At this time.

The battle between Naruto and Sasuke can be described as devastating!

This is much more terrifying than the mutation of heaven and earth before the Ten Tails.

The air was filled with blazing heat, and any life that stayed in it would be directly roasted dry.

And the heads of the stone statues of the Thousand Hands Pillar and the Uchiha Madara were also affected by the explosion and directly shattered.

If there were living beings in it, they would die without a place to bury!

Even the distant Kakashi, Haruno Sakura and the others felt the shockwave of this incomparably violent shockwave.

Even the sacred tree was blown to the ground and shook incessantly!!

Kakashi is in a stupor!

Is this the fight between Naruto and Sasuke?



Everyone in the ninja world held their breath and watched this powerful explosion scene quietly.

It wasn't until a long time before the big guy started talking.

[Senju Pillar: What a terrifying blow, if my previous battle with Madara Uchiha could change the local terrain in "Nine-Seven-Seven", then this attack of yours is enough to reshape the entire ninja world. 】

[Madara Uchiha: Yes, the chakra of the entire ninja world, and the natural forces of the entire ninja world, all collide in an instant. Even if Kaguya can withstand it here, I have to put a question mark. 】

[Black Jedi: Hehe, it's impossible! My mother is extremely powerful, even such an attack can't hurt her! You abominable scattered chakras, Hugh is rampant!]

Seeing that the power that originally belonged to his mother, Otsuki Kaguya, was used up by Sasuke so extravagantly and wastefully, the black was absolutely ruined!

[Thousand Hands Pillar: It's hard to say, but the power of the Divine Tree and the Ten Tails is needed to be resurrected, and after losing these tailed beasts, there is a question mark over how much power the Great Barrel Wood Kaguya has. 】

[Jiraiya: And the power that Naruto has at this time is the natural power of the entire earth, this is the original power of our ninja world, I don't know how much difference there will be between this power and chakra?]

[Thousand Hands Pillar: It is estimated that the big barrel wood Kazuya will not be able to absorb the immortal chakra. Their battle this time can be said to be a fateful battle between Indra and Asura, and at the same time, it is also the ultimate confrontation between the ninja world power and the measure!!]

[Bo Feng Shuimen: We have been very lucky not to destroy our entire ninja world. 】

[Onoki: Although I know that they definitely can't do it at this time, they will not be able to burst out with such a powerful force back then, but I also want to know how much strength Naruto and Sasuke can have at this time? 】

[Four generations of Thunder Shadow: Don't think about it, if you want to destroy this ninja world, it is estimated that you can also capture it!]

[Deidara: Although I have long been shocked by the countless art scenes in the later period, I still have to say that this is the ultimate art in the ninja world!!]

At this moment, the chat group is full of praise!

The shock has not subsided, and it has risen again!


And in reality.

There are quite a few people who are starting to think secretly.

If it weren't for Naruto, Sasuke would really be able to completely destroy the ninja world!

I don't know if he still thinks like this at this time?

Then again, why would he stay in the ninja world so honestly now, following Naruto's orders?

Is he really good?

Does Sasuke really want to be a good guy?

I don't know what kind of secret is behind this.

Both Uchiha Obito and Madara Uchiha are dead, so they don't have too much to fear.

But Sasuke is still alive.

He is no less threatening than these people!!

These words, the people in the ninja world did not say in the chat group.

At this time, none of them dared to provoke characters like Naruto and Sasuke.

So, they were even more curious about the outcome of the next battle,

The final blow of Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha, who wins and who loses?

Why is Sasuke Uchiha able to keep to himself now?

Could it be that Naruto could completely destroy Sasuke's crazy faith?

Is there really no other hidden truth in this process?

At this time, the ninja world is so calm on the surface, is there an unimaginable turbulent sea hidden underneath!?

Even if Sasuke still has a little bit of the idea of ruling the ninja world, it is something that other ninja villages can't accept!!

These questions are not only related to the historical truth of the beginning, but also to the future of the ninja world.


The other side.

The people of the Otsuki clan began to think seriously.

It turns out that the energy of the earth is so terrifying.

In the past, I have always underestimated this ninja world.

It does seem to be a bit arrogant.

Even without the help of chakra, Naruto and other ninjas, they have developed their own unique power system. .

This blow from Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha, although it is considered to have used all their strength, cannot be replicated.

But as long as it is used, even if it is a noble big barrel wood clan, it may fall directly.

Even if he takes 10,000 steps back, Sasuke at this time may not have the power of these scattered chakra-tailed beasts.

But under the full outburst, it is estimated that there will be some amazing hole cards.

It seems that you still can't do it with them easily!!

The gold style and the peach style can't help but have heart palpitations because of this!

I still have to go back to the main star of the big barrel wood clan and look for reinforcements.........


in a chat group.

After seeing the explosion for a long time, it did not stop, and everyone continued to talk about it.

[Madara Uchiha: Although I have to admit that even in my heyday, I couldn't launch such an attack, but I still want to say that you guys are just reckless magnification moves!]

[Madara Uchiha: If I want to do it, I might be able to do it. 】

[Madara Uchiha: The real battle will definitely not be as skillless as you magnify your moves. 】

[Madara Uchiha: You're hilarious, and you don't leave yourself a way back at all. 】

[Senjuma: Hehe, Madara Uchiha is sour, right? It must be envy and jealousy of Naruto and Sasuke! He's anxious! He's anxious!]

[Madara Uchiha: What's the hurry? I'm telling the truth!!]

[Thousand Hands Pillar: Madara! Don't pour cold water on others like this! They are already a battle of faith! How can they have other combat skills?]

[Madara Uchiha: Hmph! Then when you were in the beginning, don't use the wooden clone to deceive me! Duel with me in a dignified manner!]

[Senju Pillar: Well, for me, the village is more important than everything! Even the battle with you is far less than the safety of the village!]


in the picture.

The intense explosion finally died down.

Finally, their ultimate mystery contest is officially over.

Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha fell powerlessly from the sky.

In the process, their Gundams simply disappeared.

Naruto and Sasuke in human form.

At this time, the end valley has long been a 0.4 shift in the stars, and the appearance has not been restored.

The water surface of the lake, such as the waterfall, was completely evaporated.



They slammed down on the ground!

Sasuke struggled to his feet, panting and feeling almost powerless to fight anymore.

But after seeing that Naruto was also struggling to stand up, Sasuke's face immediately changed!

With such an attack, there is no way to kill him!?

Is Naruto still going to fight with himself!?

At this time, inside Naruto's body, the Nine-Tails shouted:

"Naruto, I just passed on all of my natural energy to you, otherwise, you'd have died a long time ago!

Before he could finish speaking, Sasuke's eyes widened, and the attack struck again.



Black flames shoot out!!

Sasuke continued to be ruthless, with a heart-wrenching and helpless determination, to completely cut off his bonds!。

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