"Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like it's going to happen for a while, so I'm still looking forward to Sasuke being able to fulfill my long-cherished wish. "

"I hope he doesn't let me down!!"

Madara Uchiha's eyes burned as he watched Naruto and Sasuke's next battle.

But Madara Uchiha suddenly thought of something again!


That's not right.

Isn't Sasuke now a good helper by Naruto's side?

The current ninja world seems to be still Naruto's ideal ninja world, right?

Could it be that Sasuke finally shook his faith?

Thinking of this, Madara Uchiha frowned again.

You can't count on any of these guys.

Alas, it looks like I'm going to have to do it myself!!

After all, I am the reincarnation of Indra!

In terms of strength and faith, he is definitely qualified to rule the ninja world!


The other side.

Nagato's thoughts are similar to Madara Uchiha and Sasuke Uchiha!

So he was also in a complicated mood at this time.

"It seems that I have a lot of similar thoughts with the people of the Uchiha clan. "

"Among so many big heroes, I'm the only one, and I'm a relatively unique non-Uchiha person, right?"

"Madara Uchiha and Obito Uchiha want to use illusion to solve the problem of peace. "

"And myself and Sasuke in the picture actually want to rely on force to deter. "

"Although their and my approach may be opposed by the whole world, is there really no merit?"

"I'm afraid not!!"

After thinking of this, Nagato also began to concentrate more intently, watching the battle between Naruto and Sasuke,

I hope that through this battle, I can give myself a positive answer.

Although after being moved by Naruto's beliefs, Nagato no longer has the firm beliefs he used to have.

It's not like Madara Uchiha at this time, and he still wants to come to the ninja world again and build the ideal world in his heart.

But he is still looking forward to being able to contribute to his ideal world!


The screen is still playing.

The complete body Susanoh and the Uchiha Sasuke among them suddenly opened their eyes!


Even fine ripple cracks filled the air, as if space couldn't withstand Sasuke's presence!

Next, with each of Sasuke's blows, he will have the power to destroy the world and move mountains and seas!

Naruto immediately conjured up three shadow clones!

And these shadow clones are all Naruto who is in a completely nine-tailed state in the six-path mode!

They are all peak Naruto with the power of tailed beasts, the power of immortals, and the power of the six realms!

But seeing Naruto's shadow clone, Sasuke was still very disdainful.

"Naruto, this trick of yours only proves that you are weak! this is just a little trick you use to entertain loneliness!"

Immediately after, Sasuke's eyes were cold, and the power of the heavenly hand was immediately activated!


He teleported the strongest Susanoh behind Naruto, holding the Chakra Tin Staff, and hit Naruto fiercely!

Boom –

One of Naruto's shadow clones was directly shot down and fell to the ground!

For a while, the smoke of gunpowder rushed to the sky, and the ground was shattered, leaving a deep pit!

What a speed!

What a strong force!

Naruto immediately manipulated the other shadow clones who were completely Nine-Tails and besieged Sasuke together!

They quickly rushed over and began a fierce battle with the strongest complete body, Susanoo!

However, these shadow clones can only play a role in containment at most, and they can't do much damage to Sasuke at this time!

Just like Sasuke's shadow clones in Naruto's normal state before, these large Naruto shadow clones were also shot away by Sasuke one by one!

But Naruto still didn't give up, and the two shadow clones immediately grabbed the arm of the strongest Susanoh, one left and one right.

Another shadow clone struck from diagonally above!

Nine tails weigh like Tarzan!


It's a pity that in the face of the full force of the complete nine-tailed shadow clone, the strongest complete body Susa can be unscathed!(Read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu Novel Network!) (chcj) Naruto's shadow clone continues to punch!

It was like a yellow whirlwind, blowing fiercely towards the strongest complete body Susanoo.


To everyone's great shock, Naruto, who was completely nine-tailed, and even his hand was directly dissolved by Sasuke's chakra!

The gap is huge!

Immediately after, Sasuke held the Chakra Tin Staff, and with an unstoppable momentum, he swung it down suddenly!


The other arm of the shadow clone was directly cut off!

Sasuke stretched out another kick and kicked directly into the oncoming shadow clone.


Naruto's shadow clone fell heavily on all fours!

Before Naruto could stand up, Sasuke's chakra light stick shot out directly, piercing Naruto's shadow clone from his mouth!


A tooth-aching voice rang out.

Naruto's shadow clone exploded directly and disappeared instantly, blasting everything around him to pieces at the same time!

This is the terrifying strength that completely crushes Naruto!

After seeing this, Naruto secretly complained in his heart, but he still controlled the shadow clone and continued to fight with Sasuke!

Finally, with the help of the time that the shadow clone had so hard to gain, Naruto's main body used several tailed beast jades!

"Continuous Tailed Beast Jade!!"




After seeing Naruto's attack, the strongest complete body Susanohu still didn't care, brandished the Chakra Tin Staff, and knocked all these tailed beast jades away!

It's like an ordinary toy, vulnerable!

Next, Naruto's main body and shadow clone both rushed over and began to attack frantically.

The two sides engaged in fierce battles in the air, sometimes ascending into the sky, sometimes diving, sometimes soaring forward!

Naruto and Sasuke were constantly changing their flight states in the air, and they were literally walking on the ground.

Bang bang bang————

A steady stream of blast shockwaves were generated, bombarding in all directions!

Where the explosion hit, there was no grass, no more life, and the rocks were completely shattered into sand and dust, and even into invisible particles!

At this time, the power that Naruto and Sasuke burst out was enough to shake the ninja world and call for wind and rain.

Naruto's strength is not as strong as Sasuke's, so he can only win by numbers.

But Rao is like this, and he has also fallen into a clear disadvantage.

Subsequently, Naruto condensed the chakra and created three six-path immortal pattern nine-tailed beast jades, and then suddenly exploded.




Subsequently, Sasuke collided with these tailed beast jades with his chakra arrows.




All of these tailed beast jades were pierced by an arrow, shattering with a bang.

And the Chakra arrow was unabated, and it went straight forward, hitting Naruto's body and shadow clone.

The shock wave swept out, blowing away all the dense thunderclouds around it!

The battle at this time is completely the battle of the gods!!

Let the entire ninja world be numb when you see it!

Naruto actually fell into the disadvantage!!


in a chat group.

Everyone opened their mouths wide and was completely shocked by the scene in front of them!

[Senju Pillar: Although I know that this may not be comparable to the battle between the Six Dao Immortal Brothers and the Otsuki Kaguya, it is a battle that changes the terrain of the entire ninja world. 】

[Bo Feng Shuimen: I never dreamed of such a shocking scene!!]

[Onoki: Although the previous battle between Naruto and Sasuke and Kaguya Otsuki was dangerous, in terms of excitement, it was not at all comparable to the battle at this time. 】

[Senjukuma: I didn't expect my shadow clone technique to still work at this time, and I don't know if I should be proud, haha! But Naruto is still a little behind Sasuke at this time, and he must be assisted by external forces. 】

[Onoki: It is estimated that after seeing this scene, it is impossible for the world to have another war!Compared to Naruto and Sasuke, no country or individual is insignificant, and he does not dare to make a mistake in front of them!]

[Darui: Originally, we almost forgot the strength of Naruto and Sasuke, but it was only at this moment that we remembered such a terrifying and amazing power!]

At this time.

The entire ninja world is once again shrouded in the shadow of Naruto and Sasuke!

This is a force that mortals simply cannot resist!

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