Facing Sasuke's attack, Naruto's face immediately sank.

He quickly blocked the black flames with his chakra coat!

Then he threw his clothes on the ground, which dissolved Sasuke's Amaterasu Black Flame.

Sasuke's eyes froze.

"Damn, it seems that I can only gather the chakras of these tailed beasts on me once again. Ah, my eyes..."

Sasuke was shocked to find that his reincarnation eye pupil power had run out!

Naruto rushed over as well.


"Sasuke !!"

After all, Naruto is the owner of the immortal body, so his vitality is extremely strong, and his recovery ability is very strong.


Sasuke was extremely weak at this time, and was directly punched away by Naruto.

And after that, Naruto also used his shadow clone to attack Sasuke.

Sasuke looked stumbling under Naruto's attack, and he was very embarrassed.

But in the passive defense, he also found an opportunity and immediately attacked Naruto with three kunai with Thunder Chakra.




Naruto was paralyzed by his attack, and Sasuke also took advantage of the situation to eliminate these Naruto one by one with a thousand birds.


And when he collided with a "Naruto", his non-bird didn't successfully destroy this Naruto!

Sasuke thought that this was Naruto's true body, and he was overjoyed.

As a result, Naruto's real body came from behind, and Sasuke was caught off guard and sent Sasuke flying out with one punch.

Naruto's shadow clone was able to resist Sasuke's Chidori at this time, so Sasuke made a mistake in judgment!

Subsequently, Naruto's true body condensed a 27 spiral pill and was about to rush over, but at this time, Sasuke's pupil power was excessively consumed, and the thousand birds in his hand also disappeared, and there was no way to continue fighting.

It's a pity that Naruto came to a flat fall!


The spiral pill smashed to the ground.

Naruto wasted this precious opportunity, causing everyone in the ninja world to cry out for pity.

Sasuke immediately kicked him out and sat on top of Naruto!




Sasuke punch after punch fell.

But after Naruto took a few punches, he also found an opportunity and knocked Sasuke away again with one punch!

After that, it was Naruto who sat on Sasuke's body and attacked wildly!

Next, the offense and defense of the two sides are constantly exchanged.

Sometimes Naruto has the upper hand, sometimes Sasuke has the upper hand.

The sound of fists and feet colliding between the two sides may not be as loud as their roars!

"Sasuke !!"

"Naruto !!"


in a chat group.

Everyone still watched it with relish.

[Luo Sha: Sure enough!!! In the end, I returned to the battle at the lower ninja level, this is the real lower ninja. 】

[Terumi Ming: I can still see a flat fall in the ninja duel, which is also an eye-opener. 】

[Azabuyi: Although it's such a serious occasion, I can't help but laugh, isn't this a girl's move?]

[Tian Tian: Well, I even turned on the gua sha mode of flirting and scolding, don't you know that you can't kill people at all by beating like this?]

[Sakura Haruno: It seems like an old man boxing, so I don't know if it's funny or poignant. Alas...]

[Black Soil: Their will is too strong, and at this time, they will continue to fight. If it had been otherwise, I would have been lying down a long time ago. 】

[Four generations of Thunder Shadow: Who would have thought that the fist and foot battle at this time would be related to the future of the ninja world?]

[Senju Pillar: Madara, I think of our battles in the past. We were still able to use weapons then, but now they don't even have weapons and have to continue fighting. It seems that their inner convictions are very strong. 】

[Madara Uchiha: Hehe, I also remembered the battle with Haxi Hot Mom!This cunning Naruto is also very good at using shadow clones, shouldn't you use these methods to Yin like Hashi Hot Mom did when you used Mu Dun clones?!

[Thousand Hands Pillar: Why is it so ugly. 】

[Bo Feng Shuimen: For the Hokage, for the peace of the ninja world, everyone needs to pay a lot of things. 】

[Jiraiya: Although Naruto was obviously expected by everyone at this time, in the face of Sasuke's strong will, I would rather be alone than monitor this matter alone, and I couldn't even say anything to persuade him. 】

[Li Locke: Indeed, in front of people who have become enlightened, no matter how much we say, we are only insulting the other person's beliefs. 】

[Senju Kakuma: I hope they can achieve a good home, and I hope that Naruto and Sasuke can achieve a final reconciliation.] 】

The people of the Uchiha clan, from Madara Uchiha to Obito Uchiha, to Itachi Uchiha and Sasuke Uchiha, they always fight alone.

Although their approach is unacceptable, it is indeed moving!

The people in the ninja world, no matter how much they disagree with the Uchiha clan's approach, have to admire their willpower.


In the end, Naruto and Sasuke were constantly engaged in hand-to-hand combat, fighting from daytime until dusk, without stopping.

At this time, it can't even be regarded as a battle of shinobi, but a battle of ordinary people.

Sometimes Naruto spits out gulps of blood, and sometimes Sasuke's teeth are knocked out directly.

Despite their physical pain, they continue to fight to use up all of their potential.

At this time, even if the two sides were no longer able to produce much lethality, they were still dancing their fists mechanically, as if it had become their instinct.

"Sasuke !!"

"Naruto !!"

Naruto and Sasuke were already at the end of their power, but again and again, they used the full potential of their lives and threw themselves into battle.

This is arguably the longest battle anyone in the ninja world has ever seen. .

Everyone watched their battle in silence, with admiration, admiration, and sighs in their eyes.

By the end, their fists had no more power, and they couldn't even shake each other.


Both of their fists hit each other's bodies, as if it was a gentle tickle between lovers, so that everyone couldn't help but complain secretly.

Please, don't fight!

Is it okay to get married on the spot!?

This dog food is really pleasant to eat and distressing!

Neither Naruto nor Sasuke could make the next move.

Naruto's forehead guard fell to the ground, but he couldn't pick it up.

After a long while, the Nine-Tails in Naruto's body suddenly spoke.

"Naruto, I've finally accumulated a certain amount of chakra, can you..."

It's a pity that before Naruto could use these chakras, he found that his chakras had been rapidly drained and controlled by Sasuke.


Naruto was shocked.

This is the ability of Sasuke's reincarnation eye.

Sasuke finally smiled and said very arrogantly:

"These are the eyes of our Uchiha clan, and you can't defeat us at all. "

Finally, he erupted into the Thunder Chakra and condensed a thousand birds again!


The screeching sound of countless birds sounding here.

Sasuke once again has the power to kill Naruto.

Looking at Naruto, he sighed with relief,

Although there was a strong reluctance, he still tried to suppress other emotions!

"It's good that I'm finally able to be lonely again, goodbye!!, my dear and only friend. "

With Chidori in his hand, he immediately stabbed Naruto at him.

The lightning flickered, illuminating the dim Valley of the End and also illuminating Naruto's forehead guard on the ground.

At this time, Naruto also raised his head immediately with the help of the lightning reflection on the forehead guard on the ground!

Looking at Naruto's face, Sasuke unexpectedly hesitated.

At this moment, I don't know if it was because of the wavering of his will, or if the time dragged on for too long, his writing wheel eye was once again overused and could not continue to use it.

Without the insight of the Sharingan 370, Chidori is the easiest to regurgitate itself.

So Sasuke's Chidori didn't hit Naruto directly!

And Naruto sensed this good time, and then slammed an uppercut that knocked Sasuke's entire body out of the air, crashing into the cliff wall dozens of meters away.


The dust and sand scattered in an instant, and the rocks fell to the ground one after another.

The Nine-Tails couldn't help but admire Naruto at this time!

"Naruto! What a great counterattack, capturing the moment when his pupil power was weakening. "

And after that, Sasuke also stood up with difficulty in the cave in the cliff.

He seemed to have completely collapsed in his mentality, and began to ask hoarsely:

"Again and again..."

"Again and again!!"

"Why are you standing up?"

"Can't you give up resistance and let me die directly?"

Sasuke's voice reverberated around the clouds, resounding throughout the Valley of the End, echoing in bursts!

Naruto just forced a smile and said:

"Sasuke, I can't give you up, because I'm the only !!."

Naruto's words were incomparably weak, but in Sasuke's heart, they were thunderous!

After hearing Naruto's affectionate confession, countless complicated emotions rose in Sasuke's heart again.

Is he Naruto's one?

No, maybe it should be said that Naruto is the only one for himself, right?

Or rather, Naruto is the only one who can save himself...

But no matter how you explain it, it proves the deep bond between them!

Although he was full of emotion in his heart, he was still angry about it.

He was angry that he had just seen Naruto's face and become weak!!

He resented himself, and clearly said that he was ready to become enlightened, but he still couldn't completely break it.


It's ironic!

But it's because you're my only bond that I'm going to kill you!!

Sasuke decided to be completely ruthless!.

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