In the end, Sasuke relented!

He gathered all the chakras in his hands to deliver the final blow.

The Nine-Tails said worriedly in Naruto's mental space:

"Sasuke is about to deliver the final blow, Naruto!"

"This is a thousand birds, fused with the power of the earth!"

"I can only give you all the chakra, but after that, I will also fall into a deep sleep. "

"To prevent it from absorbing your chakra, you'll have to use your attack at the last minute. "

"He's just mastered ninjutsu at this time, and he can't absorb chakra while attacking..."

As he spoke, Nine-Tails suddenly stopped.

Naruto smiled and reached out to the Nine-Tails, bumping fists with him one last time.

Seeing Naruto, who was determined at this time, Nine-Tails' eyes were full of emotion and relief.

At the beginning, the Nine-Tails had asked Naruto.

He couldn't even save Sasuke, why was he so determined?

Naruto's answer was that if he hesitated, he wouldn't be able to accomplish anything!

Not only does he want to save Sasuke, but he also wants to erase the hatred from the Nine-Tails' heart!

And at this time, Naruto had already done what he said and became friends with all the tailed beasts!

After giving Naruto chakra, the Nine-Tails closed his eyes.

He said sincerely in his heart:

"Naruto, you're the only one for us tailed beasts.

"In Sasuke's heart, you are also such an existence!"

"I'm sure you'll be able to pull him back. "

In this way, the Nine-Tails fell into a deep sleep.

Next, Naruto and Sasuke began the final battle.

It is necessary to completely end the fate of both parties.

Both sides broke out with their own full force!!


Spiral pills!

They all looked at each other intently, and their eyes were determined!!

Then, Naruto and Sasuke resolutely rushed towards each other!

This is Narusa's final battle!

And in the process of rushing over!

Naruto suddenly felt something, and in the dark, there were countless hands providing strength for him.

Teach Naruto to use the guiding hand of the spiral pill, Master Jiraiya!

Then there are the parents who have always given Naruto support, Bo Feng Mizumon and Uzumaki Kushina.

Konoha 12 Xiaoqiang:

Tenth class, Yamanaka Ino, Akido Dingji and Nara Shikamaru!

Class 8, Inuzuka Ya, Hinata Hinata and Yuu Girl Shino!

The third class, Maitkai, Li Luo, Hinata Ningji and Tiantian!

There are other ninja village powers:

Kirabi, the fourth generation of Thunderkage, Iara, Tsunade, Onoki, Terumi Aki!

Then there are the people of Yamato, Sakai, Iruka and Konohamaru from their own village!

And after that, there was even Uchiha Obito!

And the power of Kakashi Hachiki, Sakura Haruno!

The soul hands of countless people turned into powerful chakras, allowing Naruto to rub out the spiral pill with one hand.

This is a spiral pill from the power of many!

Naruto was more confident, and there was no longer confusion and hesitation in his eyes!

At this moment, he will fight with the faith and strength of all people!

The picture is incomparably romantic and beautiful, and it is touching.

It is because Naruto believes in the power of all people that there are countless people who help him fight!

As Kakashi Hachiki has said, Naruto is the least likely to fail because countless people will lend a helping hand when he needs help.

This is the fateful battle in the entire Hokage world!

The battle of faith between Indra and Asura!

A decisive battle of individual power and collective power!

And at this time, next to Sasuke, there is also a pair of imperceptible hands, helping him make a thousand birds.

It was the hand of his older brother Itachi Uchiha, who was arguably the only one who helped him.

But in the face of everyone's strength, it is still extremely fragile after all.

Sasuke seems to be very lonely and rebellious, even like fighting against the whole world because of his brother!

Although it is the second second, it is moving.

Finally, the two sides met in a narrow way, and with each other's firm beliefs, they let out a final roar.



During the collision between Spiral Pill and Chidori, the memories of both sides play quickly.

At this moment, their entire lives were summed up one by one.

The ninja school in childhood, to becoming a lower ninja, to the 7th class, to the middle ninja exam...

The first battle of the Valley of the End, another encounter three years later...

The meeting after killing Danzang, the common battle of the 4th ninja world! (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

At this point.

All the memories and power were turned into a blow at this time.

The powerful blast wave erupted again!!



The dazzling white light continued to spread, forming an incandescent ball of light, completely engulfing Naruto and Sasuke, and even the stone statue between Madara Uchiha and the Thousand Hands Pillar!

The stone statue, which was already extremely broken, was completely destroyed by this blow.

The terrain of the Terminus has also been changed again!


At this moment, it seems to have become an eternity!

After that, there are countless memories in the spiritual world of both sides, which are constantly playing.

They are all unconscious in the real world, but they are still active in the mental space.

The collision of chakra allowed the two of them to communicate together in the mental space.

Everyone in the ninja world also watched the communication between the two of them, falling into silence and shock!

Naruto and Sasuke keep talking about fighting!

This has been going on for the rest of their lives!

From the original hospital rooftop, to the first battle in Terminus Valley...

Later, when Sasuke almost lost his eyesight and his eyes were dark, Naruto also said to Sasuke:

"Let's fight through and through, let's die together!"

And their long-cherished wish seems to have finally been successfully realized at this time!

Looking at the sight of their past, both Naruto and Sasuke were full of emotion.

Will they finally be able to die together once and for all?

As Naruto said, can you go to another world and understand each other?

Thinking about it, in the mental space, Sasuke found that Naruto had suddenly disappeared!

This made him extremely lost and scared!

Look blank!

What's going on?

Did Naruto return to the real world?

Or do you want to go to the Pure Land on the other side?

At this time, Sasuke was extremely lonely and hesitant.

The only thing that can be recalled in front of me is the picture of his brother.

He felt like he was falling into darkness again!

Just like before transplanting the Uchiha Itachi Kaleidoscope Writing Wheel Eye, he completely fell into the dark and boundless abyss!

Completely annihilated by the emotions of pain and sourness.

It's hard to extricate yourself!

After a long time, Sasuke Uchiha looked at the world alone and slowly closed his eyes.

"Brother, I should be coming to see you soon. "


Finally, Sasuke finally woke up.

He opened his confused eyes.

Where are you at this time?

The next moment, a sharp pain swept through his heart.


A warm voice rang out:

"You're finally awake, Sasuke!"

Sasuke turned his head anxiously, only to see Naruto lying beside him.

Naruto had already woken up.

"Don't move, or we'll probably die from blood loss. "

At this time, both Naruto and Sasuke had no strength to fight.

Sasuke, who couldn't move at all, had mixed feelings in his heart, and muttered:

"Why do you have to hinder me?"

"Even if you become like this. "

"I want to go into the darkness and cut everything off for the sake of peace in the ninja world!

"Why did you never give up and still have a connection with me?"

Sasuke asked again and again, as in the past!

He wanted to know what kind of place he had in Naruto's heart!。

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