"My heart is not pure. With iron teeth on his waist, Inuyasha's gaze kept staring, muttering inwardly.

Maitreya walked side by side with Inuyasha, slowly following.

In front of them, Kagome was riding a bicycle at this time, and Shippo was sitting on the basket.

No one in the group spoke, and they were silent.

"It's not pure protection, I thought that guy wanted to get Iron Broken Teeth to protect me, but it didn't turn out at all. Riding a bicycle with an expressionless face, Kagome's heart was full of unhappiness and anger.

Neither Inuyasha nor Kagome doubted Sesshomaru's words, and for this, Kagome's heart was really angry.

Kagome knew that this meant that Inuyasha was still thinking about the one who had died fifty years earlier.

Because of that guy's existence, it is not pure to want to protect his heart.

Kagome has already decided to ignore this guy for the time being.

Go back to modern times for a while.

I'll talk about the Jade of the Four Souls later.

Soon, the group returned to Kaede Village.

"Oh, Kagome, you're back. "As soon as they returned to Kaede Village, Granny Kaede noticed Kagome and them.

"Well, I'm back, Granny Kaede. Kagome nodded at Kaede, and continued to ride her bike in the direction of the Bone-Eating Well.

Seeing this, Inuyasha did not stop Kagome, but quietly looked at Kagome's back.

He didn't know what to do with Kagome right now.

"Eh, what's going on?" Kaede also noticed that something was wrong, and asked Maitreya in a low voice.

"Ahaha, Granny Kaede, here's the thing. Maitreya pulled Kaede aside and began to tell Kaede about what happened to them on this trip.

"I see. After listening to what happened, Kaede showed an expression of sudden realization.

"Inuyasha, don't catch up yet. The next moment, Granny Kaede directly smashed a fruit from the basin in her hand into the head of Inuyasha, who was not far away, and shouted loudly.


On the other side, Sesshomaru and his party had already embarked on the journey again at this time.

It's a killing journey.

It's the doomsday journey of the demon wolf clan.

Relying on his powerful sense of smell, Sesshomaru began to search for the demon wolf clan scattered all over the place.

"Kill, Sheng, Young Master Maru, we, this is going, where?" It's just two days, and Ling's ability to speak has begun to recover somewhat, but it hasn't fully recovered, and there are still some stumbles.

At this time, Ling was reaching out and tugging at Sesshomaru's sleeve and asked Sesshomaru.

"Avenge you. Sesshomaru replied lightly.

"Revenge?" Ling tilted her head, puzzled.

"It was the demon wolf clan that attacked you before, and then I will completely wipe out the demon wolf clan. "

"This is the price they paid for you. Sesshomaru reached out and stroked Rei's little head and explained softly.

When the coral behind Sesshomaru heard this, he couldn't help but feel creepy, and at the same time, he also knew Sesshomaru's character again.

The killing is decisive and domineering.

It's just that Ling was killed by the demon wolf clan, and the killing pill is ready to directly exterminate the demon wolf clan, isn't this domineering.

However, this also made Sango's heart tremble, and a look of envy unconsciously appeared in Ling Ling's eyes.

This little girl is really lucky, she was able to let Sesshomaru treat her so gently.

When she met Sesshomaru before, Sesshomaru had always ignored her, as if it were air, and if it weren't for the presence of mica as a connection, she wouldn't have been able to get Sesshomaru's help, and even follow Sesshomaru's side.

It's a little better now, because of Rei's relationship, Sesshomaru will also say a word or two to her.

Well, although it was for her to prepare dinner for Ling and take care of Ling's daily life, it was much better than being treated as air before.

"Gone. Picking Ling up, Sesshomaru dropped a word, and suddenly rose into the air.

"Mica. Seeing this, Coral shouted at the mica on her shoulder.

The mica responded, and then jumped off the halving of the coral, turned into a fighting state, and chased the coral in chase.

"Young Master Sesshomaru, what happened?" Ling asked, puzzled, in Sesshomaru's arms.

"The smell of the wolf clan. Sesshomaru said lightly.

Hearing this, Ling trembled unconsciously.

Sesshomaru clearly felt Rei's trembling, and his teeth couldn't help but bite.

A bunch of damn juggles!!

Soon, Sesshomaru followed the smell to the location of the smell of the demon wolf clan.

As soon as they arrived at their destination, a series of screams continued to reach the ears of Sesshomaru and the others.

I saw below, a large group of demon wolves of the demon wolf clan were attacking a village.

The inhabitants of the village continued to flee and die under the attack of the demon wolf clan.


Flying bones!!

Behind him, Sango, who had caught up, saw this scene and threw his weapon out without any hesitation.

The high-speed whirling flying bones killed five demon wolves in just one shot.

"Mica, let's go down. Coral shouted at Mica.

Then a man and a spirit beast rushed down and began to kill the demon wolf clan that attacked the village.

At this time, the killing pill that stopped in the air did not do what he said before, and he wanted to exterminate the demon wolf clan.

At this time, Sesshomaru felt the trembling on Rei's body, but the anger in his heart had reached the extreme.

Ling's character Killing Pill knows that he is very strong, but now he is scared like this when he sees the demon wolf clan.

Shadow, Ling has a shadow on the existence of the demon wolf clan, if it is not removed in time, this shadow will accompany Ling for the rest of her life and become a nightmare for her life.

Even if he exterminates the demon wolf clan, it will be the same.

The only way is for Ling to remove the shadow herself.

The way to remove the shadows is to face them head-on.

Let Ling shatter this shadow.

"Ling, don't close your eyes, take a good look down. Sesshomaru said softly.

Ling, who was curled up in Sesshomaru's arms, was stunned for a moment, and looked up at Sesshomaru with a slight puzzlement.

"Ling, it's up to you to exterminate the demon wolf clan. Looking at Ling who looked at him in bewilderment, Sesshomaru said again.


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